The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Thanks Daisy.

I've bought the test strips when I've run out before and they are extremely expensive, which is obviously how the companies make their money, as they give them to the units for free, obviously trying to get them to use their brand or whatever.

I have been officially diagnosed today. The diabetic nurse rang me and I've an appointment for next week. She said to keep an eye on my sugars in the meantime, but they don't ask for post meal readings here, just pre meal ones, so I'll do four readings a day, fasting, pre lunch, pre dinner and before bed. That seems insane to me. Anyone else?
I have to do 4 a day, fasting, post breakfast, post lunch and post dinner. It did seem a lot at first, but it's not too bad.

I've been to the pharmacy this afternoon to pick up my strips etc, and the doctor still hasn't bloody signed it off!! Since Friday! So now I'm gonna try again before they shut at 6pm as the lady on reception said she'd get a doctor to do it for me ASAP. Otherwise I'm gonna have to take time off work to pick it up (I work 30mins drive away) argh so annoying!
How annoying you still can't get your test strips, I hope they are there this evening.

It's not the number of tests I find strange, it's the fact they are before meals and not after. :eh:
That is strange Jackson as its normally the post prandial reading that is most important?? That gives them an indication of how well your own insulin is working?? Seems very very odd to only ask for pre meal ones?? Xx

I had to alternate every day, one day it would be fasting and all pre meals, next day all post meals etc.

Well they said they needed to see my body was able to break the sugars down in a certain amount of time - I was on a rather strict plan, had to eat by 9am then snack at 11, lunch at 1, snack at 3, dinner before 7 and then bedtime snack - and my pre meal levels always had be under 5. So with a snack 2 hours before my meals I had to have burned all that sugar off basically. Oh the exercise I used to do when I had chocolate for my snack...! x

It sounds like we are all doing something different! I do one day where i do before breakfast then 2 hours after and on the same day i do it before tea and after tea, then on the next day i do before lunch after lunch then before bed!
I had to do all of my post meals 1 hour after eating not 2. And 1 hour after eating had to be below 7. My hospital is very strict compared to some others.

oh gosh, 1 hour isnt long is it - i dont think id have a hope in getting mine down to 7 or below in just 1 hour!
I know, it was very hard work! I always having to do exercise after meals and be very careful! Thankfully my body was good and I got away with eating most things! My yes, my doctors very very harsh and kept saying this is why their hospital has the best results blah blah.

How long did you have to do it like that for? I was only told at 34 wks i had it, id struggle enough with those few weeks i think!
Does anyone know if stress effects your levels? I'm wondering if my rubbish results last week were the result of stress, as I only really indulged once (for my birthday)
Yes Hun :( unfortunately stress and lots of other things can affect them :( it's just bloody hard work :( even a slight temperature can send your levels up :( xx
I had the same for my lunch today as i did yesterday and yet my levels today were at 8.9 after 2 hours. I just dont get it.
Same thing's happened to me a couple of times DaisyDoo - it's so frustrating and doesn't make sense! But as Jaxx said, so many things can effect a reading - as long as you're doing your best you can't do any more xx
I was told around 14 weeks so 26 weeks of testing! It was very stressful to say the least. And I also found on days I was happy etc my levels were fine yet when I was angry or stressed the levels seemed to be higher too...

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Well, this week, my stress levels have been fine, and what do you know so have my readings! lol. I move house in 2 weeks time, I dread to think what they will be that week!!!
What is this for rubbish?! My former hospital rung me up saying readings under the 5-6 after a meal is really dangerous and it will KILL the kid?! Im sorry, but isnt that just that you have your sugar under control? The kid grows well and all..So?!

They also messed the info up. She said I had an GTT test at 28 weeks but I had one at 34 weeks so I wonder if they messed everything up?
They actually said it will kill your baby??!! Umm, that seems an odd and awful thing to say to a pregnant woman!

You seem to be getting a lot of mixed information regarding all this - is there any way you can actually go in and speak to someone who knows what they're on about, tell them everything you've been told and get a straight answer?

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