The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Finally my tapatalk ha a shit fit and couldn't access this thread:roll:

Any glad that your bp is ok and what a perfect morning reading. Sorry you feel poorly though :(

Jaxx I hate waiting too though I never had to wait for results as I work at the hospital but I am sure it can e more than annoying!!!

I am at a lost of what to make for dinner :( I am sick of everything! Wish I could go buy some take away or sth lol...

So dinner unknown for now :(
Blood test results are back but doctor not looked at them yet. Have got a telephone appointment for after 3 :( xx
:( the medical system in uk is weird lol... How hard was for him to look at them for a sec and tell you right then?
Or maybe I am too good with my patients lol...
You can run up the receptionist and get them but with something like this I guess it's not a clear yes or no :( I know it is crazy though xx
You get the results and I will help you understand them :)
They just rang. It's not great :( my fasting was 7.1 :'( I have to have a full GTT done on the next week and another blood glucose done :( gutted.. On top of everything else I really don't want to be dealing with this :(

She said it may be that I ate a bit much the day before but I can't see how that could be seeing as I'm following a low carb, low sodium diet ;(

Gutted :( xx
Awww :( not great indeed but the bright side is that now you know instead of getting to 50 and wake up with a ton of problems :(

Maybe try to lower tour carbs a little more to see if it helps?
How many are you eating right now per day? Also exercise should help too if you have time for any with 2 young kids.

Cheer up as I always say to my patients diabetes is an insidious tricky thing with absolutely no signs other than waking up at 60 year old with a myocardial infarction. Be glad that it got discovered so early and you will live a long long life.

In plus you already know how to do it, maybe it's just a matter of small diet adjustments and metformin.

Also do you have any exces weight left from the pregnancies? That would help too
That's poo Hun last bloody thing you need on a bright note at least you don't have an ass the resembles a cauliflower like I do lol :hugs: xxxx
Good morning everyone :)

Got a 4.1 this morning :roll: so I had 2 ryvita with ham and cheese a tea, and a granola low carb bar.... Let's hope it will not be over 7 with all that food...

Lunch is unknown....

Dinner I got our of the freezer 3 kg of minced meat do it will have to be sth with that... Any ideas welcomes lol... Tfe rest of it will be cooked as a shepherds pie stuffing and frozen for a quick cottage pie after the baby is here...

So how is everyone doing???

Jaxx I hope you are ok?? chances are that once in a constant lc diet and some exercise you will gain some of the insulin resistance and your readings will improve already. I wish I could reassure you more :( I understand how worried and pissed off you must feel though.

Amy how are your readings and bp today?? Any yummy food plans?? I saw Tou got piles in a different thread? Never had them but God sounds awful and I hope you feel better soon.

Beri didn't hear from you the last days I hope you are just busy :)

I can't tell you all how panicked already feel with me loosing my plug :roll:
I wish you were all here to hold my hand lol and help me fix my bags and the house... I got a little overwhelmed with the cleaning... I know that I have to clean pretty much everything but we have a 3 floor house by the time I finish dusting one place its just all over again...never mind I can't dust anymore over closets, blinds and things like that..surely that's not good???
That poor bean I hope it Dosent get an allergy from dust mites or sth :(

Rant over for now... Me wants my mummy :cry: did I mention I am 31?????
Good morning Hun I'm at the hospital for my appointment at the moment I will let you know how it goes.
My readings were ok this morning bp a little high 148/95
But they will check them properly here.
Yeh I have the most awful piles and feel terrible with them. One must have ruptured last night my pjs were destroyed in blood when I woke up. I have a pad on today. I'm tired if it all now I just want a little break.
Hope your day goes well I will check in with you later xxx
Amy - hope its all gonna be ok in the end, sorry to hear about your troubles.

Hope, dont worry too much, as long as you've made it semi tidy it will be ok, babies will be faced with much worse stuff than dust plus it's good to build up their immune system anyway :) I never worried too much, my babies used to always sleep outside in the pram - in the uk people think I'm mad but where I'm from everyone does it. Baby's aren't as fragile and helpless as we think :)
I've been ok, so busy with work and just been tired but my readings have all been under the limit (apart from 1 which was 7.3 after dinner) which is great so I'm starting to get the hang of it for now - quite easy for me as well as I can tolerate potatoes, rice, pasta, crumpets, porridge, cereal etc - just not proper sugary stuff.

Thanks beri :hugs:
Well appointment wasn't too bad
Baby is still behaving still on the higher end but not over and is head down
My iron is 11 so fantastic
I have actually lost 5lbs I think from being poorly
My insulin has been put up AGAIN!
They were actually lovely and assured me it wasn't my fault.
I didn't get any help with my piles just alot of sympathy but I was assured once I go into labour the will give me an injection into them to numb them so I don't have to suffer whilst pushing.
Kind of made my eyes water lol
My bp is high so they took bloods to check for preeclampsia and I was told if I hadn't heard from them today not o worry. I have a midwife calling to recheck my bp and urine Monday and I'm back at the hospital thursday for full clinic and hopefully an induction date.
I think that's all my news no doubt I have forgot some.
Hope you are all ok and taking it easy. X
Hey girls,

Sorry I haven't been on today, feeling a bit down at the moment :( got this going on and the heart thing hanging over my head and now one of my close family members has what the docs think is lung cancer :( its a tough time at the mo!!

Just trying to stay on a level for my babies, they don't need me moping around!!

Just done a huge shop of healthy stuff to start tackling these issues head on. My BMI is 25.99 so only just over normal but I want to get down to well within average!

Hope how are your cramps now?? Have you got a birthing ball?? If you are dilated already the ball would be great for you!!

AR - glad your appointment went ok, fingers crossed its not Pre-eclampsia. Good sign they've not called though!!

Not long now ladies :) soo wish we were all nearer :( would be lovely to meet you guys. Xxx
Aw Hun you are having it really tough. I wish we lived closer it would be lovely to meet up (I promise to keep my piles to myself lol)
Fb me anytime missy dont ever feel like your alone.

I'm fairly confident I'm ok as I got no call so I'm chillin as much as I can xxxx
Hey Jaxx, it never only rains I suppose :( I hope everything will start looking brighter soon...
Did you ever look at the Atkins diet? Phase 3 and 4 they can be very beneficial for your blood sugars. You can modify it a little to not be so high fat.I wouldn't worry about low sodium right now unless you have high blood pressure.

Amy it looked like a fruitful appointment, great news about your little bean and I suppose the piles injection is a good idea though not sure how terrified I would have been because of that :faint:
I hope your bloods for preeclampsia come back ok too :)

Beri I am glad that you feel less panicked and more confident with what to eat now :) you are doing so good :)
I am sure like you I will let the baby nap in the garden when the weather is appropriate :)

Doing ok, no pains, still loosing bits of plug but Dosent seem anything else to happen. My bags are pretty much done and progressed quite a lot with cleaning though still loads to be done...I am still panicking as well but can't do anything about that lol...
Thankfully mY blood pressure is around 110/60 so I'm guessing that's not bad???

just like you say it never rains ....

AR prob not the best news bout ya bum injection but bet you'd welcome it with open arms when you're in labour :D I feel for you :( xxx
And Hope.... Please don't panic :) you are nearly there and the labour will be a distant memory once you are holding your beautiful baby :) are you having a boy?? I have a feeling of a boy lol xx
It's a girl lol and she will be grounded for the rest of her life for all the hard time she gave me during pregnancy lol...

Here are some photos of me progressing at the nursery ImageUploadedByTapatalk1346961964.339980.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1346961977.626352.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1346961989.815772.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1346962012.988212.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1346962027.421004.jpg

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