The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Do you know u was going to say that to you but I really didn't want to frighten you. Have you spoken to a diabetes nurse?? You had a scan the other day though didn't you?? I'm sure they would have checked the placenta then xxx
I had a scan just yesterday... And I asked them to Check it but they couldn't as the bean was kicking on it constantly...
but she says that it's moving loads and has normal respiratory movements so she looks like a happy baby...
That better be true as I am shitting it as it is...
The diabetic team discharge me from them 2 weeks ago as my levels were normal with only diet...

Terrified much now????
To top that I never felt the bean moving too much... So I can't go by that :(
Oh no don't be terrified just I would suggest see how your levels are tomorrow. 3.9 for a gestational diabetic with no medication just seem a bit low?? I would call someone tomorrow I'm sure they wont mind you ringing. Don't be afraid to :) I was just under the impression that levels will
Still stay elevated until the placenta is removed. Xx
Well you can regain some of you insulin tolerance back with lc diet eventually but yep it's a little weird...
I also found it weird that the bean suddenly stopped growing but they seems rather happy...

Can we all pray to Gods to go in labour pretty soon??? Tried my breast pump earlier, I figured it out some nipple stimulation will not hurt lol...
Good idea :) its a Shane you can't walk far as seeing as you are already starting to dilate it would help loads :( I'm praying for your labour, I check on you every day (in a non stalker kind of way) lol

I cannot wait for you and AR to have these bubbas :) xxx
Thank you sweet girl :love: yep walking is a complete pain at the moment even around the house...
Hey girls just checking in on you. Hope try not to worry you only have days left and if you are worried go straight to the hospital they have to listen to you.
Well my readings have been good today all under 8 so I'm very happy. I am so tired though I could have stayed in bed all day. I woke up during the night for a wee and noticed my bum was bleeding (yes my stupid bum again lol) it was really bad and didn't stop for over an hour it's quite frightening when there is so much. I don't seem to be getting better despite my sapositeries numbing the pain. I have the hospital tomorrow and will cry if I don't have any news of when this little mite is coming.
Jaxx how are you hun? X
Oh Hun your poor bum :(

I'm ok, just feeling really sluggish and knackered but I've just taken my two hour after lunch and it was 11.7!!' gutted :cry: Guess we'll know after Fridays test xxx
Amy you poor girl :( I hope you come home with an induction date tomorrow. Also do they have a plan for your piles?

Jaxx :( what did you have for dinner that gave you that value?
I have high readings like that too Hun sometimes it's because I'm poorly and others when I'm stressed or tired. I think if your prepared for the worst then if it does happen at least it's not a massive shock.
I love being pregnant hope and if I hadn't been poorly I wouldnt care if I had to stay pregnant for years it's just all these extra complications are starting to get me down. I have no idea what they will do for me once bubs is here but tbh I have heard alot of the treatments are very painful and nobody has had anything positive to say about them so I'm hoping I just heal myself. X
I had some soup and a piece of bread but a non diabetic and should not be that value :( x
I am terrified of getting piles :( I didn't get them until now but probably no escape for me during pushing...

Also I hated being pregnant!!!! Never ever again!!!

Got sth nice at the mail today Burt's bees starting set :) a little present from my oh!!! A cleansing face cream, a lip balm, a hands salve, a body lotion and a feet cream! They all smell so delicious :)
Ah that's nice hun!
Dont worry about piles I escaped them until baby number 6 x
4.4 this morning so a bit more normal :)

my night sleep is so broken that I am ready to nap 2 h after I woke up :wall:

No idea what we will eat today the only thing I know is how lazy I am to cook lol...

I hope you all have a fabulous day :)

Jaxx how ate your morning readings?
Oh my :(

Hopefully you will need only oral meds and not insulin too. did you try some light exercise to see if in time that will bring your glucose down?

I don't really get it why are they doing the GGT as it's quite clear.
Anyway in my hospital they check your morning value and If higher than 7 they don't do it.

Sorry you are going through this yet again :( random thought but you are not pregnant aren't you?
I don't understand why they are doing a GTT it is pretty obvious :(

Lol I'm not pregnant, I haven't been near a man for 17 months lol xx
Aha maybe that's the action and exercise you are missing :blush:
I think because they are doing an H1Bac tomorrow they are going to just do the GTT at same time?? I guess that way aswell as my fasting reading they'll know my how my body handles it two hours after??? I dunno I'm at a loss lol. X

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