The Gestational Diabetes support thread

I was always told fasting and before meals 4-6 and two hours after meals!!

Funny how it varies!

It is under 5.5 for before meals and under 7.0 for the reading (can't remember if it's 1 hour or 2 hours) after meals here. I don't think a few .somethings different is much to worry about Claire, but when you see your consultant with your readings book he or she'll reassure you.
I've finally had my booking in appt with my midwife and been told, as I already knew, I'm virtually guaranteed to get GD again this time. Am now awaiting consultant appointment and making the most of chocolate while I still can :lol:
I've finally had my booking in appt with my midwife and been told, as I already knew, I'm virtually guaranteed to get GD again this time. Am now awaiting consultant appointment and making the most of chocolate while I still can :lol:

Is it common to have it in future pregnancies then? hope u manage to get away with it xx
If my before meal readings were even 5.1 and an hour after 7.0 I would already be put on slow release tablets. They are saying here that because they are so strict with low levels they have the best results in keeping GD under control. It drives me crazy - I'm constantly being penalised even if I have a a few before meal readings of 4.8 in a row.
I don't find it too hard to keep them under 5 if I am very strict with my eating times as in I have a breakfast, 2 h late I have a small snack like a banana or apple and then 2 h later before lunch I normally have a reading under 5. Same applies after that. I have lunch, 2 h later a small snack and then again 2h later before dinner it's under 5. It's easier when I exercise (go for a walk after I've had a snack etc). My after meals are never over 7 unless I have a big dessert or something, but never out of the 7s even then. Again, massively helps if you go for a brisk walk after your meal or do some housework etc.
They say its very likely you will develop GD in subsequent pregnancies and also that with every next pregnancy you have GD with you also increase the risk of having type 2 diabetes. It's horrible :(

I've already got type 2 diabetes because of the one pregnancy :( x
I know jaxx, so unlucky for you :( I am still not convinced I even have GD - rest of the country would probably say I am not but Brighton are so a*al :(

See I would say with your figures you're not but there is no farm really in keeping them low through diet :D fingers crossed they stay that way, your doctors sound harsh lol I thought mine was difficult but I was (un)lucky enough to have the insulin to cover most foods... Only bonus really of it!!

Now at type 2 I'm told to keep to under TEN 2 hrs after food!!! Ten?????? No thanks. Ill stick to aiming towards 7-8 thanks lol x
No I don't think so either. If I was in any other city I'd probably be ok but here they're crazy! Which I suppose in a way is good... Keeps me on track and hopefully keeping them that low will help in the long run. At least I know I don't have to panic should they get to like 5.2 before meals or something!

Under 10?! Wow, that is high! How many doses of insulin are you on? Are you finding quite easy to stay in control? xx

I'm just on metformin now, I stopped the insulin when Stanley was born!! Hopefully I can hold off for a good few years before I go on insulin. At 31 though I never imagined to be in this situation :( x
I can imagine Hun, you would hope you'd be one of those who never end up getting type 2 or 1. At least you can manage without insulin which is great - I hope you can carry on like this for a long time!!! Have you thought of any alternatives? I was thinking of going to a homeopath if they wanted to put me on metformin. I'm just fed up with all the doctors negativity on how it can never get better etc. I'm determined to prove them wrong lol x

I know and the thing is it a progressive disease really but they just pack you in your way and you have annual check up?? A lot could happen in a year... I could pretty much guarantee if I aim for levels if ten 2 hrs after food for the next year my annual blood test would be a lot higher than it is now!!! Oh well, I'm off to research some more!! X
That is very true! Keeping them lower now will most likely help you in the future. I really hope it's going to stay under control for you! x

Not sure... All I've heard is that it's hard to digest. But no doubt it's good for you.

Hi ladies, sorry for sounding stupid lol. I was wondering how will I know if i have type 2 diabeties when Molly is born? Willl they even check or do I just keep the metre? And I know this sounds daft but I have no idea.. if the diabetes doesn't go when bubs is born will I be allowed to breastfeed? Xxx
Yes you will be allowed to breast feed as baby will regulate her own sugars :) I'm fact breast feeding as soon after birth as possible helps baby to regulate!!

You will be offered a GTT about 8 weeks after birth xx
Thanks that's so helpful, I only thought about it this evening while I was writing my list of what's left to buy, it never crossed my mind before. I would be disappointed if it meant I couldn't even try and bf, and that's even better that it will help molly regulate her sugars :) the sooner we get home for cuddles the better! Xx
Hiya Girls, I got diagonosed with borderline GD the other week but its being diet controlled not insulin or tablet controlled.

I'm wondering if you girls could suggest some suitable breakfasts, Lunchs and Dinners so I'm starting to get soooooo fed of plain food these days! I'm only just managing to keep in my blood sugar ranges so it would be useful to get some good recipes to try and combat it!


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