The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Thanks MissJ, keeping everything crossed that you stay in and get a christmas bfp - how nice would that be?!

Keep us posted!

Am having the same trouble weight-wise, keep teetering around the 6/7lb loss mark - need to step up my game in Jan, no point now, especially as this isn't my month I intend to throughly enjoy xmas hehe

I'm surprised how laid back things have been at the mo, I thought I'd be pulling my hair out trying to lose weight but it's been quite good. Luckily I like most fruit, veg and salad bits so I don't mind swapping stuff and cutting stuff out, it's the exercise that's the hardest lol. :faint:

Aw. Have you got a list of names you like? DH took ages to come round to the name I love but he has caved in and said if we have a girl then I get to have the name I've had picked out. We both love the boy's name so not an issue there lol.

x x
Thanks MissJ, keeping everything crossed that you stay in and get a christmas bfp - how nice would that be?!

Keep us posted!

Am having the same trouble weight-wise, keep teetering around the 6/7lb loss mark - need to step up my game in Jan, no point now, especially as this isn't my month I intend to throughly enjoy xmas hehe


Tell me about it, same is happening to me! The most I've lost is 8lb but then I end up putting a pound or 2 back on but luckily it comes off fairly easily. Urghhhh wish the bloody weight would stay off. In fact I wish I could wake up a size 10 lol. :love:

I'm going to try and be as good as possible over Christmas... :oooo: Have got a bottle of Bailey's in though cos I love hot chocolate and Bailey's.. Nom nom nom!

x x
The only one we agree on so far is jasmine. We like Chloe too but prefer jasmine. We just can't seem to set ourselves on it! Chris likes Alexandra but I hate it!! I like Amelia but he hates that!! We only had a boys name but I don't think she'll appreciate being called Dominic lol x
Lol no I don't think she will. :lol:

Amelia is pretty, I like it. I have a friend called Alexa which I kind of like.. But I love the name Scarlet. DH isn't sold on it but I'm slowly working on him lol. :rofl:

BTW, two of my friends have LO's called Jasmine, it suits them both perfectly! x
See my cousins little girl is called alexia so Alexandra is too close for my liking!! We like lily but it doesn't go with the surname at all!! I think we probably will go with jasmine we both love it but we haven't ruled out other names yet! Also not decided if we are doing the whole middle name thing yet!! X
What about Jasmine and Lily for a middle name? You might end up liking something completely different when she's born lol. Have you got a baby name book? x
yeah we got one but its pretty crap!! chris has a name app on his ipad so weve just been using that! and yeah jasmine-lily could work!! x
Ah cool! I didn't know there was a baby name app! That's handy lol. :)

Jasmine Lily is quite sweet. :love: x
yeah i quite like it actually will run it by chris when he gets home from work!! x
Oh sorry babyhopeful but looks like its a good regular length cycle so clomid is working.

As for, not posting much. Not on clomid. Just fed up with the whole thing. Cd26 and I am exactly 11dpo as have been temping. Way less stressful than opks. Had the teeniest faint pink when wiped so guessing I'm out (af always starts like this for me). :cry:
Oh sorry babyhopeful but looks like its a good regular length cycle so clomid is working.

As for, not posting much. Not on clomid. Just fed up with the whole thing. Cd26 and I am exactly 11dpo as have been temping. Way less stressful than opks. Had the teeniest faint pink when wiped so guessing I'm out (af always starts like this for me). :cry:


Think we are in sync - I just have no idea when my af is due. :think:


Ahh itsbabytime I know how you feel. I get the damn spotting and brown for days too, usually 10dpo so I always know I'm out. Can't ever see it happening when this happens so I know how you feel :(

Still you have had a bfp so that's a positive and I'm sure your next one is round the corner x
ahh itsbabytime am sorry to hear that!! Sending u big hugs :hugs:

I thought about skipping this months clomid just so I don't have to think about it over xmas but am going to take it - now I've started on this path I should really stick to it as chances of me conceiving without help are slim....

Ah well, onwards and upwards ladies, have to try and stay positive as hard as it is, I cried most of yesterday but woke up today knowing I need to try and put this month behind me and focus on the next...xmas is around the corner and I intend to put this stuff to the back of my mind as much as poss and thoroughly enjoy it...champers, baileys, cheese, seafood - the lot, why not eh?! Plus it's my bday in just over a week so am hoping to be thoroughly spoiled :lol: xxxx
Hiya girls

i just wanted to drop in and wish you all a lovely xmas.

Hope you are all ok

xmas cwtches xxx
Happy christmas to you all!! Sorry I don't come on here much anymore, I feel like I've moved on in my personal life and with my DH, we are so busy nowadays and I feel a bit like I've been here so long that I've nothing new to say. :oooo: I also got a bit fed up of still being here in still lurking of course but just thought I'd give a mini update. No sign of af or bfp, think I'm cd31 today or thereabouts... Haven't lost more weight but haven't put it back on which is good. Been so wrapped up in dieting that I've barely paid any attention to my cycle or ttc lol. :rolleyes:

Hope everyone's doing ok. X

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!! My kids absolutely loved all their toys and boys got new tablets which they have not put down since they got them!! Today I am 4dpo on a natural cycle with just preseed. I will be able to test on my b-day on Jan 2nd! What a great b-day present that would be.

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