The Gestational Diabetes support thread

coming up for a week of being diagnosed GD (Tuesday). Blood sugars seem to be settling down - pre-breakfast one is still a lttle high but the 1hr after eating tests are between 4.4 and 6.8 depending upon how many carbs eaten. We've all been eating the same food (so good for me too) - except spare daughter who lives with us has biscuits :)... Luckily for daughter that she doesn't have to worry too much about the fat content of the food - except that obviously you don't want to eat too much. For bread, which she doesn't eat too much of as it's that that seems to raise blood sugar, we've switched to Burgen Linseed and Soya bread - more expensive but a lot lower on GI index (and very nice too - one slice is enough). Desserts are yoghurt mainly - but just brought some sugar-free jelly so going to give that a go. hopefully we're on the right track - she has an appointment with the diabetic midwife on Tuesday...

on a side note - she had a 4D scan today - that was absolutely amazing and you can see the little chap so clearly (only pro with having more fluid). The sonographer was the one that actually works at the hospital she's under so it's nice to have a rapport (she goes for a growth scan with the same lady tomorrow).. he's got chubby cheeks though lol.. and guestimate weight - at the moment, is 2lb 9oz!!
Hi I've been recently diagnosed with GD and getting to grips with monitoring my sugars after meals. I'm testing 1hr after eating and have a max level of 7.8. I haven't greatly changed what I'm eating but none of my readings are above 5.6. My gtt was only a borderline fail. I've cut out the chocolate between meals and that's all. I'm wondering if I really have GD
Hey all on baby no 3 and had GD with both my first babies. Second one noticeable worse then first and was on a fair amount on insulin.

I am always watched anyway and D is heavy in my family so I am going to catch it early again and get it controlled. I have been induced at 38 weeks with both mine due to growth being big.
Keep monitoring as your preg develops it can get worse. Hopefully diet will be enough to keep it sorted. They found mine too late with first and second I was on insulin from 15 weeks as my levels were going crazy!!! In the 20's! X
hospital have now upped daughter's insulin (she has higher levels after breakfast) and, for the last week they've all been around the 5.3 mark. She also had ketones (only slightly though) in her pee which can be a sign of (a) dehydration (b) uti or (c) body breaking down fats for energy... they're going to take a look next week to see if it's changed but she does drink a fair amount and doesn't have a UTI as far as she's aware.. finger's crossed all is ok. Her fluid levels have dropped back to normal and baby's growth is following the correct patter albeit he's a large one. He weighed a guestimate of 3 and half pounds on Tuesday and she'll be 30 weeks tomorrow... bar that she's fine..

We're following, as far as we can, the low GI 'diet'.. which, to be honest, is bloomin' easy.. if she fancies something 'sweet' for dessert she can have sugar-free jelly or angel delight; or fruit or yoghurt (Total 0% is lovely) and, because she's not on the 'diet' to lose weight, she can snack on meat or cheese (squished cheese in celery stick is a favourite)..

Hi all,

Been diagnosed with GD today at my 31 week MW app - fasting level was 4.1 and after 2 hours it was 8.1. Bit annoyed no-one got back to me with results when I had my GTT nearly 3 weeks ago - MW had to chase the hospital up!
Really hoping I can control things with diet and exercise - not seeing the diabetic nurse for another two weeks as I'm away on holiday next week. Have been exercising throughout my pregnancy anyway so going to keep that up as much as I can and try to reduce my sugar intake. Will be following this thread from now on!

I've just registered with this forum, and it's mainly because I had my GTT yesterday and then got a phone call from the hospital today. I had to go in and then I was told that I have GD. Fasting level was 4.9, two hours following the drink it went up to 8.7.

I've been given a massive load of leaflets and glucose monitoring kit, and to be honest I am feeling totally overwhelmed. I am very overweight so maybe this will be an amazing way to get that under control....gulp! help!

I had my test on the 18th July was told Monday I had gd then was told to go to a class at the hospital about gd the following Monday this lasted a few hrs giving us all the information and scaring us a little bit but we was all given our blood testing kits and told to do the tests one day before meals and the next day after and try and keep within the target which is below 5 for before meals and below 7 1 hr after a meal.

Most of my readings have Been in this range but a few over which makes me worrie highest was 8.8 I think u have to really check what Ur eating because u think things are healthy and clearly they have hidden sugar. Fed up already of doing the prick tests on my fingers but I know he will be here soon so hopefully it will soon stop ...

My readings on the first blood test was 5.2 after the drink 2 hrs later it was 8.4
Chrissy221 I am getting fed up already too. And I'm getting as confused as you are about how much sugar is actually in things. Pre breakfast my BM was 4.8 and two hours later its 8.3 and I only had a bowl of special k :( What can I have instead? They've said they want my levels to be below 6 before meals and below 8 two hours later. Most of the time I am hovering at about 5.8. However, I have cut out an awful lot in order to do that and I now feel exhausted and dizzy (I was craving a lot of sweet things before finding out).

When I saw the usual midwife yesterday she said I wasn't eating enough because of showing ketones in urine, but my blood sugar was near 7. I am just confused about getting a balance.

Hope you're coping better today x
Unfortunately I found that pretty much any breakfast cereal made my sugars jump to over 8. In the end only toast would keep it within the "normal" range. Apparently that's the hardest one to sort out. The GD nurses keep their eyes on you though xx
cereal really affected my daughter too... as do potatoes (but not couscous or rice or sweet potatoes).. very odd. she's now 32 weeks plus 4 days tomorrow. Since she's been on insulin the fluid level has dropped to normal and the growth centile is no-where near so pronounced. He's still going to be a big boy - guestimate weight was 5lb on Tuesday but he's progressing along the 'normal' level if you see what I mean. She's put on, so far only 15lbs - which, considering he's 5 is pretty good I guess...

don't try and let it get to you too much.. we all follow the low GI diet and it's pretty easy - I guess she's lucky in as much as she doesn't need to cut down on high protein stuff (so she can snack on Cheese/meat etc)... and, if something sweet is desired then Tesco Mini Ice Lollies (fruit or milk) are ideal.. odd thing is though, if she used an artificial sweetner instead of sugar it increased her blood reading ...
Im Kinda hoping I can get a bit of info/help.

Had my GTT test on the 17th July, had a phone call booking me in with my consultant (already high risk due to Hypothyroidism) on the 29th July.

Saw 2 other people - a dietician who said she was happy with my portion sizes and choices of food, but was told to not have fresh fruit juice, only eat 1 fruit at a time, eat more granary bread, and eat between 30-50 carbs with each meal. The other person showed me how to self test.

Went home and made the diet changes. Got a phone call on 1st Aug asking for my reading which to be honest were all over the place. Started Metformin that afternoon. now currently taking 1000mg every morning and another 1000mg every evening but it isnt making much difference if I'm honest.

Im back there tomorrow for a growth scan and to talk with the consultant regarding insulin and my hypothyroidism.

What am I doing wrong? Heres yesterdays food:

Yesterday I had:

breakie:1 boiled egg with 1 slice of granary toast cut into soldiers

Lunch: small sunday lunch - 1 slice of turkey, 2 medium roast potatoes, 1 desert spoon of mash potatoe, 1 mini yorkshire pud, carrots, cauliflower and cabbage

Super: 1 slice of cheese on granary toast and an apple.

Readings for yesterday:

Before breakie: 6.2
1 hour after breakie: 9.4
before lunch: 5.4
1 hour after lunch: 8.2
before supper: 5.7
1 hour after supper: 6.7

Then this morning before breakie: 6.2

Ive been told I need to be in the following ranges:
before food: 3.5 - 5.9
1 hour after food: less than 7.8

What am I doing wrong?? :-(
That looks very similar to mine, I'm eating around the same things and very similar readings. Only just found out about my GD and so this is my first week of monitoring. I'm going in on Wednesday for a growth scan and to see the dietician and consultant. It would be nice to help each other with it. How many weeks pregnant are you? x
Oh after rereading yours I was told to monitor mine two hours after food. Will let you know how I get on on Wednesday though
Hello there...

It's all a bit of trial and error.

My daughter (pregnant with GD too) can't eat mash or roast potatoes but is ok with a couple of boiled ones but she can eat sweet potatoes (which seems odd eh). She can also handle small portions of rice and couscous.

Try the soya and linseed breakd (Jurgens I believe though I think Hovis do one too) - that's one of the lowest GI breads on the market.

Her diet is higher in protein - she can snack on small cubes of cheese or meat (usually chicken). For fruit - apples are better than some of the berries for her, she's ok with peaches and with pomegranite seeds on yoghurt (try the Total Greek Yoghurt - it's lovely). Also sweetner seems to put her sugar levels up too - I think the body regards sweetner as sugar sometimes.

It's still early for you and you're still getting your head around it - chat with your diabetic team that's what they're there for.

Good luck ...

Granny W
I'm currently 28 weeks 3 days, so close to yourself.

I'm worried in case hypothyroidism is linked to gestational diabetes too.

Roll on tomorrow I say.
I'm quite overweight so I think that's been a big contribution to mine, although I didn't have it in my last pregnancy. Let me know how you get on tomorrow and good luck with it. Maybe write down questions before you go so you don't forget to ask anything. I'm finding it all very confusing. Do you know what you're having? Are you ready for it? x
Hi ladies, had my gdt this morning. I fasted as adviced and blood test at 9.10am had the drink and fainted in the drs just before 10am. I felt awful and woke surrounded by gps . Anyway dr pricked my finger and that was 7.8 and i am just wondering had second bloods hour later than that and have to wait a week for results. Wondering is this a high reading or would it change in an hour .
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Hi Augustus, that sounds awful. How are you feeling now? I know my level after the two hours was 8.7. I was told that the level to be borderline GD after the two hours was 7.8-8.2mmols. They contacted me the morning after I had mine done to let me know and get me in to see them, so it's not too long to wait. Good luck xx

I was told to stay off of apples and stick to berries lol. And I really want an apple! Might have one at dinner. I am struggling to not snack in between as well, otherwise it gets quite confusing as to when I should do the tests. Really frustrating.


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