The Gestational Diabetes support thread

But dont they tell you to just eat normally before the test? (The day before) I had KFC lol..

And yeah, that sounds so horrible, bet you'll be fine though :)
The night before I had a massive harvester. So lots of bread and potatoes! I swear, everywhere seems to do this test differently!

Well, I've just done my post lunch reading and it was 7.3, so thats fine. Thank god! This diabetes thing is stressing me out so much! I really really hope it goes away once lo is born!
It is all very frustrating and hard to get your head around!

i only had one test too even though i protested saying i don't think i had it. I also had food within the 12 hour slot as i forgot i wasn't supposed to eat. I have not had high levels and I've got through the whole pregnancy with diet only. Still have appointments every 2 weeks and never got retested.

What is your post meal reading supposed to be? Can it be over 7?

My MW said not to eat anything from midnight.... which would mean less than 12 hours. Cause I probably finished dinner at about 9 that night and I drank the stuff at 7:30am to have bloods done at 9:30am!

My post meal reading should be under 7.8.
Oh! I was not allowed to eat from 8pm night before and my test was 8am the next day. Weird how they do things so differently.

Ok, you're safe then - again every hospital demands very different levels

I wasn't allowed to eat from 10pm the other day till 12 the other day, so that's 14 hours of fasting :)

And oh dear..I just stood on the scales and I gained around 13 lbs (in 34 weeks, not in 1 week, dont worry xD) but I still think its way too much..Isn't it?
It's not way too much, most of it is baby, placenta and water - not a gain to worry about :-) I'm 39 weeks now and have gained 11lbs in total and doctors were very happy with that.

Helloooo ladies, just found out this week I have GD. Was a bit of a shock!
Been for growth scan this morning and all is within normal range so that's reassuring :)
Armed with my blood sugar checker clicker thingy :lol: I'm hoping I'm gonna be able to manage this with diet!
Hello and welcome! Sorry to hear that, I was in a state of shock when I found out!
Let's hope you can manage to get through this with diet alone! Although sometimes no matter how hard you try it doesn't work. How many weeks are you?

Thanks! :wave:

I'm 31+3 today - had my GTT late as think I slipped through the cracks! I'm so glad we've found out though as now can do everything we can to manage it!

It's a bit daunting knowing how much of what food is ok etc, plus I'm devastated I have to stay off the Nutella!
Yes, the sooner the better. The earlier you can start making better food choices the more likely you are to succeed. That's not to say that it will definitely work, our bodies are funny things and sometimes no matter how hard we try it still doesn't work.

You can have a little bit of Nutella if you really crave it, just make sure you go for a brisk 20 minute walk after that so you can burn it off.

I always did that - eat something naughty and then walk or do other manageable exercise! x

It depends on how you react on Nutella hun ^^ If you eat a lovely (really lovely...ughhh...Nutella is just heaven really) sandwich of it and afterwards your readings are low (or normal) then it's fine to nom on it (not too much ofcourse, but that counts for everything)

Another reason why I want to have my dietplan and glucose meter already (they found out I had GD with 34 weeks and I still havent got anything yet, they'll let me wait till 36 weeks! Dont even know my levels yet lol) Still find it funny yet a bit odd that they let me so long without testing etc and lo isn't measuring too big and I havent feel anything weird ._.

But she moved it to next week.

Berit, does an hour Wii Sport counts as enough exercise as well after a Nutella meal? Like, tennis or baseball or boxing?

I know what I'm gonna eat after lo is born though :D
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It definitely should help - again, it depends on how high your levels are in the first place. If you eat Nutella and your levels go to let's say 8.5 it takes a lot less to burn it than for example if it went as high as 15.
Even when I ate a large bar of chocolate and ice cream and mince pies - my levels never went over 10, I never saw double figures. Whereas some girls here only have to look at bread and they get a crazy reading.
All I used to do is literally 15mins of stepping on WII or some weights for my arms for 10-15 mins and that was enough.
I hope your doctors sort themselves out soon and you can see how you react to different foods!

Oh thats nice then :) Would you notice anything if your levels would be way too high? Like, I eat chocolate for example and my levels turn out to be over 14? Would my body react strangely on such a high level?
I used to feel quite sluggish and tired - I then checked levels and they were higher than normal.

Wow Jaxx! That's quite scary. Because I'd never seen double digits I probably would have fainted at anything over 10 haha x

18 after only 1 bite or a bar or?
And what is wrong with mashed potatoes btw? They're just like normal ones but then mashed ._.?
Basically with a normal potato your body takes longer to break down the glucose in it so it doesn't affect you as quickly, whereas if its mashed its already partly broken so will enter your bloodstream quicker ... Or something along those lines xxx
It makes you feel crappy :( the highest I've had since being type 2 as opposed to GD Is an 11 but even that's bad :( x

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