The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Ooo a soup!!! What vegetables are you going to use for that??? What a wonderful idea :)

I Am thinking an omelette with spinach and mushrooms for breakfast,
Lunch I have left over roast Abd I will stir fry some vegetables
Dinner will be chilly I think, my oh will have it with nachos and I will have it over shredded cabbage :roll:

I really really love the Lilly-Ann
Aw thanks Hun :hugs:
Soup will be cauliflower and broccoli with onion and garlic for added flavour and some cheese sprinkled on top. The kids love homemade soup so I best make extra haha x
Good morning girls :hug:

Amy the soup sounds so yummy, I may make a pot this weekend to have for the next week. I should add some kind of protein though inside :doh: or eat it as a starter maybe?
When I was on Atkins diet i used to make a soup that really loved with creamed broccoli and cauliflower.

yesterday's experiments with food showed clearly that I can't tolerate many carbs...
Today's morning reading is 5.8 :( which I suppose is not ok??

Anyway hoping for a better day today so I just had an omelette with spinach and mushrooms... I expect a better reading in 2 h ....
I don't seem to do so good with calories either, I added all my food to a calculator yesterday and it cane up to 1500 calories... That's extremely low for me considering that I am overweight and pregnant I should have close to 2800 or even more if you add daily activity...
My appointment with the diabetic clinic is on Monday so I will see what they say...
But I only see insulin as a solution as I can't add more carbs due to my glucose it should mean that I have to eat a great amount of fat and protein to meet my daily calories :wall:

Anyway here it hope for better measurements today for both of us :love:
Good morning hope
Not long to wait for your appointment and I bet they will be super impressed with you let's hope your readings reflect your effort today
I'm very hormonal this morning and full if self pity I need a good old kick up the bum. My fasting reading was 6.3 and I haven't been able to muster up the will to go and get breakie yet.
I'm going for a long soak to see if I can find my mojo x
morning ladies :)

Awww hunni :( hope you feel better soon xxx
Morning Jaxx :love:

Aww amy sorry that you feel like that :hug: I hope a bath helped?
Don't skip meals missy :hug:
Amy what week are you?
It shouldn't be long for you either?
Though it does feel an eternity Dosent it???
Yeh I feel a bit better after my bath. Ah it's not just the GD i think my hormones are just at me. My dads anniversary was the other day so has set me off a little.
Breakfast reading was 11 but I'm about to do my cross trainer to try and bring it down. On a good note my hips don't hurt so much today so I'm hoping bubs has moved x
Glad you are feeling better :love:
I am do jealous that you can still do physical exercise.
Getting up the stairs to the bedroom is even a mission for me :(
Does anyone else have better readings during the day compared with those after breakfast? Or am I the only awkward one?
I barely ate carbs for breakfast and yet my 2 h reading was higher than the one after lunch that I even ate strawberries...
My breakfast one is mostly my highest Hun I think because your more active during the day it helps bring it down
I just went for my insulin prescription and the bloody hospital haven't even faxed it to my doctors I'm fuming. I have enough for the weekend so I'm hoping it will be sorted by Monday x
Oh right yes it makes sense actually... Though not much activity for me... My hip is killing me... I struggle to go from the sofa to the bathroom....

That's completely awful with your insulin . Fx they will fix it very soon :hug:

How was your soup??

I just had fried minced meat over shredded cabbage and salsa nom nom nom :)
Oh that sounds lovely I might give that a try during the week. it's always nice to get ideas. Soup was lovely I had to fight the kids for it haha
I'm testing in the next 10 mins so fx
that's my soup off my list!
:roll: how???? What else was it in that soup? Did it have pastas or rice maybe? Or potatoes?
:hug: sorry hun :(
Honestly I'm baffled by my body soup was just veg blitzed up with a spoon if natural yogurt and a sprinkle of cheese. I'm really really careful. I actually thought I had been so busy I would get a good reading.
I'm not going to get down about it if I was sitting scoffing chocolate and cakes then I would have myself to blame but I'm not. I think plan b is needed by my consultant next week because this is clearly not working x
:hug: exactly, after all you are doing your best.
I am sure they will come with a better plan :hug:

I was diagnosed with GD a week ago and my GTT test results were 8.3 (fasting) & 18.2 (after drink).

Its NEVER been that high, ever prior to pregnancy as I have checked it at least once every couple of months for the last 12 years when my dad developed Type 2 after a Stroke.

Throughout my pregnancy (1st baby at 39 years old) my levels have been very good until last week.

Ive been told I WILL take insulin, I WILL be induced at 38 weeks and I WILL most likely need a C section!!!

I have told them i will try to manage thru diet, then Metformin first (i take 2000 mg a day), THEN if necessary ill take Insulin.

Im really not happy about being induced or having a C section, unless there are likely to be complications & NOT just because they THINK i may have a bigger baby etc.

Im so down about all of this. My last scan last week was showing baby to be a healthy weight for the week and the ideal size. I know it could change but im just sooo depressed about it all.

My sugar levels vary, usually about 6 in the morning and after eating about 8-10

Can I just ask, does anyone know what a normal result is?

For fasting, and after drink? X
Ferretlover I'm in the same boat as you Hun and it can be very frustrating. My baby is on the large side despite all my efforts to get my GD under control. I'm on insulin the past 2 weeks as metformin failed to control my levels and I'm still getting high readings.
Tbh as much as I don't want to be induced and am terrified of the thought of a section I'm willing to do what ever they want as long as baby is safe. I'm here if you have any questions and will try and answer them as best I can :hugs:
Frolass I think your levels have to be below 6 for fasting and under 7.8 after the drink but I'm not sure. These are the numbers I'm to aim for x

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