The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Can anyone tell me if headaches can happen in pregnancy? And if so are they a common thing? I know this must be a weird question :lol:
Headaches can be caused by anything hun! The only way you will know if its pregnancy is if you test hun xx
No, had a wobble earlier and tried to convince myself I could be 8dpo but ov pains put me at 5dpo! :dohh: I'm feeling the pressure a bit as I need to pay a deposit on my bridesmaid dress and they've given me til this weekend to let them know if it will be a maternity dress...I'd be 10-11dpo at the weekend and I'm hoping and praying a BFP will show by then so I can let them know! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Hun you need to stop stressing yourself out like this. I'm not sure how likely a BFP is to show at 10-11dpo. Mine didnt show until 13dpo. I'm sure they will let you change your dress if you need too.

Come on chin up xxx
I'm not stressed.... I'm more just umming and ahhhing about testing earlier, I mean 14 dpo isn't far away so yeah, I'm sure they'd let me have a bit of leeway. Honestly, I'm not stressing. :shock:


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
hiya missj try not to stress yourself out... easier said than done as i was the same if not worse!!.... but im sure they can change the dress if it is a bfp and wouldnt it be nice to tell them they have to change it for a maternity one, :)
i got my bfp on 15 dpo but i didnt test before then so i dont know if i would have got it any earlier... probably not knowing my past history lol!
i was convinced i wasnt pregnant and wasnt sure if i was a day late or af was due that day but mum made me do one!!
hang in there missj i know how hard it is not to test when youve got so many cheapies i did it!! big big hugs hun.

i just got your message through abouve this one................................... ok missj is not stressed but good luck :)
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Lol Minx. I've been quite good this cycle about the cheapies, last cycle I was testing at 2dpo but this time I really don't feel as excited..Maybe cos it's my second go on the Clomid and I'm just not expecting anything. The only wobble I had was yesterday but that was more because I was bored lol but I snapped out of it.

I do actually feel pretty chilled which is odd compared to the chaos of last cycle ha ha! :blush:


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
well missj next time your bored go for a walk orrrrrrrrrrrr..... oh god iv got no right advising lol i was exactly the same 6,7,8 dpo lol it was silly looking back now and i knew it wouldnt show up so i dont even know why i did it, i suppose i thought ID be the exception lol stupid i know but i think we all do it when we ant something so badly!! i hope you enjoy your time away with oh too x x
Haha - you'd convinced me until your picture on the end there haha!!!

When do you go away for your anniversary? xx
Lol! Minx I've got a friend over today so I won't be bored! And I'm out tomorrow lol. X

Nicky, we're staying at the hotel on the 10th but home on the 11th as DH couldn't get more time off work, otherwise we'd have stayed for 2 nights. :( x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Oh that sucks hun - however i bet the 1 night will still be really special!! xx
Yeah we are going to try and book the suite we stayed in on our wedding night. :love: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
ooo that will be good!!

Well this weekend i will be in a tent in scotland!! haha!!

OH is into his motorbikes - so theres a group of us going away for the weekend to a rally in scotland. not really my thing but he really wanted me to go!! x
Oh right, cool! Maybe you can get away with snoozing in the tent the whole time? :lol: x
ooo so thats 3 of us going away then! me and hubby are away staying at our wedding venue fo our anniversary this weeked (only the one night like you missj).....what we r going to do tho is beyond me as cant use facilities due to the cast on his leg grrr iv had it booked for months and months

wisdom tooth is still killing me today :( xxx
You'll just have to spend all your time in the hotel room

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