The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Hi everyone, just wondered if anyone has been really sick after starting metformin? I started it weds and had a constant upset stomach (just woke up and been sick and still feel sick).
Also as a result I have been unable to eat a lot and my levels are higher than they have ever been. Is that normal too?

Ive been pt on glucophage slow relace tabs as they too upset my tummy. :( had bad tummy cramps on it. The reason your lvls are higher after being sick hun is you need to drink water as the sugar in your blood is concentrated after being sick. ( i found this out as i had a tummy bug on tues and dr told me that as he asked me to take my blood lvl) if your not eating keep your fluids up can you contact your dibetic nurse and let her know that your being sick? She would be able then to advise you then and decide what to do with meds.
Hope you feel better soon its pants being ill on meds. im on insulin now and time to time makes me feel funny. Hope this helps xxx

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Just wanted to update that I had my post natal GTT the other week and the results were normal! So pleased!!! :D xxx
Heya ladies, am only 12 weeks pregnant but am borderline diabetic anyways, have been booked in for a GTT at 16 weeks as I'm already having sugar in my urine x will be trying to read & catch up with this thread xxx
Just wanted to update that I had my post natal GTT the other week and the results were normal! So pleased!!! :D xxx
woohoo! yay congrats hun!:dance: :lol: no more having to test before meals bet that feels nice! :lol:. xxx
Hi girlies, had my gtt yesterday and had a call today to say I have gestational diabetes :( what can I expect at the appointment tomorrow I'm terrified xx
Firstly, don't be terrified! They will probably set you up with an appointment with a dietician. They will advise you on best things to eat and best way forward! They may allow you to just try and control it with diet first of all. Do you know what your results were??

I know it can be completely overwhelming :( I was called and within hours I was don't the hospital being put on insulin!!

There's plenty if support here so ask any questions you need to Hun xxxx
No I have no idea what my results are they just rang and told me I have it and to go in in the morning, can it hurt the baby? Xx
If your levels go crazy and you don't keep them under control, then the baby can get rather large! There's also a few other risks but only if you don't control it! Eating a sensible diet will cut the risk dramatically but just be aware that as your pregnancy progresses you may need medication!!

try not to worry but in the mean time, cut out the obvious sugar things like cakes, chocolate, fizzy drinks! And watch that you don't overload on carbs as these are broken down into sugar!!

what I did is when id got over the shock I wrote a list of questions! Then when you're in your appointment you won't forget anything as it can be overwhelming!!

One bit if good news is you'll get to see baby more often as you'll have extra growth scans to make sure baby isn't getting too big xxxx
Ok so anything with sugar in I will avoid, now the test is done is that it? I won't have to have another one? And will I be back to normal when bubs is here? It's really taken me by surprise, How will they know what my sugar levels are for the next 10 weeks or is it just judged by scan and babies size? I have extra growth scans anyway so hopefully i get more. Sorry for all the questions xxx
That's ok About the questions!! You will be given a blood glucose meter where you'll be asked to check your own glucose levels with a pin prick. You should start going back to normal as soon as the placenta is delivered!! I was unlucky in that I'm now type 2 diabetic :( but that could be that I already was but not yet diagnosed and the pregnancy bought it out :( but that only happens in the minority xxxx
The appointment went well, I got given a meter and a food chart to fill in for a week, the level was ok after fasting but after the yucky drink was 8.9 but they said that's not very high compared to some and I can hopefully control it by diet, my 2 readings so far today are 5.2 and 4.8 which I think are normal :) they said Molly will be checked for 24-48 hours after birth so will be kept in, does this happen with all GD babies? I would rather be kept in anyway so not complaining xxx
Yes because they have to make sure that baby can regulate its own sugars as its own insulin production is likely to be increased to fight the extra glucose passing the placenta!! Glad the appointment went well, yes those figures you got today are good!! My GTT was 8.4 BEFORE the drink lol

Hope you're feeling a little less worried now xxxx
Yes definately less worried thankyou, glad they know about it to keep a better eye on baby xxx
Is a reading of 5.8 before Breakfast bad? They told me it should be less then 5.5 pre meal and less than 7.5 2 hours after having a meal xx
I take it that's your fasting reading?? I was told should be between 4-6 fasting so seems ok... What has it been last few days? Did you eat a bit later yesterday or have a snack maybe? X
I'm not sure I just have to test 4 times a day before and after meals so I guess it's fasting for the morning one, last few days have been 5.1 before eating, that might be it actually I ate an orange and banana as a snack quite late, I think they said don't worry too much if I stay out of double figures but can't help but worry xxx
Yeah it's only slightly up from your norm :) I wouldn't worry too much... If it keeps creeping up though ring them xxx
Sounds like they are less strict where you are... Mine in Brighton has to be under 5 before all meals and under 7 already one hour after each meal.

Those would be impossible for me I think, I now drink only water and don't have any junk food and mine are higher then 5 before meals apart from the odd 4.8 Iv had twice. Don't know what else I can change, any ideas? Do u find it easy keeping below 5 before meals? Xxx

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