The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Bella - tell me about it, last cycle I was SS and POAS at 2dpo! :dohh: got my fx for you though! X

Thinking of you today Nicky, so excited for you! X

I can't remember what dpo I am but I'm feeling nothing at the mo except a few twinges, will have to go back on this thread to find out what dpo I am. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Oh my god a massive spider just ran over my belly - Urgh!!! Feel sick now.......
i hate spiders too they scare the life out of me, good luck with first mw ap hun, i didnt ge mine untill i was 11 weeks preg!! make sure u make use of our mw and ask as much as you can because you dont see anyone untill early/12 week scan and then its community mw at 16 weeks so ask ask ask ........ thats what she gets paid for x x
Good luck nicky. After 4 days of brown discharge af is here so will be starting round 2 of clomid tomorrow. I dont feel hopeful though as surely this brown isn't normal.

Ooooh only a few more days miss j

LD my af before my bfp was awful!! Really brown, really heavy and lasted 9 days!! Got to the point of us nearly phoning our consultant!! don't give up hope hun!

Nervous about my appointment now - its at 11.30! Had a dream last night that they refused to give me an early scan and that the midwife was a dragon!! Eeek! X
i hate spiders too they scare the life out of me, good luck with first mw ap hun, i didnt ge mine untill i was 11 weeks preg!! make sure u make use of our mw and ask as much as you can because you dont see anyone untill early/12 week scan and then its community mw at 16 weeks so ask ask ask ........ thats what she gets paid for x x

Thanks hun I will ask away!! I'm scared!!! X
Just thought why the consultant hasn't called back - DH said he phoned in the afternoon so they may have gone home and they aren't around on the weekends so hopefully we will get a call today.

Nicky I'm sure you'll be fine hun! :hugs: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Consultant called back and said that my pains were "to be expected" and were ovulation... :shock: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I just knew it - she refused my early scan :-( she said i dont need it!! grrrr!! and ive got the dragon midwife that all my friends have complained about!!!

Other than that it went really well and my next appointment is the 1st August!

Itsbabytime, has AF made an appearance yet for you to get started again?

Bella, what CD are you on now?

Sorry AF got you LD, here's hoping round 2 is the positive one.

MissJ, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling a bit better now that the consultant has been in touch?

Nicky, can you not ask to see a different midwife or request a scan from your doctor? I think I would want an early scan too as it would put your mind at rest. Glad the rest of the appt went well for you :)

For me, AF has gone and I took my last clomid yesterday. I've had a couple of pains in my right side but I'm not really thinking anything off it yet. I'll probably start with opk on Wednesday (CD9), I've got an interview tomorrow and have to travel away for it so I'll not get the chance. Scan on Friday though so hopefully there'll be something happening by then, it'll be CD11 instead of 12 as I can't get a scan on Saturday. xx
She's my practice midwife so there is no-one else to see! I'm sure that I'll get used to her!

Will speak to my gp about the scan x
Eclair I'm good thanks, I was expecting more from my consultant but if he isn't worried then I do feel better. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Thanks ladies. Nicky - my af is weird as I get brown 10dpo then af comes 14dpo (which I class as day 1) and it only lasts a couple of days - not sure this is normal?? Sorry to hear your midwife wasn't great? Would you consider paying for a private scan??

Glad it was just Ov pains miss j. Hopefully it's a good Ov leading to your bfp :)

GOod luck eclaire - are you taking yours cd2 to 6 as well? I wish I could have a scan to see what's going on. How many scans do they do? Am tempted to see how much it would cost private xx
Itsbabytime, has AF made an appearance yet for you to get started again?

Bella, what CD are you on now?

Sorry AF got you LD, here's hoping round 2 is the positive one.

MissJ, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling a bit better now that the consultant has been in touch?

Nicky, can you not ask to see a different midwife or request a scan from your doctor? I think I would want an early scan too as it would put your mind at rest. Glad the rest of the appt went well for you :)

For me, AF has gone and I took my last clomid yesterday. I've had a couple of pains in my right side but I'm not really thinking anything off it yet. I'll probably start with opk on Wednesday (CD9), I've got an interview tomorrow and have to travel away for it so I'll not get the chance. Scan on Friday though so hopefully there'll be something happening by then, it'll be CD11 instead of 12 as I can't get a scan on Saturday. xx

Hopefully your scan will show something. I didn't get positive ov tests til cd16 this cycle. Hope your interview goes well hun! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Yeah, I'm CD 2-6 as well and I've had no side effects at all! As far as I'm aware they'll just scan me the first month to see how I'm responding and unless they have to up my dose then I'll just be left too it. I'll find out more on Friday.

Thanks MissJ, I think I'm going to need it...I have a massive fear of interviews but it should be ok. I'm going to be spending all night preparing for it!

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