The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

There is still hope hun - lots of hope! My worlde fell apart when i was diagnosed with PCOS - then even more so when they told me i'd probably need ivf! However on my last cycle of clomid something just clicked, i relaxed accepted that i was different to most normal women and my body needed that extra bit of help and bam - BFP that cycle!

Dont see PCOS as something that makes you not be able to have a baby - its your mindset and how you deal with the PCOS that affects the outcome!

Chin up hun!!

There is still hope hun - lots of hope! My worlde fell apart when i was diagnosed with PCOS - then even more so when they told me i'd probably need ivf! However on my last cycle of clomid something just clicked, i relaxed accepted that i was different to most normal women and my body needed that extra bit of help and bam - BFP that cycle!

Dont see PCOS as something that makes you not be able to have a baby - its your mindset and how you deal with the PCOS that affects the outcome!

Chin up hun!!


I never thought that thinking about PCSO and getting upset about it so much would affect the outcome. My world also came crumbling down since I learned I had PCSO. Maybe if I accept it (Because Its all I can do) As its never going to go away I may stand a better chance of conceiving? Even if I do need that extra help from Clomid or something like it.

Well Do you think the best thing to do is not let it get me down or stop me?

And you Nicky have managed to become pregnant even with some help form Clomid and acceptance... It just proves that its not impossible and there is still hope for women who do suffer with PCSO, :)
Accepting it is the only way hun. Its a hard hurdle to cross but when you get there it is such an achievement!

Theres no point whatsoever being down about it - i know its hard to think like that and i probably sound like a hypocrite because i was convinced at one point that we wouldnt have children!!

You can buy allsorts of books to help you understand how to accept it and how to manage it. Please dont let it rule your life

Accepting it is the only way hun. Its a hard hurdle to cross but when you get there it is such an achievement!

Theres no point whatsoever being down about it - i know its hard to think like that and i probably sound like a hypocrite because i was convinced at one point that we wouldnt have children!!

You can buy allsorts of books to help you understand how to accept it and how to manage it. Please dont let it rule your life


Thanks for the support Nicky.

I understand what you are saying. And it is the only way. And you don't sound like an hypocrite I understand where your coming from.

Im glad that you crossed the Hurdle Hun, It must feel amazing for you! Lot of good luck to you!
It does feel amazing - ten times more amazing because it was so so difficult to get here!!

Now its the scary factor of getting to 12 weeks xx
It does feel amazing - ten times more amazing because it was so so difficult to get here!!

Now its the scary factor of getting to 12 weeks xx

Well I hope everything goes well for you Nicky take it easy and try not to stress to much :)

Well your nearly half way there now hun chin up and best of luck :)
5dpo today and my uterus is aching. Feeling some twinges too. DH is taking me away to a hotel next week for our anniversary, I'm tempted to pack a test so I could give him an amazing anniversary gift but obviously if it's bfn then we will be bummed out lol. Hmm. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I have strange cramps today. It's more like aches than cramps tho. Panicking!!!
I'm sure it's normal to have aches and cramps in tri 1 cos of the stretching and growing. :love: x
I think it's constipation - my belly is also really bloated!! Ha! X
I'm feeling all nervous and scared again. :oooo:

Absolutely terrified of testing so going to try and hold off for as long as I can. I might do a cheapie before we go away to the hotel but I'm not going to pack one (unless I get a line on a cheapie!) cos I don't want to ruin the break away.

Hate the waiting game though!

Hey girls

2 of my friends just posted 12 weeks scan pics on facebook :(

And to top it off my wisdom tooth is realky hurting hasnt hurt in yrs! Gums just started blweding aswell and boobs reealllly painful too

any of u havin a better day than me? Lol

:hugs: Bella, hope your tooth is better soon. X

My day has been boring and slow, not much to report! Hope you're ok hun. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Thanks hun. So wen r u going to test? Im gonna hold off until sunday our actual anniversary xxx
I'm going to do a cheapie around the 8th or 9th, if bfn then leaving it til 14dpo but if I get a line then I'm packing a proper test to do on the 10th or 11th as that's when DH is taking me to a hotel for our anniversary. :) x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Well the constipation appears to have gone the other way now!! Still got cramps but think ive just got a bit of a dodgy tummy!! just got home from work - started at 6.45!! urgh! think im gonna have a nap!!

Miss J what DPO are you now? xxx
Had a good couple of hours sleep!! Feel a bit better now!!

Have you caved and tested yet? X

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