The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Oh I've also reduced my carb intake, cut out takeaways and chocolate as well! X

just spoke to my doctor and I have an appt on dec 17th to talk about doing an IUI...really scared now!
Er cd9 maybe? But im not gonna think abt ttc this month jus enjoy christmas! My app that i had for 27th of dec as been canceled til end of jan :( so thats another reason for relaxed approach.
Hows u missj?hows the diet? Xx

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Ekkk jojo 17th isnt far away hun! Xx

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:hugs: Jojo. x

Ab11 - That's a good plan hun. I'm still hoping for a christmas BFP, think AF is due 24th Dec so would be fecking fantastic to get a bfp instead!! The diet is going well, I've been trying my best and that's all I can do really. Looking forward to getting slimmer and more toned! x
Ye im the same af due 23rd ish.
Hopefully af will stay away for us hun! U still gonna diet over crimbo? Think u should still treat ur self :) xx

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Yeah defo going to stick to it as much as I can but I am allowing myself a mince pie or two, some Bailey's and of course a christmas dinner! Really looking forward to it. :) x
Ekkk jojo 17th isnt far away hun! Xx

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my hubby and I are super excited and depending on the cost we will aim for our first one to be done in feb...if the cost is too high we will have to wait till around april.
Lucky me, due af around xmas day too. Gonna be really great or really crap.....
Lucky us hey!

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Hopefully we'll be getting a priceless christmas pressie this year girls!! :pray: :pray:

Jojo, I hope you get to have it in Feb. Although April isn't far off February. :hugs: x
I haven't been using ov tests this cycle.. Have just ordered some. :shock: Am cd14 today though and we've been BDing every other day or two. It's sooo weird not being on Clomid and going back to doing it alone. :oooo:

Can't get used to how quiet this thread is now. :(
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Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that people have moved on either by way of bfp or next steps in treatment.. It's just super quiet. :oooo: x
I still check in every once in a while...but it is very quiet! We are thinking we will do it in Jan and Im still deciding if to do it with just clomid or to try follistem (SP?) injections. It depends on the cost. we are very excited!!! I will still keep everyone posted! Miss J why are you jumping straight to IVF and not trying IUI first? Its a lot cheaper...just asking?
I feel a millions times better not being on it! Looks like ttc is off this month cause hubby is doin overtime sunday and nights nxt week :( xx

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Jojo - that's great you might be able to go for it sooner! :yay: I don't know which I'll be referred for, my consultant would rather go for IUI first but til I go back for my follow up I've no idea if it will be ivf or IUI. I think we get a few free IUI cycles and only a couple free ivf... Not really sure! X

Ab11- ah no! But sperm can live a few days in the right conditions hun so you never know! Hope you still get to bd. X

Bella - this cycle has flown by! Still working hard at losing weight but it's not dropping off fast enough for my liking! :brat: hope you're ok. X

Morning ladies...I'm still here but have been quiet for a few weeks, was getting fed up of waitin for AF so I could start clomid. Took what felt like an age to be able to start first cycle (100mg), anyways got through that without too many side effects and went for my clomid scan on Fri. Was told I had a happy little egg ready & waiting so had my injection for release then & there - doc told me it would be released on Sunday afternoon so since Fri we have been under dr's orders over the wkend hehe technically I should be 2 dpo. Have been told to take a preg test on 21st Dec eeek but am trying not to get my hopes up!!

What am amazing christmas pressie it would be for us eh keeping everything crossed that we're lucky....I told Father Christmas that I have been a very good girl this year afterall...:lol:

love & babydust to you all! xx
hello im still here last 2 days i have been getting really bad pains on both side like as if they are sore from inside we bded ysterday but quickly as it was a bit painfull, it that the clomid? is that supossed to happen be painfull got lower back pain aswell

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