The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Well yes exactly, if it turns out not to be GD then at least you can rule that out, and hopefully start a search into finding out why you're feeling so crappy!

Hope you get some help today, try not to worry too much about the growth :hug:
Seems im having an off day today - had exactly the same for breakfast as usual and my prelunch reading was 6.6, goodness knows what itll be in 2hrs time!
Daisy - I feel like I'm having dodgy days lately too - it's my after dinner readings though. Had a tried and tested dinner last night and reading was 7.4. Really peed me off! Although to be fair we didn't go for a walk after dinner so maybe that had something to do with it. It's too cold though!! And I'm tiiiiired! :brat:
openeyes, fab news about your growth scan! your dd will remain the same as before now will it?

its been a bit quiet on here the last few days! i had weetabix for my breakfast on sunday as we'd ran out of bread, had weetabix with raspberries and blueberries - lets just say my levels went through the roof so i am back on toast again now! who wouldve thought that boring old weetabix could do that!!

Thank you :) I have basically been told that at my next appointment I'll be given an induction date - which will be between 38 and 39 weeks! So they won't let me get to full term, even though his growth is in check. I did mean to ask why, but forgot!

Weetabix is EVIL! Tbh, ALL cereal sets me off. I can't have anything other than toast for breakfast these days. Which is getting a bit boring. Also, I can't have fruit in the morning! If I have it with lunch or after dinner it's fine, but with breakfast I end up with 9.0+ readings! One morning I had a reading of 12, just because I had an apple with my breakfast!
I think it's a general GD thing where they won't let you go past due date? Not sure though. I've been told the same thing tentatively (by normal MW) but hopefully GD OB will tell me for sure.

If bubs is growing a-ok then surely there's no reason to induce particularly early? I don't know!

I can do cereal generally, only boring cereal of course ;) and toast is OK for me too I've found. What I normally do is have my breakfast, do my +2hrs blood test, then have a banana! And that seems to work ok for me fruit-wise.

On a different note, has anyone else noticed that all the best stuff seems to be on amazing offers in the supermarket at the moment?! (Obviously by best stuff I mean all the stuff we're not allowed haha) - Tesco has massive boxes of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes (fave) for like £1.50!! AND that new Cadbury's bubbly chocolate with Oreos in it is like £1.

Maybe I'm just noticing it more cos I can't have it :lol: sooooooon my prettys, sooooon :lol:
Well I have to test four times a day for a week with monitors and see how that goes, I feel absolutely lost tbh, not just with this but with lots going on in the pregnancy, they tested my sugars there to teach me how to do it and my reading was 6.4 three and a half hours after eating dinner, does that sound about right? X sorry to keep meithering you ladies xxxx hugs xxxx
I think they set slightly different limits for everyone, but my readings have to be between 4.0-7.0 2hrs after main meals. So your reading would be fine for me!

Aww sweetie, I was really overwhelmed by everything when I had to start testing but it's not too bad now. Have they told you to change your diet at all or are you just carrying on as normal for the time being? At least they're actively doing something about it.

Not bothering me, I'm happy to help where I can- and I ask enough questions on here anyway haha!
Yeah they went through a diet sheet with me, they want me to eat brown bread and avoid fruit juices etc? They want me to test before breakfast, one hour after, one hour after lunch and tea also? I was heaving in the office as she was going trough it with me so my brain wasn't on best form in all honesty :( xxx I'll probably be bugging you a lot then this week at least, eep sorry lol xxx
Sounds much like what I have to do, except I have to do my tests after 2hrs rather than 1.
Did they tell you what limits you need to aim for?
I probably miss fruit juice the most!
Bug away :) xx
They want under 6 before meals and under 7.8 after? I tested before tea just to check and get used to it myself and it was 6.4 again then x are your limits similar? Xxx
LYLLJellyTots, it sounds like you have the same tests/limits as me! It all sounds a bit scary, but don't let it stress you out :) Stress can play havoc with your glucose levels! As I'm still learning about it all, my levels can run a bit high, but they have just increased my insulin in the morning and now I have to inject just before dinner as well, so hopefully it will all settle down. Fingers crossed you don't have to too much else other than diet. but even if you do, they teach you how to inject and it's not as scary as I thought it would be, and I have a fear of needles!

Petit Pois, well, my GD OB said that all women with GD won't go past due date, even if baby is measuring ok. Maybe thats just a thing in my area? As I've said before, all areas seem to do their own thing! Which I think is a bit wrong, as surely everyone needs to be singing from the same hymn sheet, so to speak! And even the boring-est of cereals sets me off! Weetabix, bran flakes, all-bran.... I've tried it all! I am so bored of toast! Haha!

You're right about all the yummies being on offer though. Especially as it's the run up to Easter. I mean 2 lindt bunnies for £6! Yes please!
My limits are:

Before breakfast: 4.0 - 5.5
2hrs after meals: 4.0 - 7.0

So slightly different :)

It's all new to me too as only found out at 31 weeks xx
Ohh of course, Easter! That'll be why there's a lot of treats about. I love those little Malteser bunnies.

I know, it is weird how different areas follow different guidelines. But the impression I got is that I won't go past due date so I guess in that respect our areas are similar!

How do you ladies feel about the possibility of getting induced? I'm not too keen really, it's worrying me a bit - anyone experienced it before?
I just feel like I really want to experience labour the natural way after all this time you know?
I'm 31 weeks tomorrow, might not be diabetes at all but there's got to be some reason I feel so poorly you know? It's not the diabetes that is stressing me to be honest it's my blood pressure problems, protein and headaches etc, I'm high risk for pre ecclamsia and just seem to be having lots of problems x thanks so much for the help x it's very appreciated x
I was 35 weeks when i found out - part of me thinks its all a waste of time, but im assured its not - and i think deep down i know that otherwise i wouldnt be doing it.
Im now on 1g metformin slow release tablets at lunchtime, my levels are before meals 4-6, and 2 hours after meals 6-8. On the whole the metformin does seem to be helping a bit but sometimes my levels spike and ive no idea why (im told thats the placentas doing though!)
Im being delivered at 39wks (2 weeks today, wooo!!) but thats because this was a planned csection following an emergency one, although one good thing is ive been told i will almost certainly be going down first in the queue because of the GD otherwise theres no particular order!

Im a bit worried about the morning of the section actually, i drink water like its nobodys business and theyve told me im allowed nothing to eat or drink after 6am. The first csection isnt unil 1.30 and they wont even put a drip in me until i go down to theatre. Im dreading being so thirsty but they are adament im allowed nothing :(
LYL - i was just going to ask you about pre-eclampsia, are they keeping a close eye on you for that? Sorry you are feeling so rubbish, pregnancy can really take a lot out of you cant it
I'm not worried about induction. This is my first baby, but my mum was induced with me. And, alright, that was 26 years ago, she has kept me pretty clued up as to what to expect.
Well ladies my levels are looking fine I think so I have no idea what's going on, I have done a couple of readings tonight, more for reassurance than anything, I had boiled potatoes steamed chicken and veg for tea,

Before tea 6.4
1 hour after 6.4
2 hours after 7.3

Will do all my readings tomorrow but it's looking quite positive I think? X
LYL - i was just going to ask you about pre-eclampsia, are they keeping a close eye on you for that? Sorry you are feeling so rubbish, pregnancy can really take a lot out of you cant it

Sorry hun I missed this post, my bp today was 155/85 and I have protein in my urine, have had bad headaches too :( saw a junior doctor about all that today who tbh made me feel more stressed than ever, this in whilst being on nifedipine twice daily too. Diabetic consultant was really helpful though so that's a positive, just want to know why I feel so rotten all of the time you know? I am drinking stupid amounts of fluids and being sick all the time and there's got to be a reason for it all? I know some of it can just be general pregnancy stuff but this last three weeks has been awful :( xxx

Thanks for the help ladies will update you tomorrow but them readings seem really positive don't they? Thanks for all the help and sorry for meithering! Xxxx

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