The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Jaxx I have 5 of them to school shop for I'm in a sweat even at the thought of it lol
I just had breakfast so here's hoping my reading stays good!
Pizza omelette was lovely hope If I hadn't had eggs already today it would have been my dinner lol x
Yes Hope my baby is starting big school!! I hate to say it im a little relieved lol will be nice to have a few hours to get stuff done in the day rather than havig to wait till they are in bed!! Lol

AR I was just thinking that actually! Wow you are brave!! I have a meltdown when I take my niece and nephew and my two shopping!!! you are a brave lady lol

Jaxx - my little boy is starting school next year and I'm dreading it - upsets me that they're growing up so fast lol. But then they have been going to a childminder for a good few years so it hasn't been that bad for me.

My reading was 4.8 this morning. Had 2 belvita wholemeal biscuits last night at half 11 as I was starving and didn't have anything else. So I guess it's not top bad but too close to 5.

Next one will be before lunch so will see whether I will be paying for the porridge I had for breakfast!

You girls have given me great meal ideas so will be jotting them down - have started keeping my own diary as well with everything I eat so I will be able to learn what spikes my levels up and what I can tolerate.

As of pregnancy isn't complicated enough already we need to deal with this as well :) xx

Beri how are you measuring your levels?
Most measuring 2 h after each meal (or snacks too at the beginning ) and some people that do insulin have to
Measure before a meal and an 1 after.

So if you want to see the effect of the belvita biscuits for example you will have to measure 2 h after you eat them as until the next morning your levels will be down regardless how many carbs you ate before bed ifykwim.
The morning (just out of bed) measuring should be less than 6, closer to 5 than 6 so 4.8 it was brilliant.
Same for the porridge. If you eat it at 7 then at 9 you check to see the levels as a normal reading at 12 before lunch for example will tell you nth about the porridge.

Your baby is not secreting yet it's own insulin, that happens towards the end of 4 month do you have some time to get this right without affecting the baby just yet.
Just experiment with foods and remember that as pregnancy progress you will tolerate less and less carbs so keep checking.

As you say as If pregnancy wasn't hard enough already...
Well I've got a booklet here and my consultant told me to measure 1 hour after meal. And basically I have to alternate it so one day I do just after waking, before lunch, before dinner and before bed, the next day I will have to do 1h after brekfast, 1 hour after lunch and 1 hour after dinner.

My before lunch has to be between 3.5 and 5 and I just measured it, came as 4.8 so not too bad :)

Now going to have salad with chicken and a few baby potatoes for lunch.

I'm aware it can and possibly will get worse and as I've seen despite girls best efforts nothing works I am determined to try and make it as good as possible.

Your support is invaluable, thank you x

Aha, interesting way to measure it but he knows the best :)
Good luck with your lunch :)
I cant tolerate potatoes unfortunately :(
I ate a yogurt for lunch as no other ideas and too lazy to cook...
5.8 after lunch so it went brilliant considering that I had a 300 g one.
The only downside is that I am now starving...
Early dinner will be for us!!!
Yes, not sure why it's like that but she is the city's top gestational diabetes expert so I will try and trust her lol.

Just had my lunch which was lovely, will see if it affects anything.

Going to harvester for dinner With family - will just choose salmon with some basmati rice - that has sat well with me so far! Obviously the sundaes are off the list now haha :(

Well done for a good reading but not so good that you're hungry now. Have another small meal of something low carb (I snacked on cheese strings between breakfast and lunch) - feeling starving when pregnant does not feel good :( x

Oh my I just had a fantastic dinner!!!!
Shredded cabbage and on top fried minced meat with taco condiments and salsa!!! (thankfully my oh found no added sugar salsa at the store)
I wasn't even jealous on my oh's nachos lol that btw they have 70 carbs per 100 grams!!!! That's more than I eat per day lol!!!

I hear you about pregnant and being hungry...I seem to be hungry all day, even 2 h after I ate a proper meal :roll: but thankfully cba to cook all the time...
Do you cook that shredded cabbage somehow or just raw? Sounds lovely either way!!

That is crazy! It's amazing that once you properly start watching what you put in your mouth you discover some scary truths!

Just thinking now what to have as my afternoon snack... Ideas? My banana and cheese seemed to have worked well before - kept me under the limit. Maybe I should repeat lol.

Just raw cabbage. Crunchy works best to keep you fuller :)

I usually have for snack either a cuppa with a low carb bar ( but as you are still early you may want to watch the sweeteners) or some nuts, yogurt with nuts, cottage cheese with strawberries etc.
Berries have lower carbs than other fruits so prefer those if you find Tou have problems maintaining your sugars in normal level.
Oh and also try to pair carbs with protein and or fat.
So 1/2 an apple for example with some cheese or blueberries with yogurt will give you better readings than only the fruit as protein and fat help slowing down the absorption of carbs.

One of my favorite shacks is a homemade Lollie with yogurt mixed with berries and some sweetener :) makes me feel like I am eating ice cream!!!

Today I had mascarpone and ricotta cheese mixed with cocoa, shredded coconut and strawberries nom nom!!!
Thanks for the advice and ideas, I shall keep that in mind! I prefer berries to other fruit anyway so that should be easy ;)

Ah sounds lovely, I will have to stock up on some of that!

I had a banana with low fat yogurt which was advised so will see, due to test in an hour :)

I'm so pleased my reading was 6.5 after my dinner out at the harvester! Had some mozzarella an chicken skewers with basmati rice - fiancée had a banoffee pie sundae which I obviously stayed away from! Thankfully I didn't even fancy it!

Good morning!

Glad its going ok beri :)

How is everyone doing??

Not feeling the best I must say today...

Breakfast was a low carb granola bar, coffee and a slice of low carb bread with cream cheese and ham.
Lunch will be sausages and green beans and dinner nobody knows yet :(
Morning :) So far so good, yesterday's reading after dinner was 5.8 and had chilli con carne with rice. So it seems for now I'm ok with carbs, just need to stay away from sweets, chocolate, cakes etc.

Why are you not feeling very well?

I'm gonna hunt down some low gi cook books for ideas for dinner :)

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Usual 3 trimester aches and pains... And a cramp on my leg during the night that because of that I can't step on it...

Well done for your readings, so far so good :)
Gosh I'm dreading the 3rd tri because of those things. I remember not being able to sleep or lie on one side for too long.... Amongst hundreds of other things :p You drinking loads of water? Lack of water is said to be the main thing to cause leg cramps at night time...

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My birthing ball is my best friend been sitting on it all evening.
My readings seem ok my highest has been 11
Little madame is giving me all sorts if aches and pains but hey ho that's the joys of it. Hope you all had a lovely weekend xxxxx
Good morning everyone :)

Jaxx do you have a glucose test today?? If yes food luck :hug:

Amy well done with your readings!!! I hope you will have no more surprises :)

Beri how are you doing today??

Having a bad day pain wise... I can't really step on the left leg that I had the cramp, my right hip is in agony and it hurts every time I move and my back Is not feeling any better due to bad posture because of the hip pain :roll:

Please someone tell me that all those will disappear fast enough for me to care for a newborn???? I cant even imagine how I will do that when I can't even move right now :( broke in tears earlier but onwards and upwards we go....

Anyway enough ranting, better talk about food lol
First in the morning reading was 4.9 and I just had a slice of low carb bread, cream cheese, ham, a decaf with cream and a low carb granola bar. ( sounds quite a lot but I am still hungry?????)
Lunch will be I think maybe some hamburger patties with feta cheese and tomato?
Dinner probably the same with a side dish of dream field pasta ( I don't dare eat pasta as main meal even the special low carb one... Last time I tried I got a 7.6 after that so today it will be 1/3 of that portion as a side dish)

Those that really miss pasta you can give it a try to dreamfield brand. I think in uk you can find it at the supermarkets , it's quite expensive though but as long as you stick to the instructions to not overboil them you should be able to eat some when you really miss it :)

Have a nice day everyone :)
I'm good thanks, so far so good. Will see what my readings are in half an hour but have been feeling much better ever since changing my diet. Still tired but no sluggish and sick.

Sorry to hear you are suffering so much :( I've never had such severe pains but I do hope it's all pregnancy related and will go quickly back to normal once you've had your baby. I know all the troubles I had disappeared pretty much instantly.

No idea about food plans yet, working today and they provide lunch so will have to see if there's anything suitable! Dinner for me will probably be some sort of a chicken salad with some baby new potatoes.

Hope your day will get better and you'll feel a little better today!

Oh Hun :( sorry to hear you're in pain, is it SPD?? I ended up on crutches when Stanley was 6 weeks old because of mine but that was most prob due to the fact that I had to come back from hospital and pretty much carry on as Nornal as I'm on my own and also had a 4 year old!! I overdid it I think so my only advice is to take it easy, get oh or your family to do whatever they can and also enjoy the baby stage, cuddling on the sofa etc as those baby days go quick!!! :D

Yes had my glucose test this morning, I get the results on Friday! I'm praying it's all ok as on top of everything else I could really do without it :(


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