The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Hi DaisyDoo I'm so glad you decided to go for the GTT in the end.

Things hopefully won't be too bad as you don't have long left now!! Have you seen a dietician yet?? If not, then we can help a little xxx
Hi DaisyDoo :wave:

I'm kind of in a similar boat to you - diagnosed later than usual (although not quite as late as you!) - I was overlooked - I don't think I would've been sent for a GTT if I hadn't mentioned it but I had seen in my notes that I was supposed to.

I'm guessing you will have one extra scan then? At 36 weeks maybe?

How are you finding the diet so far?

Hope it all goes well for you xx
Hello both! I saw the diabetic nurse wednesday when she gave me my little kit, she gave me an information leaflet which said what i should and shouldnt eat and what i could have instead. I didnt have a bad diet to begin with, only thing id have that i shouldnt would be a few biscuits every day - but there was obviously something hidden in some food somewhere to send my levels up, so its just being sensible for the next few weeks i think!

I have a growth scan on wednesday coming, i had a scan at 30wks as im under the care of the consultant - they arent exactly sure how i ended up being sent for one at 30wks as apparently this isnt the norm but they scanned me nonetheless and little lady was measuring just how she should be so no sign of a big baby at the moment. Then i need to go and see someone on the 15th to discuss everything and see if my section needs to be brought forward to 38wks!

Sorry - i seem to keep writing essays!
Glad you're sorted with your kit and armed with your leaflets :) That's good news about your scan!

Same here re: diet - it's been pretty simple so far as we haven't had to change a lot - my thing was pure fruit juice in the mornings which I miss as I don't drink tea/coffee, and obviously the odd chocolate bar ;) but have mostly cut down portion sizes

Oh yes - she asked me if i drank fruit juice as that could cause a bit of trouble! I replied "only when its on offer as we like the Innocent ones", she just laughed! Its hard giveing up something that you really enjoy isnt it, but with a bit of luck we will all be back to normal when babies are here! I hope so anyway as i have a packet of chocolate hobnobs to go in my hospital bag haha!
Haha so funny we said the same thing about the Innocent juices! They are sooooo good! Always on offer in Tescos!

Haha OH said he will pack me a jar of nutella and a spoon in my bag :lol:

I have been having one plain hobnob before bed every night (I found I was waking up at like 2am feeling sick with hunger) and really enjoying my little treat!
Pfft..Im 36 weeks now and still no dietplan etc etc, mw said that the GD doesnt affect the baby though because its just an average height and all, so she's more like "dont worry about it" and told me to just eat normally until next week, she also said that Im just allowed to have a water birth and all :)

Baby's 35 cm now :D
ARGH! I am so frustrated!! I've been so good all week, and only had one high reading, but it wasn't high enough for me to inject with insulin again. I was sick of toast for breakfast. So I had bran flakes instead..... just did my reading and it's 9.7!! NINE POINT SEVEN!! Needless to say, the air was blue after the reading came up.

And, it's my birthday on Monday, and I'm not even going to be able to have any cake :(
I had blueberry shredded wheats today instead of toast and it sent mine right up to 9.2 - i wont be having that again! Its surprising though isnt it, i wouldnt have expected that to happen but at least i know now to stay away from it
I'm just so bored of toast for breakfast. But even the ultra healthy cereals, the ones that are "low gi" with no sugar send me through the roof!
Have you tried porridge? My grandmother is diabetic and says it's the best breakfast for her. Sorry just thread crashing here but wondered if porridge works for others.
Even porridge makes my readings go nuts. That, and I don't like it :(
Oh well, maybe it would be worse if it didn't make your readings go nuts then :).
i read today that cinnamon helps to lower ur blood sugar so add some of that to ur porridge.

my readings are still all over and i think im going to be put on insulin next appointment oh the joys
dragonlady - are you on any medication at the moment or just using diet? (sorry, i havent read very far back!)
im on a controlled diet and metaformin twice a day but its not helping enough
ah right. i was on metformin for pcos but didnt get on well with it at all, it was like i had permanent 24hr morning sickness. Do they up your doseage for it to see if that makes a difference?
im on the highest dose they can give me. ive been on them b4 but for ivf and im ok on then so all good in that sense but they r not working the way the the midwife wants so said give it till next appointment and she will make a decision. this pregnancy was going great till middle of second tri then it all went down hill and right now id happily let them deliver bubs early to put an end to all of this gestational diabetes, anemia, spd, this strange pain under right rib. i just feel like crap
It's really odd you say this Hun, I was hospitalised for 3 days with a pain under my right rib when I was pregnant!! Do they know what it is?? I had CT scan, X-rays the lots and they couldn't find a cause!!! Xxx
i had an x ray and eeg and ecg and some other tests on my lungs and heart. they were looking at it being a blood clot but all tests were clear well other than a slight sinus tachycardia basically a fast heart beat. they said just putting it down to pregnancy and baby pushing up into ribs even tho i dont feel him up there he is lower down and his feet r further over too. they kept asking me if i have had a hypo or a hyper from my diabetes and i just thought i wouldn't know if i did or not lol. i have other illnesses that have the same symptoms as those so its hard to tell which is caused by which lol
though today my bloods have been high and i can deffo feel the effects of that.

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