The Gestational Diabetes support thread

The nursery looks lovely!!

I've got a feeling mine is a girl as well as I've never had such problems with my boys! And yes, she'll be grounded too! :D

Thank you :love:

Having a meltdown because my oh forgot to buy me grilled chicken while he now eats pizza!!!!
Those stupid pregnancy hormones...
And no idea what to eat for dinner now :(
Maybe I just skip dinner... So sick of it all really right now...
Having one of those days...

I hope everyone is doing ok :love:
Oh Hun I totally know what you mean :( I was like that last night and I know it hasn't even been that long for me. I was so fed up with everything I could eat, so I didn't eat anything :( had cereal and that was it. It does get you down and I can see why. Hopefully not much longer for you lovely!

You still need to eat your consultant should have told you that x

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I am pretty sure I will be ok without a meal... My blood sugars are constant anyway and I don't do insulin.
Consultants they can only imagine how hard is to be pregnant and deal with crap every day... He can cook me dinner if he wants lol...
I know I should but the thought of anything was making me feel sick. All I wanted was a dirty take away - some decent food which I obviously can't have. Was forcing chicken salad down my throat this lunch time as I just can't face any more salads.

Hope, send him over to cook at mine once he is finished at yours lol.

I guess i ate what i wanted which my second chocolate and sugar just gave myself extra insulin x

Sent from my GT-I5500 using Tapatalk 2
I am not on insulin or any medication and I want to keep it that way if possible as otherwise they won't give me a water birth. So diet controlled is the only way for me which means I can't eat any of the stuff I want/crave :(

Love the nursery hope it'd so cute!
When you dont eat it actually can give you high readings your body releases natural sugars to compensate.
I'm feeling so much presssure today like i could pop any second I wish I feckin would! Lol
I know Amy, it's not good :( I have bought lots of fish and stuff and dug out my recipe books to try and make more interesting stuff!!

Ooooo how exciting, I'm jealous! And scared at the same time lol x

Good morning!

Just had a massive breakfast... 3 scrambled eggs, 1 ryvita with cream cheese and ham, 1 ryvita with peanut butter and lc strawberry gem and an apple cinnamon tea :roll:
Got a 4.4 first in the morning so I am waiting for sth above 7 with all this food lol...
Super market today and then more cleaning... Maybe a movie too tonight.

I hope everyone has a great weekend :)

Edit: after that massive breakfast got a 5.9. Ofc more than glad but I was expecting my values to go all wrong the last weeks of pregnancy, instead they are getting better and I can tolerate more carbs than 4-6 weeks ago :roll: how weird is that now???not that i am complaining lol... Can't wait for some pizza or sth after birth :blush:
Omg girls!! If any of you can handle dried fruits then you MUST try these... They are the most amazing bars ever, give me a feeling like I've eaten a chocolate bar but leaves my blood levels normal... ImageUploadedByTapatalk1347349447.094320.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1347349460.511793.jpg

Well done hope, that's brilliant!!! I find some stuff so weird, like I had mashed potato and got 8 but had a huge curry take away and got 6! I'm ok with other types of potatoes and rice and bread but mashed seems to be a no - and it's my favourite.

I have my first appointment today at the hospital (I've seen the diabetes specialist but this is the first of my 2 weekly appointment series...)

I hope it is easier for you now hope, not much longer and you can a pizza! And I want a McDonald's double cheese burger and maybe a milkshake haha.

Hey girls glad to see you ate all well sorry I haven't been around I have been really out of sorts with my poorly bum haha
My readings aren't to bad I have been off my food on and off but I seem ok.
I have the hospital Thursday so I am bloody praying for an induction date I will be a very grumpy mummy if I don't get one x
Hey amy!!! How is your pour bum lol??

Had growth scan today... The bean measured 3.700 g that classified her as normal weight :roll: so I got no induction date :faint: instead I have one more apointment at 40+3 to discuss induction if nth happens until then...
Got an internal though and a sweep.
2 cm dilated, baby fully engaged and no plug left.

The image today was shitty so I have a doubt that the measurements are ok... But I can do nth than prey that she will get a wriggle soon before she gets over 4 kg...

Glucose wise I do better and better every day??? Now that's a weird thing... I didn't have any measurement above 5.5 the past week or so???
Oh also please tell me that those internal during labour will not hurt more than what I had until now... I almost cried today in pain :roll: such a stupid girl I am....
I always found them worse before I went into labour I can't say I actually felt them when being checked when in labour so can't have been too bad.
You have done so well with keeping her weight down well done!
I finally have numbed my bum so at least I can function rather then curl up in a ball of pain. I'm still no cured by any means but it's a start. I think everyone is sick to death of me talking about it I just got a txt off my mil asking how my bum was hahaha x
Love your bum woes Amy lol :love:

Me thinks you deserve after all of your troubles to have the most content baby ever :hug:

Morning reading 3.9 :faint:
I had ryvita (2) with cream cheese and ham and 2 soft boiled eggs.
Lunch will be meatballs and green beans and yogurt.
Dinner will be cauliflower baked in the oven with green onion, Philadelphia, bacon and shredded cheese on top.

What are you all having today??

The weather is crappy btw it smells like winter and it makes me want a hot chocolate so bad!!! I may try some later though milk is quite hard to tolerate for most diabetics but you can never know...
Wow your morning reading was great Hope! don't want it any lower than that though really :/

I'm not looking hopeful for Friday really... I went and bought a monitor and some strips today and got a reading of 8.5 two hours after some toast this morning :( can't believe they are making me sit through a GTT when I've already had two fasting tests that have come back high!! I guess they need to see how my body handles it I guess... Anyway I'm eager to do my fasting one in the morning now lol x
I hope you get the best possible results.
Do you have low carb bread at the bakery in uk? Or at the supermarkets?
Failing that I saw that I tolerate ok 2-3 ryvita pumpkin seed so maybe that can be an idea?
if nth works try to have some egg for example at morning and toast for brunch, as by 11 let say o'clock the cortisol levels fall and you are able to tolerate a little more carbohydrates than first in the morning.

I changed nth in my diet Jaxx, I don't know how I got that 3.9. The past week I am constantly increasing my carbs and my values getting paradoxically better and better :roll: I hope that's not my placenta failing really as I can't see other reason how I suddenly do so good...

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