The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

At least we BDed loads over ov so should be fine...bummed out that I'm back to the beginning of the 2ww though! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
yeah that does suck!! your still not allowed to cave too early and test tomorrow! lol xx
awe sorry to hear ur later along than expected you said tho luckily you covered urself and bd'd lots so ur in with a fantastic chance...fx for you hun xxx
Miss J I might be only just behind you so I'll try to keep you from testing! We DTD again last night and may do again tonight just to cover ourselves! I have 1 CB Digi and at least one FRER from last year as it's just over a year since we started trying but am probably not going to test until I'm either late or feel like my boobs are agony, as that was my sign with my son!
awe sorry to hear ur later along than expected you said tho luckily you covered urself and bd'd lots so ur in with a fantastic chance...fx for you hun xxx

Thanks Hun, how's your 2WW going? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Miss J I might be only just behind you so I'll try to keep you from testing! We DTD again last night and may do again tonight just to cover ourselves! I have 1 CB Digi and at least one FRER from last year as it's just over a year since we started trying but am probably not going to test until I'm either late or feel like my boobs are agony, as that was my sign with my son!

Yay cycle buddies! :yay: I am likely to cave though, I have 4 x Clear Eesponse tests (two tests for £1 in asda!), 4 x FRs, 2 x cb digis and about 45-55 cheapies! :rofl: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Flipping heck woman!!! Mind you I've still got 40 opks left!! Not really sure what to do with them now!! X
Miss J I might be only just behind you so I'll try to keep you from testing! We DTD again last night and may do again tonight just to cover ourselves! I have 1 CB Digi and at least one FRER from last year as it's just over a year since we started trying but am probably not going to test until I'm either late or feel like my boobs are agony, as that was my sign with my son!

Yay cycle buddies! :yay: I am likely to cave though, I have 4 x Clear Eesponse tests (two tests for £1 in asda!), 4 x FRs, 2 x cb digis and about 45-55 cheapies! :rofl: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

Blimey that is a lot! Maybe I'll get some cheapies to save wasting the good ones?! And then I said I wasn't going to test! :blush:
Miss j will turn you into a POAS addict lol!!! I blame her for my addiction!! X

You need to have something to pass the time in the 2WW, I use POAS! But the bfns are a bummer though so trying to be good this time. I might use my Clear Response tests first but I don't know what miu they are. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
awww sorry you've had to start your 2 ww again missj but fx for some gud news following that xxx
Bfn 14dpo. Slightypink on loo paper still but no af still. I know I'm out though, come on af!! Wants to get started again!!
I can no longer suck my belly in!! Thought it'd be a bit too early for that!! x
nicky i started showing really early on with this last pregnancy lol :)

hiya missj sorry iv been away for a few days iv been reading 50 shades of grey and have ben adicted to it!!! iv now finished book 2 and am going to start book 3 tomorrow lol!!

i hope you find out what the pain was and caught ovulation, its a bit of a bummer that the 2ww is going to feel more toward a 3ww, but if you get your bfp whats a few days eh
lots of luv and baby dust to you all minxi x x
It makes me even more scared that it's twins!!! First appointment tomorrow - eeeek!!! X
Bfn 14dpo. Slightypink on loo paper still but no af still. I know I'm out though, come on af!! Wants to get started again!!

Awe sorry it was a bfn hun, but if ur defo not pregnant i really hope af arrivesoon as the waiting game is the worst (thats what i hate most about my long irregular cycles) Good luck hun xxx

awe sorry to hear ur later along than expected you said tho luckily you covered urself and bd'd lots so ur in with a fantastic chance...fx for you hun xxx

Thanks Hun, how's your 2WW going? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

It was going ok until a few mins ago...i put todays tem into FF and its taken me forward to cd 32 again argh!! boobs still really painful..having cramp (get them all the time tho) and very gassy (sorry tmi)...i also felt a bit sicky eating lemon meringue at mums earlier...oh peeing alot today too...i know its too early for symptoms but you just cant help it lol xxx

It makes me even more scared that it's twins!!! First appointment tomorrow - eeeek!!! X

good luck for tomorrow hun xxx
Good luck today Nicky, looking forward to hearing all about it x

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