The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

:hugs: LD, I really hope it's not AF. Has the Clomid helped shorten your cycle? My second cycle on Clomid is better than my first! The consultant told me most people conceive on their 3rd cycle of Clomid. Nicky is one of them lol!

Bella, my nipples are still sensitive but my boobs don't feel as swollen like they did yesterday. x
Eeek it still sounds so strange! Got to go to work now until 10 :-( will keep checking in!! X
Thanks Bella - i cant wait for you lot to be at the testing stage!!! Its dragging!!!! xx

I know and im determined to be good and hold out till 14dpo as thats our anniversary...besides last few cycles my LP has been 12 days meaning af should have arrived by the fri so may not need to test if thats the case xx

Thanks bellarina - it definitely is af as its the norm for me. Only month one on clomid but it's so disappointing that spotting hasn't improved and a bfp like it won't happen for me xx

awe sorry to hear that hun, really hope the next cycle of clomid you notice more of an improvement with the spotting...and by that i mean no spotting at all due to a bfp!! xx

Bella, my nipples are still sensitive but my boobs don't feel as swollen like they did yesterday. x

my nipples havent been sensitive just my boobs, and theyr not as bad as last 2 days but still niggling me and cant touch them or lean on them xx
Good signs ladies - I still can't lie on my boobs!! Youch!!! X
Thanks ladies. That's good to know nicky as assumed low progesterone would cause spotting. I worry it's endo or something.

Miss j my cycles were always a regular 32 or 33 days but the consultant wasn't sure I had a great Ov hence the clomid.

Let's hope it's true for the 3 cycle bfp although 2 would be nice.

Good luck miss j and bellarina - will be stalking xx
Hiya yes they came back as 70 which is why the spotting is so annoying. It helped your spotting didn't it x
I'm pretty sure it's not hun as I get it every month. Let's hope the next cycle works. How you feeling x

I'm ok, got some pain on my left side when I move though. Not sure what it could be! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Whats happening? Cramps on my left, pain when I sit down... :( hope it's not a cyst! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
70 is excellent! I only spot for one day now used to be more than that so the clomid is helping. Its still early though hun so don't write yourself off yet!
Missj ur getting an awful lot of + opks which could suggest ur body keeps gearing up to ov (ie the surge giving u the +) and then doesn't release an egg and tries again a few days later. . Are u in touch with your consultant? Have u thought about temping? It would pinpoint ov day
The ov test wasn't positive though its not far off. If this cycle fails we've already said we will call and ask to be monitored. Last cycle was the same and AF arrived bang on time so I don't know what's happening? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Hey miss j i think temping is a good idea as that's what confirmed ovulation for me. I'd push for the bloods too if you don't get a bfp this cycle xx
I think if this pain doesn't go away, we will call the consultant. It hurts to sit down, move, I couldn't BD on top either it was so painful but on my left side. I had this last cycle and I'm wondering if it's the cysts. In which case I need to involve the consultant cos I am worried about being in this pain for much longer and what it could be doing to my ovaries. :(



Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Pain seems to have calmed down, in the car I was wincing though, every bump was painful. Lying down hurts too. But so far it seems better, I know the egg can pop upto 36-48 hours after positive ov tests so maybe it was that? :think: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Been doing some Googling and it sounds like I'm having ov pain but the cysts are bursting cos my follicles are growing? I still want DH to call my consultant though, and see if he will do bloods. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

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