The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I just had bad hot flushes, a few mood swings and I was a bit emotional lol. It's good they're monitoring you hun. I've got my fx for your interview. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Aww no nicky can you afford a private one?
Glad comsultant has been in touch hun hope its ur big bfp causing u all this hassle!
I hope so too hun! I'd say maybe they were implantation cramps but I had the same pains last cycle after positive ov tests so it must be ov! Just hope we didn't miss the eggs (it was that painful I reckon I released more than one!). X

Nicky, I agree with Minx, I'd book a private scan. I couldn't wait that long! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
She basically said we are treating you as a normal person now! I thought oh great thanks a lot - I wasnt normal before??
Ah hun I'm sure she just meant cos of the Clomid? I think my consultant mentioned early scans but not sure. Might be worth phoning the GP or consultant and just say you're not happy with the wait and you'd feel more comfortable having an early scan? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
What a silly moo!! Does she not realiae what uv gone through to get here?? Every preg is special but when youv waited so long and had medicated help its even more fragile and more worrying i imagine!! Id go to docs!! Demand one!
when i mentioned that i'd been on clomid she was like oh right oh ok well we needto do a urine sample then!! But never mentioned why! It was like she seemed a bit put out about it!!

To be fair shes a nice lady - very old fashioned but nice. Think i'm just miffed at her cos she refused our scan!!

Check out how much a private scan is, I think they are around £90 but I don't know if that depends on where you go? Your consultant might agree to do one though? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I'm gonna talk to my gp - see what he says. She said its because my forst scan will be between 10 and 12 weeks anyway so an early scan isnt really beneficial as there isnt much to see! Hmmm - fingers crossed i make it to 10-12 weeks!!

There is sooooo much paperwork to fill in too for our next appointment!

We also get £100 worth of argos vouchers through the post too :)

Miss J i cant wait for you to be filling the paperwork in too!!

you will do - i never believed that i would get here - but i have :) Its bloody scary when you do get here aswell.

We worried for so long and went through so much heartache thinking I couldnt get pregnant, now i am we are worrying that everything is going to go wrong!!

Lesson - you never stop worrying lol xx
Just popping by from the lttc IVF/IUI thread to wish you all the best of luck with your TTC ladies XX

I hope to hear more bfps from this section very soon x
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That is true Nicky, You never stop worrying, Im still worrying weather or not I will get there and b pregnant. Im waiting to go to Gynecology which Im worried about also. And if the treatment they give me will work.

It is also scary to me. Not knowing if I can get pregnant and if I will get any help with my fertility. Scared as I don't know what tests they will want to do.

I never thought trying to get pregnant could be so stressful and Difficult! :cry:
Just popping by from the lttc IVF/IUI thread to wish you all the best of luck with your TTC ladies XX

I hope to hear more bfps from this section very soon x

Thanks JJ how are you getting on hun?

That is true Nicky, You never stop worrying, Im still worrying weather or not I will get there and b pregnant. Im waiting to go to Gynecology which Im worried about also. And if the treatment they give me will work.

It is also scary to me. Not knowing if I can get pregnant and if I will get any help with my fertility. Scared as I don't know what tests they will want to do.

I never thought trying to get pregnant could be so stressful and Difficult! :cry:

Unfortunatley hun you just have to be brave and have whatever tests that they want you to do! Look at the tests as a positive - if they show that you do have a problem then you are one step closer to fixing it and getting your BFP

If you keep torturing yourself and scaring yourself you are gonna do yourself no good and you wont be able to cope with the tests xxxx
That is true Nicky, You never stop worrying, Im still worrying weather or not I will get there and b pregnant. Im waiting to go to Gynecology which Im worried about also. And if the treatment they give me will work.

It is also scary to me. Not knowing if I can get pregnant and if I will get any help with my fertility. Scared as I don't know what tests they will want to do.

I never thought trying to get pregnant could be so stressful and Difficult! :cry:

Unfortunatley hun you just have to be brave and have whatever tests that they want you to do! Look at the tests as a positive - if they show that you do have a problem then you are one step closer to fixing it and getting your BFP

If you keep torturing yourself and scaring yourself you are gonna do yourself no good and you wont be able to cope with the tests xxxx

Thank you Nicky. I will probably be alright once I get there to my appointment Im on a 4 weeks wait for my appointment at the moment.

Ive just found PCSO hard to come to terms with. And getting pregnant so difficult Ive tried all sorts of natural ways to get pregnant and none have been successful. Its just I have been told to try and stay positive and im trying hard to do so.

Well Im just wishing there is still hope.. :eh:

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