The Gestational Diabetes support thread

1 small spoon of mash wont hurt..Right? :( We only had mashed ones today and I had to eat something so I took the amount of a little spoon (less than 50 gram) It won't be more than 10 carbs, max..

I just calculated and I had around 75 carbs today (in total) how many do they recommend you to take a day?

Also, I searched for the normal signs of type 2 and they said that even normal people sometimes have a reading of 10 o.o But then again, if you have higher than a 7 after pregnancy you automatically have diabetes for life?!
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They will prob recommend you have a little bit more than that tbh. I was havin around 120g a day x
Im just really scared I get it after pregnancy :( My mum has it + overweight + GD = 95% of getting it straight after pregnancy they said :(
I was the same :(

It's not so bad at the moment, I'm already on tablets though :( xx
Aww :( You know what I find weird though?! My mum has it for a few years now and the doctors said if she doesnt lose at least 3-4 stone she will not reach the 45, but they're not giving her insulin or any medicines at all?! (She eats a lot by the way, a big size bag of chips with a burger and sauce and 1.5 plates of rice etc, that kind of stuff)

Also, oh's sister has also diabetes and is now 25 weeks pregnant but she is just allowed to eat everything she wants whenever she wants without insulin as well! And her baby is doing fine. So confused
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My baby now with GD much smaller than my last baby with whom I did not have GD. MY single biggest motivation to keep eating healthily was that I desperately want a water birth and they wouldn't allow me that on insulin. That's not to say that people who are on insulin didn't try hard, I'm just very lucky.

The thing with mash is the same as orange juice, it's much healthier to have oranges than orange juice :)

I was all booked in to the birthing centre for hypnobirthing :( I was truly gutted especially as the reason was because I had to be on an insulin/glucose drip during labour, but was only in labour 2 hours so didn't bloody have time lol x

Aww I know what you mean :( I really truly hope the bath will be free otherwise I will be so gutted! It's not so bad if you have a quick labour but sadly no one can predict or guarantee that hehe :) xx

It depends on how you react on Nutella hun ^^ If you eat a lovely (really lovely...ughhh...Nutella is just heaven really) sandwich of it and afterwards your readings are low (or normal) then it's fine to nom on it (not too much ofcourse, but that counts for everything)


I know what I'm gonna eat after lo is born though :D

I just love it on hot toast so it's all melty and delicious... SWOON

OH said he will pack a jar and a spoon in my hospital bag for afterwards :lol:

Thanks for the advice tho ladies, I'm only 2 days in testing-wise but not had a dodgy reading yet (although I'm probably being over cautious atm) but it's reassuring me that this might not be so bad. I think I'm just a bit scared to try things in case I get a really high reading!
It's alright if you get a high reading every now and then, then you know what your body can and can't tolerate so you can leave certain items out of your diet. It's bad if you consistently keep getting high readings such as every morning is above the norm or after dinner for 4 days in a row or something x

Ladies :( Is it normal that they let me wait over 3 weeks before they make an appointment even though I have it?! Still havent seen the diabetic nurse, had an appointment but that one got canceled and they havent make a new appointment yet.

According to oh's sister and nan (both with diabetes) they would never let me wait this much if I do have it because it's a quite serious condition for the baby so the diet etc should be given really quick. They let me wait since week 32. Without telling me the readings. Or with an appointment.

Anyone who has to wait over 3 weeks before they told you ANYTHING?
I can see myself reaching full term before they tell me anything. WHAT'S THE POINT FOR THE LAST FEW WEEKS/DAYS?!
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I got told I I had GD on the Friday and had an appointment with the diabetic midwife on the following Monday!

You need to kick up a fuss hun! They need to see you ASAP as they need to help you control it or you could end up with a massive baby with health issues after he/she is born!!
Lo is measuring fine, even a little bit smaller than average and whenever I try to ring them they're not in, so I left a message with my phone number but no one rung back and this is not the first time I tried! Make me think if I really have it or not ._.
I've been avoiding chocolate since I got told I had GD. But last night.... I just had to have some! So I had one of those little kinder bars after my dinner. And my reading was fine! Woop woop! I swear, the whole road heard me jump for joy after that reading :D
Yay for the chocolate! I need some too...
It's someone's birthday at work today and there's the chocolatiest cake in the world sitting about 5ft away from me right now - why is there still any left?! I have been strong but I only have so much willpower! :lol:
Hey girls! Just to let you know I've had my baby boy, got induced but thankfully only with prostin pessaries, managed to have a water birth and just gas and air and he is well and amazing!

Just keep with it and you will be fine - it's all worth it in the end! xxx

Congratulations!! That's lovely news :) glad you got the birth you wanted x
Just to show the fact you have GD doesn't automatically mean you're doomed. You just have to fight for your rights as a patient/parent :-) x

Congratulations Berit! I was wondering how you got on (you mentioned on one of my threads that you were being induced on Tuesday!). So pleased you got the birth you wanted - wonderful news!

I was told on Wednesday that i have GD. Firstly, i was "missed" when it came to the GTT test, 3 midwives and a consultant failed to notice in my notes that i had polycystic ovaries and a higher bmi (36) so i shouldve had one. Eventually had one at 33+3, someone rang me to say my results were absolutely fine, then a couple of hours later i was phoned to say my results were ok but at the higher end of normal so i needed to be referred to the anti natal clinic. Along i go to be to told that infact my results were abnormal and that i do have GD!
So, i now have a little kit to test my sugar levels a few times a day and they are hoping that it can be controlled by diet alone - theres not much time left to fit in all the usual check ups and tests though as im booked in for a section at 39wks (possibly 38 if the diet thing doesnt work!)

So thats my story - just wanted to say hello really!

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