The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Sorry MissJ, come on over to IVF/IUI and join us there x
No I haven't had those bloods done, I was sent for them once and they took a blood sample (or 4!) and when I phoned for the results a week later, I was told they threw the samples out cos of nhs budgeting! :wall:

I don't think I was preggers, I wasn't convinced by the tests and af arrived on time cos I ovved later this cycle so
I highly doubt the lines were anything but evaps. :( x

Sorry MissJ, come on over to IVF/IUI and join us there x

I've popped my head in a few times but as I don't know what I'm being referred for or whether I'll need it, I haven't posted much. X

Ok well I hope you get a clear path sorted soon as the limbo bit is the worst.

I've just been delayed a week as I didn't down-regulate quickly enough, but started my injections last night :) After three weeks of nasal spray and a two week AF I was more than happy to stab myself! Just did my second one and it was a bit less nerve-wracking than last night. But at least it feels like I am moving towards something a bit more positive than the endless hopeful Clomid cycles

Hey maybe you'll get super-fertile after the Clomid! Go for it I say, as you never know. I hope you get your BFP soon honey, but if not you are more than welcome to come and join us druggies in IVF/IUI ;) x
ahh sorry af got u turned up for me this morning bang on time so tomorrow i will be starting my clomid tablets

so heres hoping for bfp this christmas and for everyone else :)
Im absolutly devasted, hubby went shop to get test. I went to do test, was really hopeful - 2days late! Wee'd in pot wiped downstairs n there was af.
Just cnt stop cryin.
Im so fed up

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Im absolutly devasted, hubby went shop to get test. I went to do test, was really hopeful - 2days late! Wee'd in pot wiped downstairs n there was af.
Just cnt stop cryin.
Im so fed up

Sent from my LG-P692 using Tapatalk 2

awww i know how you feel i was thinking maybe this month ill test tomorrow and bang there she is, dont worry it will happen just be positive i know its hard knowing you have to start all over again for the next month, it will happen you might get a bfp for christmas, hugs xx
I doubt that, i hate bein on clomid really doesnt agree with.
Onto my third round, wen i go bck in dec to see my gyno i kno shes goin to want to up the dosage bt im not goin to. Im struggling on 50mg xx

Sent from my LG-P692 using Tapatalk 2
Gutted for you ab. so sorry. Might be worth asking your gyny what they think about tamoxifen if the clomid doesn't suit you?
I hope your last cycle of 50mg does the trick, don't give up yet, look at all the bfps on later cycles on here.
Iv gone bck bed, jus cnt stop cryin.
Gonna look into soya u was on n try that after this third round maybe xx

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Ab, I was on clomid forthree rounds, didn't agree with me either I found out at my hycosy that I'd been getting cysts around ovulation because if it and they thought they where all follicles. I had every sympton under the sun. I decided at my last appointment I didnt want to try upping the dosage so I am now going to start iui. Put your foot down and tell them you don't want too! Xxx
ye i seem to be the same hun, didnt think clomid would effect me how it is.
iv always been a good sleeper but now i wake up constanly in the night, my mood swings are just driving me mad. the list goes on!!
wen did u have ur last appointment tillie? just wondering how long u'v been waitin for iui.
hope they listen to me and come uo with another solution
Same! Well I had my hycosy coming up to 2weeks ago and thats when they asked about upping it but I said no, I have my appointment for the iui consultation a week tomorrow so its all happening fast really!!xxx
Really struggling with this period in so much pain!! Xx

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oh ab11 - ive been catching up with your ttc journal, and it routed me to here after you tested

I'm so sorry hun about witch arriving , I have heard good things about the soy, and will try it in a few mths myself I think to get a good qual egg - its def a natural way to go if clomif has been messing with you XX
Ye jus got this last cycle to get through, do u kno where u get soy from? Do u hav to get it online? Feel abit better after a bath :) xx

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Iv not started my third round of clomid so thats the end of clomid for me. Dnt kno what my gyno will say wen i go bck in dec xx

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i got a positive OPK on cd18 for the first time since started TTC 2yrs ago on our 5 month of clomid and i have loads of PG symptoms (although I know everyone does when your LTTTC)
If i i got my pos OPK on CD18 is that classed as my O date?? if so i had sharp pains in my pelvis 7 days after (implantation maybe?) plus, really tired, sore BB's, period type pains all the time, tummy feels bloated and im thirsty all the time.

So what i'm wondering is when will it show up on a test??i'm now CD31and i'm trying not to get my hopes up as its maybe all just side effects from O'ing for the first time but we did BD every other day from cd11-cd19 too.

this is by far my worst 2ww as yet as I know I defo o'd and my cd21 blood test confirmed it too, i cant stop thinking about it and i'm even dreaming i'm PG! but at the same time I daren't do a test incase its neg and its bursts my bubble, which is daft cos its not gonna change the outcome i know, either I am or i'm not .

argggghhh slowly going nuts, i'm trying not to tell my DH all my 'symptoms' incase its a BFN as dont want him to be gutted too.

i got a positive OPK on cd18 for the first time since started TTC 2yrs ago on our 5 month of clomid and i have loads of PG symptoms (although I know everyone does when your LTTTC)
If i i got my pos OPK on CD18 is that classed as my O date?? if so i had sharp pains in my pelvis 7 days after (implantation maybe?) plus, really tired, sore BB's, period type pains all the time, tummy feels bloated and im thirsty all the time.

So what i'm wondering is when will it show up on a test??i'm now CD31and i'm trying not to get my hopes up as its maybe all just side effects from O'ing for the first time but we did BD every other day from cd11-cd19 too.

this is by far my worst 2ww as yet as I know I defo o'd and my cd21 blood test confirmed it too, i cant stop thinking about it and i'm even dreaming i'm PG! but at the same time I daren't do a test incase its neg and its bursts my bubble, which is daft cos its not gonna change the outcome i know, either I am or i'm not .

argggghhh slowly going nuts, i'm trying not to tell my DH all my 'symptoms' incase its a BFN as dont want him to be gutted too.


Im feeling the same way!!! Im on cd 26 and I o'd on cd18 we bd 2 days before and 3 days after. I got 3 pregnancy test today but I'm not sure if I'm going to test yet. My period isnt due until sunday....when is yours due? I also have bloating, cramps, some times my boobs are sore. I dont know what to think. I did have some sharp pains a couple of days ago.

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