The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Hey everyone :) hopefully you all having a lazy sunday :)
And you amy fx for good readings today :)

The day started with a 5.5 then I had breakfast that was actually hugenormous :roll: ( low carbohydrate bread 2 small slices one with cream cheese and one with sugar free strawberry gem and 2 eggs)
I got a 6 after that so it wasn't so bad I suppose...
Now just had lunch (meatballs and green beans and a couple of strawberries with mascarpone cheese for desert)
We will see how that will work...

Hip is still shitty...

Diabetic team appointment tomorrow and I am quite stressed about that:( and the idea of how I am going to walk through the hospital with that hip pain...
Hey hun great to see your having a good day. I have been so busy today despite my hips playing up. I've gutted the kiddies bedroom ready to be painted I have a new bed coming for rose

And jack is on holiday all week so I really want it done to surprise him.
I forgot to do my bloods after my breakfast as I was so busy and haven't had a lunch I know I have been naughty but the nesting bug has me good and proper today. I'm going to have a small snack now and think of a nice tea to make
You will be fine tomorrow hope and have you thought about asking a porter to wheel you to clinic? I would if I were you Hun x
Omg love the bed :love: rose will be more than excited for that I bet :love:

Naughty you for not eating!!!! I hope that you have a good dinner and good measurements after that :hug:

We will see how tomorrow will go at the doctor...:(
I will keep you posted
THANKS GUYS, soooo good to know im not the only one stressing about this!

my sugar levels are usually between 5.5 & 6.3 in the morning & after brekkie about 8 ish. (good old bran flakes)

in the afternoon after lunch its about 9 ish, then evening about 10 ish after meal (rarely though)

i do feel that walking brings it down loads and i told the consultant that i was very surprised nobody advised on exercise!
A bit disappointed by the meeting with the diabetic team today...
I only met the nurse who didn't have to do anything else than give me the free prescription for the stripes and needles as I knew what to eat and how to measure my blood sugars already. I didn't even see the doctor :(
The appointment with the doctor is next week :roll:
that's already 2 weeks after they discovered the GD without taking much action about it...
I suppose good luck my measurements are ok-ish
Fx the bean stopped growing excessively or I will be very upset with them...
Anyway this morning got a 6 and after breakfast a 5.4
Lunch I think will be an omelet and dinner is unknown :( waiting to see what Amy will have maybe a get an idea lol...

How are you all doing?
Amy I hope you eat more today :hug:
Good morning Hun
Sorry your appointment wasn't what you expected I have to say I can't fault my team in that respect as they are very helpful.
I have had porridge for breakfast my morning reading was 6.2 I'm due to do my breakfast one in around half an hour
I'm having ham salad for lunch and chicken stuffed with philadelphia wrapped in bacon with a selection of green veg and cauliflower mash for tea.
Im not as busy today yesterday was manic but im glad I got some jobs done x
I am so jealous of you being able to eat porridge :( I think I would have readings above 10 with that :(
Your food today sounds so yummy :love:

Amy you that you are a pro by now, they say that somewhere around those upcoming weeks we start breathing better, moving around is easier etc... Is that true???
If not I have no idea what the hell I am going to do :( the house will need a good cleaning, still need to wash the Moses basket, car seat things etc and generally to find a place for everything...
I am crying only by thinking that the bean will come and I will not be ready...
I was told porridge is slow release and will avoid sugar spikes hmmm I think they lied

I had it to make up for being naughty yesterday sometimes the conflicting info you get can be very frustrating
I have to say hope I find the last few months very trying and I slow down alot. Just do what you can when you can and dont be hard on yourself if you can't get things done. X
Amy cereals and grains are one of the most carb loaded things ever. And though whole grain is better ofc it's still a crap load of carbohydrates.
Some people can handle some can't.
It's not even necessary as the only real value in them are the fiber that you can beautifully get from vegetables ifykwim without getting those readings.

I am in the category that cant handle those and I guess with the values that you get you are like me :(
I can literally only eat carbohydrates from no starchy vegetables, seeds and dairy and that's all...
When I did Atkins for long long time, I had time to Introduce every food group slowly and see what I can handle and what not.
Grains and cereals were in the group that were letting me so hungry after 2-3 h ( the insuline spike) and they were stopping weight loss. But I did eventually tolerate after months...
I suppose GD and all the things that placenta secretes leave little room to tolerate other things than vegetables and dairy for me :(
I'm staying well clear from now on. Im repacking my hospital bags at the moment I love seeing all the little bits and pieces I have gathered x
Crap I didn't even do mine :( baby's is ready though...
I think I will have to pack prepared to stay for 3 days with me either induce or c section and the baby with maybe blood sugar problems :(
So organized you are missy!!!
What little things are you packing?
I always end up in hospital in tri3 with bp so I have found being prepared is far better then letting hubby sort me some stuff. I was in for a week at 25 weeks and he packed me dental floss knickers lol
My labour bag has a vest babygrow scratch mittens and 2 nappies for baby a nightie slippers disposable knickers bra towel small wash bag nightgown and pjs for after the birth and a plastic bag for soiled clothes i think thats all I will need for the labour ward as I have fast labours and if I have a section I won't need more then that anyway. My big bag has things like babygrows vets nappies baby towel and sponge bibs more scratch mitts baby blanket and 2 sheets and wipes. For me I have 5 pyjamas button down for bf lots of big knickers 5 packs of pads toiletries towel 3 good bras and a bag of change anything else I might need hubby can bring me x
That's a very good idea of a labour bag and an after bag. I was thinking a baby bag and a bag for me but your plan sounds much better.
Btw Amy 5 pajamas? Goodness me :( I don't even have so many. I was thinking 2. More shopping I suppose :(
I have had problems with bleeding and they are quite concerned it will happen again this time I ruined alot of pjs so I'm just preparing myself so I don't get caught out. My big bag has babys stuff one side mine the other separated by a wall of cotton wool lol x
The more I think about that tge more brilliant idea I find it...that way I can five everything already used to my oh to put in the car.
Also I will be able to find things faster during labour !
Thank you Amy :love:
I hope no bleeding this time for you :hug:
I will repack my thinks! Going to read again what you put on your labour bag!
Also amy what size of diapers and baby clothes are you planning to get with you? As our babies are little chuncks I am a bit lost about what to get
Aw thank you hun and your welcome x
The joys if having had many babies I'd you know what is a good idea and what actually is not needed. I have always just left my bigger bag in the car until baby is here and we know where our room will be that way it's not taking over the labour ward and it's close by if you need anything x
I have 0-3 months babygrows they are quite roomy nappies I have size 1 but I will pick up some size 2 to have at home on stand by x
I suppose I will not even attempt to get with me newborn size clothes lol...or maybe I do just in case that thy induce me or baby is early?
Or I can always have an extra bag in the car that my oh can bring in if the little pork pie Dosent fit in the newborn size...
The pampers size 1 says up to 4 kg... So I suppose I need size 2 from the beginning lol...
Thank you for helping me :love:
I had newborn for my son and he was 9lbs 11 they fit but not for long lol x

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