The Gestational Diabetes support thread

How is everyone today?
Had a morning reading quite at the limit 5.9 but it's probably because of all the pain I was the whole night and didn't manage to get much sleep... It went down after breakfast at 5.3

Today I tried some ryvita and I was surprised that by readings were normal :roll:

Anyway I had a internal , 2 cm dilated, cervix short measuring 2 cm, central and soft, sweep performed.
Fx it will help a little :)

Any of you know if bleeding is normal after a sweep? Got some period type pains too but they settled for now after a paracetamol.
bleeding can be normal or it could be a 'show'

The cramps could be the start :D fingers crossed :D xxxx
I don't think it's a start, I got the cramps pretty much instantly after she did it, the bleeding too but it's all clear without any thick (sorry TMI) parts in it, or at least I think a show should look different than that lol..,

Thank you Jaxx, fx for your results btw. Though I don't get it why you have to wait until Friday when it's sth that they do right then in minutes :roll:
They have to send it to the local hospital, I might actually ring up in the morning and see if they are back!!

And FYI, my contractions started before shed even closed the curtain after leaving when I hady sweep ;) xx
Thank you girls eeeeek!!!!
Though knowing my luck I will stay dilated until 40 weeks without nth else to happen lol..
Lol well fingers crossed you won't!!! Walk, walk, walk and do some more walking!!!! :D ooooohhhhh I am so excited!! And for AR :D the end to all these crappy finger pickings and levels is just around the corner :D xxxxx
Only if I could walk lol...

Oh and I have a frozen delicious cheese cake with whole strawberries in the freezer that I Will eat regardless my sugar levels once the chunk is here!!!
Once the placenta has been delivered you are no longer classed as diabetic :) soooo enjoy your cheesecake :)

Ooops sorry forgot you can't walk... How mean if me to put that :/ xx
It's ok Jaxx I still didn't manage to clean the 3 floor house... I will try to do that tomorrow and fx. I am not in terrible hurry for the bean to come just for the pain to go away lol..
I still didn't realize that at the end of all this i will have a baby :roll:
I remember when I was pregnant with Alfie, up until about 30 weeks I was just 'pregnant' then one day I sat on the end of the bed and sobbed uncontrolably because I realised I was actually going to have a baby!!!! I was so overwhelmed lol hormones do funny thing to pregnant women :D xx
I fully wait to hit me after birth lol...
Hope I just had a bp reading of 148/92
Is that classed high or borderline? X
Borderline high I would say, not enough to take action unless you have symptoms and protein in your urine.
Any headache etc etc?
Go have a relaxing bath and measure it again? But if you are feeling ok I would just recheck tomorrow morning.
Go have a relaxing bath and measure it again? But if you are feeling ok I would just recheck tomorrow morning.

I'm going to recheck it in an hour I have had a headache the past few days. I have had higher readings so I'm not overly worried just a bit peed as my bp has been behaving up till now x
My bp was misbehaving too... I got treatment though for that ad I was symptomatic at 140...
That's the good part of being a cardiologist lol, self prescribing pills otherwise the gynecologists were happy to leave me up to 165 before treatment...
Though I think you said that Tou had high Bp even before so that makes you tolerate higher values than me that had normal bp before pregnancy...

It never just rains.... Poor you,not what you needed...
Did you eat sth more salty maybe?
Morning all!
Bp settled down this morning and my early reading was 5.7 so I'm a happy bunny. I seem to have my headache under control for now. I really need to get my eyes tested apart from high bp I know I need glasses.
I woke up at 3.30 and thought I was cured until I stood up an my bum felt like a grenade had exploded in it lol
I have to say I'm getting some relief from the cream hubby got me so at least I was able to get the kids off to school.
I haven't eaten properly in days I know I will be in trouble at clinic tomorrow but when your sick the last thing you want is food. I am after making an effort to have mushroom and egg this morning so my reading should me good from that. I'm having stuffed chicken breast with cauliflower mash a small few carrots and sprouts with a pepper sauce for my tea and I might have soup for lunch.
Any news on your results Jaxx? Hope they don't keep you waiting too long the buggers. X
my doctors won't release results until 1130 grrr so I will ring on the dot and let you know!! I bet they say they are back but the doctor needs to review them which is the normal answer lol xx

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