The Gestational Diabetes support thread

I feel terrible, there's only white bread to eat so I took 2 slices..I put some meat on it so no carbs from that and as a drink water, but its still 33 gr carbs for 2 bloody slices! I've read that most woman are allowed 30-40 gr carbs for every meal but still
They're gonna ring me today telling me my levels + appointment for a diet, finally, after 5 days ._.

Also checked my weight and I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight again, so I basically gained 11 lbs in 34 weeks and now I lost it again.
The insulin works! For the first time since I began testing my post breakfast reading was under 7.9! Woop woop! Makes the achy leg a bit more worth it now :)
Aww nice to hear that it works now hun :)

Mw promised..PROMISED me that they would ring me today to make an appointment + levels, but no one rung me! I didn't leave the house but no one rung, so I still don't know anything! In the letter they gave me before I took the GTT it clearly said "If you do have high readings we will contact you asap" and the mw said they would ring me today because they are in today. No one rung and Im getting really frustrated :(
Omg :( That is really rubbish! I got a call on the same day! Did they tell you what your levels were? I'd give them an ear bashing tomorrow, if I were you! At the end of the day, this is affecting the health of your baby!! xx
No, I don't know my levels, mw isn't even sure if I do have GD or not! Didn't have any symptoms up till now and lo is measuring fine..How dare they not giving me a ring if I do have it :(

Already looking out with what I eat, lost 11 lbs (probably due stressing out and being ill) and if I do have it I won't have an appointment till 35-36 weeks :(
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Oh goodness. They really have left you in the dark, haven't they?! I thought the test was pretty conclusive that is the glucose level was over a certain number you had GD?!
Yes they did :( Especially the letter with the whole "contacting you asap if you have high levels" I was at least expecting a letter with my levels..Or at least a phone call but no.

I want to test my own levels with the meter of OH's nan, by eating chocolate and then check after 2 hours how high my levels are..Only for 1 time though because I'm really frustrated!
I would advise testing one hour after eating - more accurate result. I know some hospitals say 2 hours but mine have always insisted 1 hour to be on the safe side.

Yeah, test one hour after. Thats when I have to do my tests.
Had a letter today :c For an appointment with the nurse for my diet etc, next Wednesday
STILL dont know my result though and I want to check my readings myself, want to check how I react on bread and that kind of stuff
update on me. i have gestational diabetes and im anemic so im on meds for both of them and i have to be seen every two weeks now and each appointment is 3 hours grrr. bubs is already 4lbs so going to be a big baby. we went out for dinner after the hospital as it was valentines day and our 7th anniversary and we had asked for the sonographer to write the sex of the baby in a card and we opened it b4 desert. we r having a boy. that cheered me up loads. its hard trying to come up with meals that i can have but its not for much longer 8 to 10 more weeks to go.
I wouldn't be too concerned about the weight from the scan :) they told me 3 days before induction that Stanley was roughly 10lb!!! He was 7lb4oz :) c
Dragonlady, I've had appointments every 2 weeks since I was 14 weeks pregnant, am 39 now! It is extremely frustrating, but some of them only last an hour and some admittedly do actually last 3. You don't ALWAYS need to see midwife or dietician, sometimes it's just the diabetic team and a consultant. Because if those appointments my pregnancy has actually flown by without me realising it.

Congratulations on the boy too, wonderful news :)

Best of luck and like jaxx said, I definitely would not worry about the weight they tell you at scan, my sonographer said its got a good 15-20% mistake rate at least :)

Congrats of getting a boy :D

I have Ryvita crackers as a snack now, and with only 4 carbs for each cracker..So I can eat 3-4 at a time :D And they're so delicious (I eat them dry by the way)

Oh and a question, what is the chance to get the real version of diabetes after GD? I heard it's 50% and it will only take a few months if you're unlucky
I'm not sure what the chance are but I'm one of the unlucky ones ;( I'm now fully blown type 2 at 31 :( depressing. It has changed my whole life :( fingers crossed you ladies don't go down the same route :( xx

update on me. i have gestational diabetes and im anemic so im on meds for both of them and i have to be seen every two weeks now and each appointment is 3 hours grrr. bubs is already 4lbs so going to be a big baby. we went out for dinner after the hospital as it was valentines day and our 7th anniversary and we had asked for the sonographer to write the sex of the baby in a card and we opened it b4 desert. we r having a boy. that cheered me up loads. its hard trying to come up with meals that i can have but its not for much longer 8 to 10 more weeks to go.

Hi dragonlady, i have just found out the same... slight anaemia (9.7) and on the cusp of GD (second gtt reading of 7.8) I have an apt with diabetes nurse on Monday so should find out the plan for me then. Think it will involve those lengthy apt too! At the mo it all feels a bit full on.... I'm trying to navigate iron rich foods and ok GD foods!? I'm hoping i'll understand things better after the apt.
Congratulations on the news you're having a boy :-) ours is a girl x
well touch wood the meds seem to be working as my results have all been a lot lower and close to the acceptable range all day yesterday. im hoping time will pass quickly with all these appointments ive only got about 8 to 10 weeks to go depending on a few things as i may go early. so id say i have about 4 appointments to break the time up. ive also found that only two of my fingers bleed well enough to do the blood tests lol and they r getting a bit sore now but oh well. thank you for the congratulations on finding out we r having a boy. it feels great to be saying he and not it but finding out we r having a little kaden has cheered me up so much after all the bad stuff going on, ive even cut out his name to go with the winnie the pooh characters for his room lol. keeping busy is helping me to cope and keep my mind off it all so im throwing myself into getting everything ready.

hope ur all having a good day today
Argh! So frustrated this morning! Woke up, did my reading, was 5.3 (the same as yesterday) and did my 4 units of insulin. Had my breakfast (slice of granary toast with low fat marg and marmite), did my reading an hour later, expecting it to me around 7.3 (which it was yesterday) and it a 9.2!! The only different thing I had was a cup of tea, but there was no sugar in it!! So then I have to do another 3 units of insulin to try and correct it.

Honestly, this is so frustrating!
Is it true that most of you had more than only 1 test, cause I heard that 1 test isn't 100% sure etc..Heard stories of ladies who had GD after 1 test (high levels etc) but when they had to check their levels after every meal they never got higher than 4.6 (even after a high sugary meal) so turned out that their levels were just a bit higher on that day due of stress or the weather..

And I can see why you're frustrated, hun :( I personally dont think tea made your levels that high..You sure you checked after you washed your hands etc?
I have only had one test. Won't get tested again until after he is born now. I personally think my reading of 16.8 was innacurate, as I went out for dinner the night before (stupid me) and never had a fasting blood taken.

Yeah, did everything as normal! It's just annoying that I can do exactly the same thing 2 days in a row and get completely different results. One more high reading and I have to call the midwives again! I really do not want to have to go back to hospital for another 3 hour appointment!!!!
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