The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Im Kinda hoping I can get a bit of info/help.

Had my GTT test on the 17th July, had a phone call booking me in with my consultant (already high risk due to Hypothyroidism) on the 29th July.

Saw 2 other people - a dietician who said she was happy with my portion sizes and choices of food, but was told to not have fresh fruit juice, only eat 1 fruit at a time, eat more granary bread, and eat between 30-50 carbs with each meal. The other person showed me how to self test.

Went home and made the diet changes. Got a phone call on 1st Aug asking for my reading which to be honest were all over the place. Started Metformin that afternoon. now currently taking 1000mg every morning and another 1000mg every evening but it isnt making much difference if I'm honest.

Im back there tomorrow for a growth scan and to talk with the consultant regarding insulin and my hypothyroidism.

What am I doing wrong? Heres yesterdays food:

Yesterday I had:

breakie:1 boiled egg with 1 slice of granary toast cut into soldiers

Lunch: small sunday lunch - 1 slice of turkey, 2 medium roast potatoes, 1 desert spoon of mash potatoe, 1 mini yorkshire pud, carrots, cauliflower and cabbage

Super: 1 slice of cheese on granary toast and an apple.

Readings for yesterday:

Before breakie: 6.2
1 hour after breakie: 9.4
before lunch: 5.4
1 hour after lunch: 8.2
before supper: 5.7
1 hour after supper: 6.7

Then this morning before breakie: 6.2

Ive been told I need to be in the following ranges:
before food: 3.5 - 5.9
1 hour after food: less than 7.8

What am I doing wrong?? :-(

To be honest, it doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong. The consultant will be able to offer more advice. However, sometimes GD can't be controlled by diet and your dose of metformin may not be enough/at the right time to help. I can't remember the dose I was on, but I took tablets 3 times a day, which definitely made a different to lunch time readings. Breakfast was always a pain, and I don't think I managed to get it always within the range.
Im Expecting a boy, and am getting close to being ready now lol, yourself?

I am overweight too. I was referred to a consultant due to my fasting blood level being high.

My highest before eating reading has been 7.2 and lowest before eating has been 4.1

My highest 1 hour after eating reading has been 11.1 and lowest 1 hour after eating has been 6.7

Ive only ever once tested during the night and that read 7.2

I'm deffo gonna make a list of Q's for tomorrow. I mean I get told to snack on cheese or nuts with this diagnosis but don't want to gain any weight given the fact I'm already overweight. I was told by a consultant at 12 weeks to make sure I eat a yoghurt everyday and have now been told to be carefull with yoghurts with GD... 1 forward, 2 back and all that lol
Thank you rozken for replying not had a great morning at all. Had a nosebleed and vomited twice before test . Got to rest now and don't want to worry about results x
Hi Augustus,

The way to think about it is: At least you're being looked at. Try not to worry too much, you're in safe hands with the dr's.

Did you have to drink that manky lucozade?
Hi kellyes yes i drank that syrupy yellow stuff. Your right at least they are looking after me. I think it is because i had never heard of this when i had my daughters 20years ago. X
I'm expecting a boy too, feeling like I am ready to pop too! And we have most things ready for him. Just wishing he was here without having to go into labour lol. Feeling very naughty for snacking too, don't want to do my blood sugar to see the damage.
Hi Kelly and Rozken. I'm in a similar boat-only been testing my sugars for a week now and feeling a bit like its trial and error working out what sends my sugars high and what is ok. I generally think I know what a healthy diet is after years of doing Weight Watchers etc but finding this a bit trickier than I thought, particularly in terms of my carb intake. Have cut out/down on sugar which is easier, it's more realising that too many carbs are just as bad.
One thing I have noticed though is that exercise seems to really help bring my levels down. I've tried to stay fairly active throughout my pregnancy so this has just given me extra motivation to keep it up for as long as I can-even if it's just walking.

I've only been 0.1 over 3 times so far so really hoping I won't need any medication or insulin but will have to wait and see I guess. Got an appointment with the diabetic MW on Thurs then a scan and diabetic consultant app Friday so hoping to find out what the GD diagnosis will mean for the rest of my pregnancy and labour/birth. I'm 34 weeks tomorrow/team yellow/first baby.

As ever finding this forum really helpful-nothing beats shared experiences of people in the same boat. Was really gutted about the GD initially but it really can just be one of those things-doesn't mean you're doing/have done anything wrong. Also although it's extra faff at least we get extra monitoring to make sure we'll have healthy beautiful babies with us in no time.

Augustus-hope you're feeling better now. Will keep my fingers crossed for your results and even if they are positive at least you know where to come! X
Hi BeckyBiscuit.

You sound like you're doing really well with the GD, well done. I'm trying hard but my determination keeps slipping. Like I now know that cereal sends my sugars high but I couldn't resist some this morning. I've never been good at denying myself. The rest of the day I manage to keep on track and have healthy meals and a couple of ok snacks. I found getting rid of sweets and things easy to do just the odd craving like the cereal one gets me. The carbs are difficult though.

Does anyone know how often we have to see the consultant?

Spoke too soon Rozken - and it was the cereal that got me too this morning!!! Had a bowl of Special K and then was in that awkward position where there wasn't enough left in the box for two servings, but to eat it all would mean having a massive bowl - but I did that anway!! Hoped it would be ok as I walked into work shortly after but sugars were 8.4 which is the highest they've been so far! Oh well, will be good the rest of the day.

Not sure about the consultant - spoke to my MW yesterday and she didn't think they'd want to see me every week, maybe every other week. I've only got 6 weeks to go, less if they induce me early so don't know if that will make a difference though. Can't wait for my appointments Thurs/Fri - feel a bit in limbo at the moment not knowing if I'll need medication, what extra appointments I will need, what it will mean for labour etc etc!
Oh no lol. It was special k this morning for me too. You'd think that would be good. Mine was 7.5 two hours after but it seems to take ages to come back down after the cereal, so it'll look bad all day :(

I've just gotten back from physio for the spd and feeling good as we decided just to have an open appointment for if it gets worse! So yay for one less appointment. . . feel like I am spending my life at the hospital. I am looking forward to my diabetes one, strangely, probably just so I know where I stand too. I am sooooo jealous you only have 6 weeks left, that has got to be exciting!

Did you get asked to try to express milk from 36/37 weeks? That's making me nervous too

I had my breastfeeding ante-natal class last week and she mentioned that they would probably ask me to express from 36/37 weeks but that was the first I'd heard of it. Again I'm assuming that will be something they'll mention Thurs or Fri.

Know what you mean about living at the hospital - I'll up there Thursday, Friday and then Sunday this week. Costs a fortune in parking money if nothing else! Still, until now I've been really lucky and even with the GD I feel fine in myselft. That's partly why I don't want to be induced early if I can help it - quite like being pregnant and 6 weeks sounds scarily soon let along bringing d-day even closer! That being said am missing cake and chocolate already - at least when baby is here and I'm hopefully breastfeeding I can treat myself lol!

Glad your SPD appointment went well - hopefully you won't suffer too much for the last bit of your pregnancy!
Just wanted to update people.

So he is measuring at just over 32 weeks (I'm currently 28+4) his estimated weight is a hefty 3lb 11oz (already!) Head down.

I am now on insulin 4 times a day as well as metformin 2 times a day. I'm to continue monitoring 6-7 times a day.

Have been told that if my labour hasn't started by itself by week 38, then they will intervene, either by induction or C-section, depending on the circumstances closer to the time. So its safe to say in 10 weeks I'll have a gorgeous, chunky, cuddly baby here.

Have also been told that all my treatment will stop once he has arrived and the placenta has come away. They will then test my 6 weeks after to check for diabetes.

Got told to eat for the pregnancy, not to lose weight. Was told not to miss a meal, and to snack on cheese, nuts and jelly bears...
Oh Kelly I was going to ask how you got on. Have you had to give yourself insulin yet? How is it? And how are you feeling about it all? Seems like quite a lot to take in still. Did they say how much he should be weighing? xx
The insulin is fine to inject, I barely felt a thing to be honest, so that makes it easier :-) think I'm understanding it all better now and I had my mother there for support and that helped.

I got told he should be around 2lb 2oz at 28 weeks, so slightly over lol.

How are you holding up Rozken?
Been having pains in my tummy all afternoon, feel like really bad BH. Very irregular but sore. Blood sugar this evening after swimming is 4.9 which is quite low for me. Just feeling rough at the minute. xx
Glad you got on ok Kelly - at least you know where you stand a bit more now and must be nice knowing the end is in sight. Sure 10 weeks will fly by!

Sorry to hear you're feeling rough Rozken - I've had days where BH are really uncomfortable and frequent but they seem to have eased off again at the moment. Hope you're feeling a bit better today.
I've got a check up today as I've been on insulin for a week now, my readings are much better but the side of my bump is bruised :(
I don't then have another appointment till 20th when I have another scan, hope it's not too long today. I have the cinema and shopping at ikea for shelves for baby's room to look forward to!!
I had my appointment with the consultant today. So happy, they think I can manage on diet control. Baby is measuring slightly bigger at 2.9lb but the consultant said she was very happy with how we were both doing. So I have to go back in 4 weeks for another growth scan and to see her again. Also baby is head down which is unusual for someone with two wombs. . . Fingers crossed everything continues to go this well. How did your appointment go Vicky? Oh and pains from yesterday are just strong BH :) xx
Pleased your app went well Rozken-fingers crossed you can continue to manage it on diet alone.

Hope your app went well too Vicky and that you had a nice day shipping and at the cinema. Sounds lovely x
Appointment was a long one because they were seriously understaffed and very busy!!! I saw the consultant and it turns out I shouldn't have been put on insulin last week! Not impressed luckily I've not been having lots of it

I'm to ring the consultant on Friday morning with my bloods and he will decide from that if I'm to go on metformin, I go on holiday on Friday so hopefully it won't interfere with that too much! No cream teas and pasties for me this year!!!

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