The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Was it 6 the limit 2 h after a meal or 7? I got 6.8 after breakfast meaning I don't do so good with low carb bread first in the morning.

trying a quarter of apple with some cheese for desert after my salmon and creamed spinach for lunch and we will see how much everything will skyrocket ...
Morning girls!
My little madame had me awake all night ive been having terrible pains the past few days I think it's to so with how she is lying.
My fasting reading is 7.1 today so awful I am normally happy with it but it could also be the stress of being awake that's shot it up.
I'm having mushroom omelette for breakfast tuna and a green leaf salad with cheese for lunch and might have a chicken breast and veg for tea.

My baby is measuring off the chart hope so it worries me alot that I'm not getting a hold of this. A couple I'd times I had really high readings I skipped a meal but my dietician told me this is just as bad as your body releases sugars to compensate so it's a no win at the moment.
Fx I have a good day today my meals are very low carb so I should get good readings x
Ooo you should get very good readings with those meals!
It Dosent seem enough calories though? I worry about my calories too, dont seem enough.
I think I will add some more oil in my salad or a spoon of mayo maybe...
I wish I could eat tuna every day!!! Love it really ! Such a pity that we can only have a couple per week :(

Dinner is a roast with vegetables. Planing on trying a small potato and then see what the readings will say... I bet it will be horrible...
I used to adore tuna but have grown to hate it lol
I'm not a meat eater at all so struggle with protein. I think I will add some sort of dressing or Mayo to my salad to bring my calories up good thinking missy x
Right 1/4 of an apple worked ok ish.
I had salmon, creamed spinach, a tablespoon of mayo and for desert 1/4 of an apple and some feta cheese.

I got a 6.2 with that. I think I will go buy some strawberries though today, way better than other fruits for glucose control. Maybe some melon too :D

How did it go amy with your tuna salad?
Well done hun see I bet your feeling better already!
I'm due to test at 3 I had my lunch late x
Thank you Amy :) I feel emotionally better though still so guilty that I harmed LO until now :( God still randomly crying only thinking about that :(

Good luck with your testing fx for a perfect reading :pray:

Dinner for us soon, I will have roast and 1/2 of potato, broccoli an cauliflower and a couple of tablespoons of red wine sauce over my meat and a couple of tablespoons of yogurt over my vegetables ...
I have a bad feeling about all that but we will see...

I think I will make later some coconut flour cheese savory cookies so I can have for a snack this week :)

Also buying ricotta and mascarpone cheese and that mixed with some cocoa and frozen strawberries makes the best ice cream ever :)
:hug: I can't believe you do so good with your diet and still not a normal reading :( you must be so frustrated :(
I suppose the bright side is that is a better reading than before :)
Fx at your next appointment they will be able to help you a little more :pray:
How many units are you on? If it helps as a a comparison, they started me on 2 units per meal by the end I was on 8!! Unfortunately, it is a battle as the heavier pregnant you get the more your demands change :( x
I started on 4 and am on 2 lots of 12 and a 10 at the mo to be reviewed next Thursday x
Aww Hun. I can tell you're frustrated :( BUT from today's results it seems to be improving?? Xx
I am peed off with it I kind of feel like I'm fighting a loosing battle lol
I get some readings like my lunch one and I think woo hoo it's getting better and I try and eat the same thing on a different day and get a far higher reading. I tend to get 2 really high and 1 highish reading a day. I know I'm doing all I can but now looking at your insulin doses mine are high as it is I can't understand how I got GD on this little mite and not with all the others. I will just keep trying I'm sure I will crack it I'm the end xxx
Mine was a different insulin though so that may be why? Also don't forget exercise lowers your levels so you could eat the same thing but have an extra walk and that would make the reading different??? Maybe worth looking at the activity your doing xx
I am pretty active between running around after my brood I also do 30-50 mins on my cross trainer but I have been out of action with my hips this week I'm ashamed to say today is the first day i Managed to get dressed yes I'm a filthy skank lol
Maybe you may find your levels dropped when you get back to your normal self? I hope so Hun... I really feel for you :( xx
Have been to the supermarket to buy more vegetables.. My hip is so bad that I couldn't really walk around...
I think I will probably follow what you did Amy...stay in my pajamas for nobody knows how long...

Dinner with one small potato gave me a 7 so I think I will stay clear from those...
Got zucchini, cucumber, cabbage, avocado, tomatoes, green beans, spinach and mushrooms so plenty other things to eat...

Amy do you have a name yet for rte baby girl???
Hey hope you poor thing try and take it easy all that rushing around will wear you out.
Tonights tea has given me a 10.9 I had 2 chicken breasts and green veg.
My little chunk is going to be called Lilly Ann. have you picked you name yet? X
What a wonderful name :love: it !!!
Will it be double barred?

We decided on Amelie Celeste :)

Trying to make plans for tomorrows meals... Do you have any plan yet?
We call her Lilly when we talk about her but I think we will register her as lilly-Ann. Your little girls name Is so pretty I love it!
I was thinking eggs for breakfast veg soup for lunch and ham salad for tea x

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