The Gestational Diabetes support thread

AR is it standard for c section then? They said Stanley was 10lb and they let me go for natural so don't give up hope :(

stupid question but has your monitor been checked?? that does seem such an awfully high reading for just the soup :( you poor thing :( I don't know what to say just sending you hugs xxxx
I am so thick early in the morning lol
I ment I am trying to avoid these sorry chick. I will be induced but I'm hoping to avoid a section
I check my machine with the solution ever few days. I actually got a fairly good reading last night 8.3 I was well chuffed with myself lol
I'm hoping to get a full day at below 9 I would be over the moon with that
Why you up so early? X
aww good fingers crossed for today hun :D

Stanley's got a back tooth coming through So it's rare these days if he goes longer than 5am :( I'm fooked lol I just feel so bad for him :( 9 teeth at 8 months it's seemed pretty much constant since 16 weeks :( xx
Poor little man but you have to love that mouth full of chompers he is sporting they are so cute :love:
I have rose hogging my bed and rubbing her back while she sleeps she's like the queen bee lol
Good morning :)

I wish they would give me a section... They said for first child they let you try. Natural up to 4.5 kg but you can attempt more for subsequent pregnancies.

I hope if the weight is estimated over 4 kg I will get a c section. I don't really want to risk any shoulders getting stuck or instrument delivery :(
I have been told that I will have an early epidural Akready due to need for invasive monitoring because of a history of stillborns in my family...
If they want me to attempt natural they better induce me before the baby is past 4 kg...

Amy glad that you got a nice reading after all that effort off I am to check my morning glucose and then to make a plan of food.

Jaxx I hope the little man feels better soon :hug:
Morning reading was 5.7 still very close to the end and I think a low dose of slow release insulin is what I will get Monday...
But oh we'll as long as the little bean is ok...
Raw stuffed mushrooms with cottage cheese and ham for desert.
Lunch will be fried minced meat with salsa on shredded cabbage
And dinner I have no idea yet :( cooking different meals for me and oh is not fun at all mw thinks :(
What are you doing for family meals Amy?
8.9 after breakie I'm really happy with that even if it would panic others lol
I had scrambled egg for breakfast will have carrot and parsnip soup for lunch and I will probably have bacon and a selection of green veg for dinner.
I have always cooked different meals for me hope as I normally eat things like quinoa pulses and lentils and the kids would faint if I served it to them. I'm a dab hand at juggling 3 different meals at once comes with years of practice lol
Quinoa now that's sth that maybe it will work in small portions for me, maybe in a soup?

Unfortunately carrot is too starchy for me to tolerate :( maybe crude in a salad, but no way boiled. I would have readings through the roof with that :(

I think a broccoli soup and sausages for dinner for me and sausages and mash for my oh.

Amy my oh dislike pulses and anything healthy that Dosent stop me from feading them to him lol. He has 3 choices to eat that, starve or cook for himself, guess what he chooses...

We follow Greek cousine in my house and that's too healthy for him lol, he is getting there though....
Off I am to make savory little cakes with coconut flour, cheese and garlic, very very filling and yummy.
They also come to like 5 carbs per one so it will make a yummy snack for me later this afternoon :)

Amy there is a site names Linda's low carb recipes. It's an Atkins recipe thing but you can look there to get ideas for meals especially the savory ones that don't contain fancy sweeteners etc...
Al has been known to be found in maccy Ds when I'm on a health kick lol
I might change my soup for today I am really aiming for under 9s all day. I have mushrooms I might make a soup with them x
I have an Atkins induction cook book here somewhere I must root out but I will have a look on that thanks hun I an awful for sticking to the same foods so could do with the help x
Amy i suck on eating the same foods too...
I also have an Atkins cookbook.

The coconut flour cheddar cookies are out of the oven and smell delicious!!!!!
I will have to wait until my snack time though...

I really love some of the soups at lyndas site you should have a look :)
Also the cauliflower mash fake potatoes is quite yummy but the best of all that everyone loves including my parents and my oh is the just like stuffed potatoes or sth like that...
Is practically cauliflower in the oven mixed with Philadelphia cheese and green onion, fried bacon of you want (I usually put some lower fat ham instead of bacon or lean minced fried meat) and on top cheese.
It's more than delicious and the kids will eat it too :)

Fx for very good readings for you today!!
Hi girls i am sure this has been mentioned in this thread but walking really helps bring your glucose levels down... I had gestational diabetes in pregnancy and as often as i could would do a walk after every meal it really made a difference to my readings! X
Thanks Hun I do notice a difference when I exercise. I try to do as much as I can but some days my hips hurt to much to do any. X
Hope I'm so going to try that mash it sounds yummy x
Only if my hip would stop hurting :( right now the only activity I do is from the sofa to the bathroom and back...and even that is painful :(

How did it go amy? Got a 5.9 after breakfast. Just had lunch and we will see in 2 h...
9.3 for lunch I did loads in the garden after I ate so that's helped loads. I'm wrecked but it's nice to have a day where I'm mobile and now I have a lovely garden to show for my effort.
You poor thing I really sympathise I know how painful it is. X
Omg I am so jealous of you being so active!!!
Got a 6.9 after afternoon snack (strawberries, cocoa and mascarpone cheese) so not so good :(
Just had dinner now (chilly) and we will see how that will go...

I hope you do ok with your dinner Amy?

Already panicking about what I will eat tomorrow :(

Roll on Monday's appointment...though I have no idea how I am going to walk through the hospital to get there...that damn hip...
33 weeks today... Potentially only 5 left if they induce me at 38 weeks...
Aw Hun that was a good reading. Don't be so hard on yourself x
I have been so busy today an over done things I'm paying the price now with awful bh and pressure pains.
I had a fab reading for me this evening 8.9 so I'm chuffed. I don't think I could work this hard everyday it would kill me i just want to go to bed now lol
Oh dear :hug: please take care of yourself! Tell your oh me says you need a nice massage once the kiddies are in bed :love:
Yeeey for the good reading :love:

Here it is hope for a good day tomorrow too :)

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