The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Okay well basically, I have to check my readings tomorrow and if they're normal I dont have to worry about it at all because they are not really sure if I have it because it doesnt effect the kid (also, Im 37 weeks now :D Hooraay)

I don't quite get what you're saying... All the way through this post you keep saying that they not sure you have it because your baby is normal size?? That is just one of the thins it affects so not sure they could make diagnosis on that???

FYI I had GD with really high levels and was insulin controlled towards the end and my baby was only 7lb4???

Well...I had my readings done yesterday. They told me to eat normally and a minimum of 1 snack high in sugar. So I did. And I couldnt believe what I saw. I'll post it here:

Before breakfast: 3.2
After breakfast: 3.5
Snack: 3.4
Lunch: 3.5
Snack: 3.4
Dinner: 3.7
Snack: 3.8

I had 2 sandwiches with eggsalad and a glass milk as breakfast
1st snack was a mango smoothie
Lunch was 2 sandwiches with chicken
Snack 2 was orange juice with Pringles
Dinner was Chinese
And the highest reading (3.8) was a lemonslice with 40 gr sugar..

All readings were done 1.5-2 hours after the food.

Partner also tested himself after the lemonslice, his reading was 5.6
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Wow they are impressive levels :) seems they unnecessarily worried you with saying you might have had it :( c
I think so...I cried about eating a slice of white bread a few weeks ago because "what if I kill my lo with it" a lot..LOT of stress :( OHs nan is worried about my levels being really low now lol x
Well they are quite low really, might be worth asking them advice on that really?? Xx
Yes I might do (especially the lemonslice) I was expecting at least a 7 on that one lol. But I felt/feel just fine. My body's just weird I think :)
Thanks Jaxx. Suppose I'll just have to carry on as normal and see what happens. Let's hope it was just an odd day! This stuff is so frustrating xxx

I know :( I'm stuck with it and everyday is a struggle :( xx
OK, so hoping maybe someone can shed some light on this?

My reading first thing was 5.1 which is fine, then I had breakfast as normal (plain shredded wheat with ss milk and a glass of sugar free squash) as I do every day, then drove to work. Did my blood test 2 hrs after breakfast and it was 7.1. I know it's not a huge spike or anything but just wondering why it would be higher when I have done everything exactly the same as I usually do? I would usually have tested again to make sure but I'm running out of strips and got to last the weekend before my new prescription is ready.
I'm sure it's probably just one of those things but it's frustrating when I haven't done anything wrong and also such a comedown after feeling so positive yesterday. Sorry just really annoyed me!

Could be the same as what happened to me the other night - was told that it could all just be down to my placenta making too much insulin. She also told me not to expect the same readings everyday even if i eat the same things because of what the placenta does!
It is very annoying though!
It's so annoying! Just makes you feel like well, how am I supposed to know what the hell to eat then?! I think I'm just having a defeatist day today to be fair. Need to have a positive outlook! PMA PMA lol

Jaxx - I feel for you! You seem to deal with it really well and I appreciate your expert advice :)
Hi all, I've just joined and wanted to join this thread if that's ok?

I'm 8 1/2 weeks pregnant with my 7th baby and had Gestational diabetes in my last pregnancy which was insulin controlled. My daughter was born after a natural labour at 37+6 and had no problems, thank goodness.

I took a couple of fasting sugars when I first knew I was pregnant out of interest as I had a couple of glucose testing strips left and they were 6.9 and 7.5. I told the midwife this at booking last week and she has booked me in for a GTT on Monday.

I tested my sugars myself today and my fasting this morning was 6.5. Had a breakfast of two slices of seeded toast with a tiny smidge of marmalade and my 1 hour reading was 12.3, 2 hour reading was 9.0, so I think I'll be diagnosed again on Monday. I'm dreading it as I feel sick most of the time still and snacking is the only way to stave it off. I'm dreading having to restrict my diet so much again and think about everything I eat.
has anyone had to deal with a sore throat and cold. ive caught one from hubby and looked up the stuff i can take in pregnancy but its all not advised with diabetes. well other than paracetamol. i have trouble breathing at the best of times right now lol :wall2:
I would just take whatever makes you feel better and gets you well. You're not going to be on it long term, just my opinion though x

Hi Jackson :wave:

It is a pain in the ass watching what you eat isn't it!? Pregnancy is supposed to be the time when you can eat whatever you want without guilt :roll:
But on the plus side, at least you've caught it early and so you'll get it all under control and you and bubs will be a-ok :)
DL - might be worth asking the diabetic MW for advice? I don't know what to suggest really - were you thinking of things like honey & lemon?
Hello Jackson! Youre well ontop of your diabetes arent you, caught it very early! Its a good thing, i was only told i had it at 34wks as i was "missed" out for the gtt test. Hope youre test goes ok today, its not a fun thing is it!

Well i didnt have a particularly good day yesterday foodwise as it was mothers day! It was just a one off though and a special occasion so back on track today. My levels werent surprisingly high though considering what i ate - one was 6.5 (highest shouldve been 6) and after tea it was 8.7 (highest shouldve been 8) so although it was still higher than it shouldve been i was expecting lots more.

Im feeling a bit sorry for myself today, im in alot of pain from my spd and i cant even eat nice food to make myself feel a little bit better!! I could quite happily sit here and munch my way through my chocolates i had yesterday!!
Thanks for the welcome everyone.

I survived the GTT and will get my results tomorrow. I did finger prick before the first bloods and after two hours and was 5.9 (which is great for me) and 11.7, so not so great... I actually wonder if I had type 2 before pregnancy, although I was tested quite recently and told I didn't have it.

The midwife has got me a prescription for 5mg folic acid as she feels with my blood sugars so high I should be on that dose, as it's what they give type 1 and 2 diabetics to prevent birth defects. I wish I'd have known that sooner, but not much I can do except take it from now.

What does everyone's hospitals do about meds? I was on insulin last time and am hoping I can go straight to that this time too, instead of metformin as I am still breastfeeding my daughter and would prefer not to take it for that reason.

DragonLady, I hope you feel better soon. Paracetamol can be suprisingly affective. Hopefully it will help.
Sorry to hear about the results you got from your own tests - at least you are mentally prepared for it though. I wasnt and it came as a bit of a shock!

Im on a slow release form of metformin as i cant take the nromal one. I preferred it to going on insulin injections but thats cus i didnt fancy injecting myself. That said, if it came down to it then id do it
Did they give you a choice Daisy? I think I'll end up on insulin anyway as by 37 weeks last time I was on 58 units slow acting each night and 25 units fast acting at breakfast, not so much at other meals. I dont mind injecting as I inject heparin every day anyway and the insulin needles are teeny compared to that.
No they didnt really, its only cus i knew about the slow release version of it that they let me have it (i was on it for polycystic ovaries). She did say to me they dont say about that one as it costs the nhs more!
I ran out of test strips! Was told my prescription would be ready yesterday, but it wasn't, so I only did 2 tests yesterday before I ran out. So it should be ready today and I can pick it up this afternoon - just in time for my after lunch reading hopefully! I will have missed 4 in total but nothing I can do about it!
My own fault for leaving it til the last minute to get my prescription sorted. I ate the same as usual anyway so sure everything's fine!
Whatever you do, don't do like I did and buy the test strips..... For the machine I use its about £30 for 50 strips!

And after an amazingly crap week last week (more than half of my readings were high) I am determined to have a better week this week! I think it's because I was a bit stressed last week, and it was my birthday, so I indulged a teeny bit!

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