The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Missj thats great that the cycle has flown for u and even better that the diet is going well...i guess it keeps ur mind occupied on somethin other than ttc which can only b a good thing :)

Im ok the sickness and nausea has hit me like a tonne of bricks but im puttin a positive spin onit that it must mean pip is cwtching in lol

Any news ladies? Can't believe how freakin' quiet it is in here.

I'm effectively 11 DPO at the moment as my eggs were collected 11days ago. Had a blastocyst and an early blastocyst transferred last Saturday so I am 6 days past transfer and too scared to POAS!
Hey there,
No news here I'm just sitting patiently waiting for my first IVF cycle next year. Wow 11 dpo how are you feeling I have everything crossed for you xx
Thanks! Been feeling a wee but nauseous today but could be a mix of progesterone pessaries, exhaustion and a child in my class coming down with a sick bug. Trying to balance being positive with not getting my hopes up and it is hard :/
Im sorry that you are feeling nauseous and I hope that you are feeling better today :-) you are good trying not to get your hopes up but not long to wait before you test. How have you found the whole IVF experience? I just want to get started now I'm done with the waiting
I'm still here...waiting for my doctor appointment on monday to discuss my IUI!!! Really excited...not sure if you guys heard the news out there but here in the US in Connecticut we had a crazy guy walk in to an elementary school and killed 20 kids and 6 adults he killed his mom who was a teacher at the school before going into the school then killed himself. All the kids were between the ages of 5-10. It was a very sad day here in the US yesterday!!! praying for all the family of the victims. Cant imagine what they are going through.
Jojo exciting times with your IUI appointment! Good luck and I hope it all gets under way nice and quickly.

Clairabella, I think the ICSI treatment has been surprisingly ok. I got a bit down when I had to stay down-regulating for an extra week and then had to coast for a short time due to over-response to the stimulation drugs. But injecting myself was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Egg collection was fine though nearly two weeks of bloating followed and my belly button is still bruised even though it was a vaginal op! Also think I had mild OHSS. The 2WW is one of the hardest I've ever had though.
no news here 7dpo after 100mg clomid and hcg jab, am under drs orders not to test until 21st. I broke and tested yesterday though - was bfn but I knew it would be, far too early me thinks. Keeping everything crossed for an amazing crimbo pressie in the form of a BFP!!
Ok ladies so I went to my dr. appt yesterday and this is what happened. The doc decided I need to do the dye test to check my tubes and my hubby needs to go get a semen analysis done. She gave me another prescription of Clomid for next month just in case we do go through with the IUI but she wants the results of these test back before making that decision. Hope everyone else is ok!
Jojo- your doc gave you clomid and is arranging iui for u BEFORE you have had a HSG (dye) or your partner has had a semen analysis?. That is risiculous! If I were u I wqould change doctors (I know in the US you get to choose unlike here).
well she gave me clomid because I've had 4 kids (1 I was young and gave up for adoption and none are my husbands) and been pregnant 6 times so we didnt think it was anything with my tubes. My periods just started coming late like 2-3 months late after I had my first miscarriage. So we both concluded I wasnt ovulating right. Before she does the IUI she wants me to do the dye test and my hubby to get a semen analysis. She went ahead and called in my prescription for next months clomid just in case we do go through with the IUI I'm already ready. I really like my doctor. shes the only one that I have had that actually listens to me. We are still trying naturally this month so hopefully we dont have to go any further. Im on CD 15 and have been cramping a lot the past day or so. So I'm thinking ovulation? I went ahead this month and got preseed so hopefully that will help. My hubby and I always have to use a ton of lube so maybe thats playing a factor in this whole thing. We will see what happens! I also have to go in on the 26th for a blood test to see if I actually ovulated on my own.
Ah ok I see I'm rubbish at remembering peoples stories that's why I like signatures!

Make sure the lube you use is sperm friendly which I'm sure you are and if you can maybe stop using it? I did that and bam bfp! Sadly didn't last but it happened to kaykay as well and she is not heading towards tri2.
Looks like I'm out ladies...woke up this morning (CD27 and 10DPO) to find pink when I wiped at fmu....hoped maybe it was just implantation but been to the loo just now and it's now bright red when I wipe but not yet any kind of flow (sorry if tmi!!)

Absolutely gutted, was only my first month on clomid but we've been trying for over 18mths and I couldn't help but hope for a chrsitmas bfp :cry:

babydust to you all ladies, am still hoping someone announced a bfp here in the next week or so!! xxxx
Hey girls just popping in.

JoJo, great that there's something different going on for you hun, hope the results from both are good. :) x

Sorry to hear it Babyhopeful, big hugs. :hugs: x

I'm still in.. I am cd26 already! :shock: No idea when I'm testing cos I didn't use ov tests properly this time (again!) I will prob do a cheapie around cd30 and if it's bfn then assume either late ov or too early. :think:

Stuck in a bit of a rut weight-wise, have lost about 7-8lb but I was hoping it would keep falling off.. Will probably have to step up the exercise. :faint:

Miss j I was about to pm you to find out how you are!!

How has this cycle been hun? X
Hey hun!

It's been a bit weird really. We've been so busy that I haven't had time to think about my cycle or even to come on here hence why it's so quiet. :oooo: I haven't had hot flushes or ov pains this time which I kind of expected really cos I haven't had Clomid this month. Just wish I knew whether I've ovved or not so I know when I can test. :clock:

Fricking heck Nicky you can't be 30 weeks already! Blimey. :shock: That's gone so quickly!

When is your next hospital appointment hun? Your weightloss sounds like its going well.

I know 30 weeks today it's bloody flying - needs to slow down a little bit! Got my leaving date set at work aswell - eeek!! Still sad that you didn't get to be my bump buddy seen as tho we started the clomid journey together!!! X
Haven't got it through yet hun, prob be around Feb-March time so hopefully by then I'll be at the right weight for IUI.

Have you got a name for the baby yet?

Ahh I know.. Really was hoping I'd catch you up! But you never know, might end up with a Christmas BFP... That would be amazing. :pray:

Feb/march sounds good - gives you time to prepare and chill out!! And I'm sure you will have hit your target by then!!

No names yet - we just argue over them lol!! If you got a Christmas bfp then that would be just perfect!! Fingers crossed for that happening!! X

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