i got a positive OPK on cd18 for the first time since started TTC 2yrs ago on our 5 month of clomid and i have loads of PG symptoms (although I know everyone does when your LTTTC)
If i i got my pos OPK on CD18 is that classed as my O date?? if so i had sharp pains in my pelvis 7 days after (implantation maybe?) plus, really tired, sore BB's, period type pains all the time, tummy feels bloated and im thirsty all the time.
So what i'm wondering is when will it show up on a test??i'm now CD31and i'm trying not to get my hopes up as its maybe all just side effects from O'ing for the first time but we did BD every other day from cd11-cd19 too.
this is by far my worst 2ww as yet as I know I defo o'd and my cd21 blood test confirmed it too, i cant stop thinking about it and i'm even dreaming i'm PG! but at the same time I daren't do a test incase its neg and its bursts my bubble, which is daft cos its not gonna change the outcome i know, either I am or i'm not .
argggghhh slowly going nuts, i'm trying not to tell my DH all my 'symptoms' incase its a BFN as dont want him to be gutted too.