The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Hiya, I don't really eat anything special I have just cut out all sugary foods and drinks, and swapped certain foods for healthier options. for brekky I usually have all bran or fruit and fibre if I'm having cereal (it used to be coco pops or anything sweet lol) or I have marmite on granary toast (instead of white bread) lunch varies alot and probably is about the same as what I used to eat, I'm loving wholegrain crackers and cheese at the moment though. For dinner I usually have some kind of meat with lots of veg. Iv had the occasional maccy ds or Chocolate and still been within the guidline levels they gave me so im hoping I can get away with Christmas pud next week :) Xx
yeah I've been cutting out choccie, crisps etc too. Depressing isn't it at this time of year. I work in an office and virtually everyday someone is bringing in a tub of celebrations or Roses :(
I had burgers and chips last night for my tea and got a surprisingly low reading!! I'm dead chuffed that I've not had to cut everything out.

My diabetic midwife has given me christmas day and boxing day to have bad results so I'm looking forward to being able to indulge in a little choc yule log or my mums lish christmas cake!
Yeah it is depressing this time of year, I was looking at a box of Ferraro chocs yesterday and it took all my willpower not to buy them otherwise I'd probably scoff the lot lol. I am having treats over Christmas though so hope my diabetic midwife forgives me if I have a few naughty readings :) xxx
Im sure she will :) Surely its a given over the festive period that people slip slightly...I mean they have taking the drinking baileys, eating brie and pate vices off us so we only have choc and crisps to get us thru this depressing season! LOL

I'm faced with a table full of chocolate cake and cookies at the minute "i will resist....i will resist!" lol
Hi ladies, just found out I have diabetes, they are not sure if it's gestational or type 2. Got to start to take metformin and possible insulin. Today I have had bagel with scrambled egg and salmon. Some cheese, sausage and pork pie. Then a really tiny amount of Xmas dinner but readings have been 9.4, 7.6 and 11.6. What am I doing wrong xxx
The bagel is loaded with carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a form of sugar. Until your levels stabilize try to stay away from bread, potatoes, rice, pastas etc.
Try to eat loads of vegetables (the non starchy ones) with fish or meat, eggs, berries have lower carbs while most of the fruits are loaded with sugar. (You may be able to eat some of them later once insulin is introduced and your levels stabilize a little)
I've got 9 weeks until my due date, gosh how I hope I will make it until the end with no medication... I have not stayed away from all temptations this Xmas but eaten much less than I normally would - that's a plus I guess...

And I don't have to see my horrible doctors until 8th January. When I saw them last and told them about how people seem to have different levels and targets according to where they live etc they told me well we have not had any stillbirths so if you want to take that risk you can goto another hospital. I was mortified! Can't wait to get this over with so I never have to see them again.

Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas :) xxx

Gah GD is getting me down. I started off so well with my readings and recently they seem to be going all over the place even when eating the dinners that I've previously had lower readings with.

Seeing my diabetic midwife next wednesday and I'm dreading her saying that I will need medication for it. I know its all for a good reason but its still getting me down thinking about it.

I want to be able to enjoy this pregnancy and I feel like GD is taking all the fun out of it!

Anyone else bummed out???
I know how you feel, I've been battling with GD since I was 14 weeks and am now 32+

I am genuinely fed up and at times it has been really getting me down. But I've somehow managed to get through with no medication and don't plan to go on any medication now - there's been a few ups and downs but the levels have quickly sorted themselves out again.

Good luck! xx

I'm glad I'm not alone then. I had toast and decaff coffee yesterday morning and got a 6.9 and then this morning got a 9.1 for the exact same breakfast!

I feel like I'm not eating enough either which isn't helping me....
Just try stay away from carbs for a few days, have lots of cheese, salads, veg and meat+fish - I find that whenever my readings start getting high, I pull all the sugars and carbs out an they will stabilise again x

Thanks Berit for the carbs and sugar suggestion...I'm sooo fed up with not being able to eat what I want! :(
I know Hun, I've had GD for 20 weeks now and am too beyond fed up. But I've found that my levels have now stabilised so I can be naughty every now and then :) x

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Had my clinic yesterday and they have put me on the dreaded Insulin. The few readings I've had have already lowered so it must be doing something...and I've to keep thinking that its only 7 weeks of it.

I just need to plan some nice and healthy dinners now and move away from the xmas cake LOL

I'm going to have weekly scans from now on and they want to deliver him before my due date so least I've got something good out of it. (Especially when I saw his cherub face yesterday on the scan :))

Awww sorry to hear that! I was put on insulin at 29 weeks :( in fact it found it easier than I do now on metformin as it's less restrictive!!

I had Stanley at 38+3 as I went for regular growth scans and they thought he was too big ( they estimated 10lb+) but he was only 7lb4 lol

You're right to keep it in your was that it is only 7 weeks and it'll all be worth it xxxx

Awww sorry to hear that! I was put on insulin at 29 weeks :( in fact it found it easier than I do now on metformin as it's less restrictive!!

I had Stanley at 38+3 as I went for regular growth scans and they thought he was too big ( they estimated 10lb+) but he was only 7lb4 lol

You're right to keep it in your was that it is only 7 weeks and it'll all be worth it xxxx

I'm only on 4 U/ml of it at the minute so hopefully it doesnt get any stronger :) I'm finding that one I've done the injection and eaten Im a feeling a little dizzy but I guess it cos its working quick to get rid of the sugars. Did you have to inject it into your thighs? I'm finding that I'm bleeding everytime I inject there - I'm covered in plasters (it doesn't help that I'm on aspirin as well for my bp so my blood is thinner anyway!)

They have given me an approx weight of 5 pounds at the minute so I can't see him getting any bigger!

I'm secretly hoping that it'll be less than 7 weeks and then I can get back to normal :)
I'm sorry to hear you've had to go on medication. But hopefully it will make your life a bit easier now eating and blood levels wise - and like you said you have 7 weeks to go and hopefully it's all over!
They told me that even if I go on diet alone all the way to the end and everything is good they will still want to induce me at 39 weeks at the latest which I'm not too happy about but we'll see when we get there!
When's your official due date? x

I'm sorry to hear you've had to go on medication. But hopefully it will make your life a bit easier now eating and blood levels wise - and like you said you have 7 weeks to go and hopefully it's all over!
They told me that even if I go on diet alone all the way to the end and everything is good they will still want to induce me at 39 weeks at the latest which I'm not too happy about but we'll see when we get there!
When's your official due date? x

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you Berit :(
Insulin seems to be working good for me :) i've had no scary readings since so that little 4U/ml is obviously the best thing for me...even if it is a pain in the arse to inject all the time!

My official due date is 26th Feb but we're discussing delivery at my next appointment next wednesday so I'll wait and see what they decide. I've heard that induction can be more painful than allowing your body to make the decision itself!
That's alright, no need to apologise! :)

I'm glad insulin is working for you, must make your life easier in the sense that you can eat more things even if it is a pain in the backside!

I've heard many horror stories regarding inductions - for them being more painful, more intense and also often ending up with c section or some other "help" :( With my first I had epidural which slowed things down so they had to put me on a drip (which is basically similar to induction drug) and my god it was painful :( And also they had to use other instruments so I am very very much against it. I guess I will see what they say nearer the time... I'm still determined to have a water birth and go naturally if at all possible...

I hope everyone is getting on as well as they can with their GD x


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