The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Thats great Rozken, long may it continue to be controlled by diet alone.

Vicky, thats shocking, how can they go from putting you onto insulin to deciding you shouldn't have been on it? Madness. Hopefully you'll hear sooner then friday.

Well the insulin had been working well. however this morning 1 hour after having breakfast my reading was 8.1 - too high again, and I had the same breakfast this morning as i did yesterday morning... I'm baffelled (sp) again...
I was talking to the dietician about the breakfast thing. she said that sometimes the breakfast is fine but if you have slightly more it can make your sugars go above the right amount. We were discussing the cereal thing. I hope diet will continue to control it, but I have a number to call if they alter. I am becoming slightly obsessed with reading about it. Especially about the big baby part. Getting nervous about the birth, and worried about everybody buying clothes for the little man who may not end up being so little. Worrying about his blood sugars dropping when he's born too. Think I just need to relax. Hope everyone else is alright today? xx
I need to relax too, Im freting over it all, like the possibility of induction or c section, his weight, his length. my levels are still all over place and im now talking to my diabetes specialist every weekday regarding how much insulin to take, and its in creasing everyday so blumin far.

He did say not to blame myself, that it is not my fault and it's just the hormones causing chaos.

Sending love and hugs to all x
I got told the same Kelly - it's not something we could have prevented, it's all luck of the draw with these crazy hormones!

Had a growth scan and consulant appointment today - baby is within the normal range so all looks good, although he is over 5lb already with 5 1/2 weeks to go which sounds like a good weight to me! They're happy with my sugar levels for now so hopefully will be able to manage it on diet along and won't need induction or c-section unless I'm overdue. Good motivation to try and stay on top of things! Got a few more appointments in the coming weeks but probably no more scans unless I start measuring big x
Well done Beckybiscuit lets hope we can continue on diet control alone. Glad your little one is measuring within normal limits too x

KellyES I'm sorry to hear you're needing to talk to them everyday, but at least that way they will hopefully get on top of it. x

And I was worrying it was my fault too for being so overweight :( It's nice to know it's not. x
Hello ladies. New on this thread, I'm 18 wks 5 days and have had GTT and came back 8.1 so have gestational diabetes.
I met with my dietician today and have now began pricking me finger and testing my blood. I'm pretty nervous about all of this and what I'm doing if it's right and what to expect. I'm sure I'll have loads of questions.
Hi Maka. Hope you're getting on ok so far. Fingers crossed you'll be able to manage to control things on diet alone. My score after GTT was also 8.1 so not over by much for either of us! x
Hi BeckyBiscuit, thank you. Were you able to control yours with diet and exercise or did they put you on medicine?

I'm still worried that I'll get put on medicine, all of this is new to me and a bit scary. My sugar seems to be fine at dropping during the day but has not been below 5.5 in mornings so trying to sort out why. :(
I'm managing fine on diet and exercise alone so far so hoping it will stay that way for the remainder of my pregnancy. All being well and it stays like that I've been told they will treat labour etc as normal-only difference is they won't let me go over 41 weeks.
I've only been monitoring since about 33 weeks but my sugars are normally around 4.5 before breakfast then an hour after eating they've ranged from anywhere between 4.6 to a peak of 8.6 after eating cake at lunch! I have a massive sweet tooth so at least there was plenty to cut out although I have been missing being able to eat what I want when I want. Got a bag of chocolates packed in my hospital bag lol! Eating too many carbs has caught me out a few times too so I'm trying to watch that.
Don't know what your activity levels are like but I really find exercise helps bring my sugars down. I can have exactly the same meal two days running but if I've exercised beforehand my readings are lower after eating. I've stayed fairly active all through my pregnancy anyway so I've been ok carrying on but the diabetes has definitely been extra motivation!

Good luck with everything, hopefully you'll be ok on diet and exercise alone. I was worried to start with too and overwhelmed by what it might mean but try and remember that even if you do need medicine or additional treatment down the line or during labour this will only be if it's best for you and baby xx
Thanks Hun. This has helped me a lot. I haven't been as active as I could be since I've been on break but school starts back this week so my routine will come back and I'm sure the kids will keep me on my toes. I hope I have as good luck with this as yourself.
Working with GD is hard work, I have been since the begining of Aug. My baby's measurements are all over the 95th centile. When I was last scanned on Tuesday this week (I was 32+4)his abdominal circumference is larger than his head circumference which is the greatest indicator. His estimated weight was also 6lb 4oz. I'm on metformin and insulin but it just simply isn't working for my baby. My insulin doses have been increased even further to try and help control the diabetes for baby, and I am being told to eat more so my levels don't drop too low. I'm finding it very hard I won't lie. I've badly swollen feet, ankles and hands. I get severe pins and needles during the night. My back and hip pain is immense at times. I'm back on Tuesday for another scan and the consultants said they will make a decision then, whatever that may be or mean I'm not sure. He's massive and all his measurements had me at 37 + weeks when I was 32+4. I know it sounds daft but I feel ready for birth now if that makes sense. Obviously I want him to cook thoroughly, but we also need him to stop growing so he can stay put for longer.
Not sure this post is still up and running.. But in case...

Had a scan (due to baby heart defect) and they've seen his stomach is enlarged and I've a little more amniotic fluid than normal at 26 weeks - they've sent me for the GD test which I had this morning - wasn't even aware of GD before.. Have any of you that have been diagnosed had these issues? I'm strangely hopeful it's GD and not something connected with his birth defect thanks for any response xx
A larger abdominal circumference and high fluid levels are very common with GD (I don't know if either are related to heart defects too). At all my growth scans after my diagnosis, they checked these things in particular. My LO never had a large abdomen, but I had excess fluid to the extent that they did my c-section early because of it.

Sometimes they can just scan you when one part of the baby is growing and the rest is yet to catch up. I remember one scan showed my LO's legs were really short in comparison to everything else, then at the next one they were in proportion again. So there's always the possibility that it's neither the birth defect nor GD. Hope everything's ok xx
Hi ladies may I join you? I'm 19 weeks and hospital called yesterday to confirm gd. I have an appiontment on Friday to discuss diet. I'm a bit scared to be honest even though I was expecting it due to my weight. Any advice/reassurance greatly received xx
Hi all,

I am currently 34+2 weeks pregnant, my baby boy is due on the 7th Jan 2015.

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and am currently on insulin (7 before breakfast and 4 before tea) I am sturggling to keep my breakfast levels below the 7.8, they are around 10, but my fasting levels are always between 4 and 5.4 so nice and low.

I had my 34 week scan today and I am fine, baby is growing nicely and all is fine with him, and his size is well within what it should be.

However, they have now told me that they plan to take me in on Boxing Day to be induced, so I will have him between 38 and 39 weeks.

I am a little worried about the induction as would have preferred things to have started naturally and really wanted a water birth with just gas and air, I definately did not want any drugs and am quite against an epidural.

I have read that induction can actually cause problems itself as your body is not ready for labour and therefore it can be more painful and result in more drugs which make the baby uncomfortable... also that I am more likely to then need extra help like forceps or a c-section, which I definately want to try and avoid.

Does anyone have any information or advice? I would really like some medical advice, I would be a lot happier if they waited until at least 39 weeks to induce me and to be honest as he is normal size etc why is there a real need to induce me? I have read that there is an increased risk of stillbirth if the mother had diaetes before getting pregnant but no facts to say that this is increased if the mother suffers with gestational.

Any support or advice would be most appreciated...

Many Thanks :) Jen x
In the info pack I had from the diabetic nurse, it said that gestational diabetes carries a risk of stillbirth. I haven't checked it, but I'm presuming that info from a hospital would be reasonably accurate. Also the baby puts on a lot of weight in the last month before birth, so even if all the measurements are well within limits now, it's possible (though not certain) that if you were left to go full term then the baby would be on the large side.

My advice is to speak to your midwife/diabetic nurse/consultant and see whether they would be happy to leave you until 39 weeks. Certainly here the protocol is if you're diet controlled they leave it to 39 weeks, metformin/insulin controlled it's 38 weeks and any other complications, it's done at 37 weeks. I had my c-sec at 37 weeks. I desperately wanted a home birth, but couldn't after getting GD and polyhydramnios (added to my previous pre-eclampsia). Unfortunately in the end, you have to go with what is safest for the baby. However, a good consultant will always go through all the options with you and I really advise you to try to discuss your concerns with them xx
Thanks for the response.

I do have another scan on 19th December (approx 37 weeks) and I did ask the consultant that if I could control my levels and the baby was still well within the measurements would it make any difference but she said no... I just don't understand why?

Surely it will cause more distress for both myself and baby to be induced as it's unnatural...

I have a meeting with my midwife a week on Tuesday so will chat with her about it.

Thanks again xx
It's a difficult one, because they will weigh the benefits and risks of inducing early with the risks of insulin-controlled GD on you and your baby.

Question everything. If you have the opportunity to talk with your consultant ask her why, although your midwife should be able to provide some answers. Unfortunately I chucked all the info I was given on GD after I had my son, otherwise I might have had some info in there xx
Hi ladies, just wanted to tell you all a positive story: I had gestational diabetes (controlled by diet), polyhydromnios and a shortening cervix during my pregnancy and i still had to be induced in the end (after 5 weeks in hospital as they thought my little boy was going to be premature). The induction wasnt so bad jenna.nicola85 - i had a long complicated labour process but think that was because of my little boys big head and my polyhydomnios - i managed just on gas and air and wouldve had another one the next day so it cant be all bad - you will be fine :hugs: what i found ladies was that carbs were just as bad as sugary foods at making my levels go high so the only thing i could have for brekkie for porridge �� But i did seem to be very reactive to foods.. Hope you are all not struggling with food too much! I just wanted to eat cake all the time which was very frustrating :wall2: xx

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