The Gestational Diabetes support thread

hey ladies come on here for a rant. really struggling with my lvls atm im on 4 tabs of slow release tabs a day and still eating when i should (and healthy might i add.) and they are still highish (over the 5.5 target 6.5+ but no higher than 8.) its so frustrating! ive got diabetic nurse and consaltant on fri and have a feeling im gonna be put on insulin :( sorry for moany thread but i need to vent. xxx

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I just wanted to ask you ladies who have experience with GD a couple of questions. My blood sugar level came back at 100 which the doc said is still within the 'normal' range but is borderline for GD. He asked if I had fasted before the test which I hadn't (I was never told to). The test was before lunch and I had eaten breakfast, fruit and crackers (no added sugar) if I remember right, probably about 3 hrs before. He said I should do the test again and fast 12 hrs before. The numbers don't mean anything to me and of course I'll be getting the blood test again but what does it sound like diabetes to you? Also I had the tests before 7 weeks so is it likely that it was already a problem before I got pregnant?
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Hey Bunny..

Your doctor seems to be using the new measurement which people are still trying to get used to.. not sure about the levels for diagnosing GD (athough I had it) but I think 100 equates to 5.6mmol roughly?? This would prob suggest there is a slight problem..and given that youre quite early in your pregnancy the doctor would like to get this under hand now as it will progress the frther you get on!!

However, for them to get a TRUE reading of how your body deals with sugar, they would need it to have been a 12 hour fasting test.. if that then comes back high then you will most probably be sent for a GTT. The one where you have one blood test, then lucozade, then another test 2 hrs later.

Your level may have been high because of the fruit you had, its high in natural sugars..or you may have had a cold or something a number of things can mess with your blood sugars so dont panic just yet :)

Fingers crossed all is ok for you...let us know how you get on xxx
Thanks for our reply Jaxx01. I'm in Portugal which could explain why the measurements are in mg/dL. The chart says 70-110 is considered normal but he said 100 is borderline and warning sign for the beginning of GD. I just used an online calculator and that equates to 5.55 mmol/L so you are right. He did say the blood test might come back fine after fasting, so hoping that is the case. My grandmother is an insulin-dependent diebetic so I might have the genes for it.

Out of interest how much lucozade do you have to drink for the GTT? I really hate sweet drinks like that so would have trouble getting it down. I am not big on sweet stuff in general, for example in the last couple of months I ate chocolate once and a piece of cake. I guess that is good if I turn out to have GD as it must be hard for people with a sweet tooth, I do love my fruit though.
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I think its about 300-400ml it will prob make you feel quite yucky :( although they may do things differently in portugal??

Its good youve not got a sweet tooth...carbs are also not great :(

I had GD and was put straight on insulin as my levels were really high...Im now type 2 :( they think I may have had it before and the pregnancy just bought it out quicker :(

Good luck...when are you going for a fsting test? x
The doctor forgot to give me the referral papers for the test so I have to go back and ask for them. I think he got distracted because there was a small separation in the placenta on my scan pic and he was mostly talking about that. I've been put on bed rest so I'm not sure if I should go back now or wait for a week or so. I'm not sure how important it is to get the tests done soon, maybe another week won't make much difference and running around to appointments might not be a good idea for me now.
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Im sure a week wont hurt but you will need to get sorted if you do have GD sooner rather than later...sorry to hear about the placenta.. Is that something that will correct itself with plenty of rest??

You are going through it a bit arent you :hugs:

Hello everyone ! iLife is getting slowly back to normal...
My parents come to visit for one month and after that off I am to shift some baby weight.
I will do low carb as always, wondering if to join you here or to start a low carb diet thread...hmmmmm
Jaxx I am sure that the answer is somewhere here but how did your doctors appointment go??? Did they give you meds or only diet?
Im sure a week wont hurt but you will need to get sorted if you do have GD sooner rather than later...sorry to hear about the placenta.. Is that something that will correct itself with plenty of rest??

You are going through it a bit arent you :hugs:


From what I can gather the placenta thing is to be taken seriously but will most likely correct itself within a few weeks. It is only effecting a very small part of the placenta so should be no danger to the baby as long as it doesn't get worse. I did feel a bit battered after we got out of the docs because we found out about the placenta, borderline GD and that I'm Rh- all at the same time. No one of them is counted as a huge risk but you know how us pregnant ladies are, you cant help some worry about potential complications and being stuck in the house all the time doesn't help. It really was lovely seeing the our LO kicking and wiggling on the scan but all this has taken some of the spark out of it.

As far as the GD goes I think I'll wait until next week to go back for the tests. In the mean time I'll do some research about diet for GD because that can't hurt even if it turns out to be nothing.
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Hey hope :)

Sorry, its been bit manic and Ive been meaning to reply in depth to your message!

Firstly, I had my echo done on 24th Sept and was told that I would be contacted urgently if the doc needed to speak to me, and Ive not heard anything so get the results in December at my routine check up.

On the diabetes side, they sent me on my way and told me diet and exercise, had a cholestorol test and it came back fine which is great...BUT when I rang for the cholesterol results he called me in and said that theyd like me to take metformin once a day...he said they dont do it with everyone..maybe because of my age its more a preventative thing?? I dont know but ive been on it for 5 days now...

The other thing is a week after i was diagnosed my mum came round and said she felt poorly...I thought she sounded like me when I have high sugars around I tested her on my meter... 28.8 :shock: I couldnt believe I sent her straight to doctors where she had ketones in her wee and they were quite concerned..needless to say she got a diagnosis thankful I took her reading!! and mum are kinid of battling it together which although Id obviously like a slightly nicer way to bond with my mum lol its kind of nice to have her there next to me..

How are you and your beautiful bubba???? xx
Bunny - The main advice Id give and Im sure the others will too is swap all heavy carbs for the wholewheat variety..that is one of the main chances you can make which even if youre not GD would be a good choice :) obviously cut out all the obviously sugary stuff...and fruits...they are ok but high in natural sugars so just be a bit careful :)

And Carbs break down to sugar so try not to overload on carbs if you can help it :) xx
Thanks I appreciate that. I already eat quite a lot of whole grain, my parents were hippies when I was little so I got a taste for all that health food stuff lol but I often eat white bread and pasta out of convenience too. I'll try eating mainly whole grains and beans and stuff until I can get the tests done. Not sure how my poor oh will feel about the new meal plan but I'm sure he'll cope :).
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lol aww bless...Im lucky that I only have my boys here and they eat what they are given hahah I dont have a man to keep happy :) x
It's so weird how all my readings have been completely normal... I've been quite good with eating but not stayed away from anything - apart from sugars although I've had occasional treats - and nothing, no readings have gone over... I wonder whether I have gd or I am very very borderline..?!

I am pleased as I have not put weight on and have been healthier but the every 2 weekly checks etc are driving me mad :( I also need to go to London to a foetus cardiologist or something, my hospital sends everyone with gd to check baby's heart as apparently 20 weeks scans are not good at picking up heart stuff. Really worries me :(

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Just wanted to update I got my blood test results back and it was 81 mg/dl (4.5 mmol/L). Haven't been back to the docs with the results yet but I think that puts me in the clear for now? Anyway thanks so much for the support and advice, thank you for letting me visit your GP support thread :).
If that was the result after the sugar drink then yes - well done :)

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No that's just a straightforward blood test after fasting but it seems to be well within the normal range. I know the GTT is more accurate but based on that result I don't think my doc will send me for one until later on at least.
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Mine was 4.5 after fasting as well but it was the second one that was very slightly over. Every reading since then has been ok and they have not let me off the hook.

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Hi everyone, just wondered if anyone has been really sick after starting metformin? I started it weds and had a constant upset stomach (just woke up and been sick and still feel sick).
Also as a result I have been unable to eat a lot and my levels are higher than they have ever been. Is that normal too?
Also I didn't take the tablet last night as I had an empty tummy, should it still be effecting me if I missed a dose or does it take a while to come out system.

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