The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

On 50mg u really should be monitored with at least bloods. Even just go to ur gp or nurse at ur local surgery and ask that's what I do!!
Miss j you need to be seen by your consultant because that's not right! They should give you bloods at the very least but I think you should be scanned xxx
Hey Hun I'd defintely call the consultant and maybe ask for bloods. Hope your ok xx
Still in pain, starting to feel it in my back too but still on my left side. DH is going to call the consultant in the morning and see what he says. I can't remember what cd I am so not sure if I'm too late for day 21 bloods this cycle if my consultant puts me in for them. My left side is a bit tender, got loose trousers on which has helped ease it a bit but I'm worried it's hyper stimulated my ovaries or something. :( a bit scared! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Keep an eye on yourself if u think its ohss, maybe see if u can get a scan to check, if it isn't ohss at least they will be able to tell u if u have definately ovulated!!
Ooh no hun - hugs. Hope they can get you scanned and see what's happening and at least put your mind at rest xx
Thanks girls I'm a bit scared but will just have to wait til the morning and see what the consultant says. Told DH not to get fobbed off cos I'm in pain and really uncomfortable, the only way I feel better is by doubling over. :( I can't explain what it's like...almost a cross between an intense stitch and a pulled muscle on my left with shooting pains every time I move. I have no idea how I'm going to sleep tonight, DH is bringing a spare duvet so I can prop myself right up cos laying down is really painful. If this is just ov, it's bloody intense!! DH is wondering if I'm releasing multiple eggs but at the moment all that's on my mind is finding out why I'm in so much pain and discomfort. Even my parents offered to take me too a&e! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Hey girls, feeling a lot better this morning. DH reckons it was ov but I think we will still call the consultant today and see what he says. I guess if it was ov I'm back at the beginning of the 2ww? I've spoken to a friend of a friend who was on Clomid for the same reasons as me and she said she had the exact same pains and it was her releasing eggs. She got preggers that cycle too. :lol:

Guess it's just a waiting game now! Glad we BDed when we did otherwise we might have missed it! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Hi Miss J, make sure you're drinking lots of water in case it is ohss, you need lots of fluids. I'm on injections at the minute and that's the main tip they've given me if it happens. I reckon you're right and it is ov but you might have been releasing more than one. Xxx
I'm glad your feeling better hun. Definitely call the consultant too but fingers crossed it was that eggy :) x
Try not to worry. To get ohss you need to produce 25+ large follicles which is extemely rare with clomid, I doubt it's even happened but simply noted as a possibility with any stimulation drugs.

It's more of a risk of gondotrophins like menopur xx
glad your feeling better miss j! but please still get it checked out with your consultant xxxx
Thanks girls. I've got to email DH the details and he will call for me (wish I could use the phone!!) as soon as he can but he is at work and has an important group of people visiting today so unsure when he will have a chance to call.

Thanks for that info Louise and Blondy. :)

I'm hoping if it was ov, we are ok cos we BDed the night before last and had a break last night cos DH didn't want to make it worse lol. Hope we didn't miss it!


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Morning MissJ, I'm just catching up over the last day. Sorry you've been in pain, I hope that your DH manages to speak with the consultant and get you seen.

LD, how are things with you today?

Bella, things are sounding good for you, how are you doing?

All going ok with me, no side effects so far on clomid but I've only taken 2 so far, no 3 tonight. Scan booked for next Friday and AF still hanging around. What day do most of you ladies start with the opk? x
Missj that pain sounds awfull huny i would deff get it looked into, and as for catching it... Oh swimmers can live up to 5 days in the right environment. I hope you get answers or tests off consultant hun x ! Good luck to all of you girls :) xxx
Thanks eclair. x

I started my ov tests from CD10-11 as starting too early can give false positives so its best to do them throughout the cycle just in case and bearing that in mind. I got false positives on my first cycle on cd13 then actual positives cd18.

I've sent DH all the details and number to call, hopefully we'll hear back soon. If I ovulated last night then I'm only 1dpo today... Right?

I'm cd21 today as well, not been counting so just checked it out to find out. x
Missj that pain sounds awfull huny i would deff get it looked into, and as for catching it... Oh swimmers can live up to 5 days in the right environment. I hope you get answers or tests off consultant hun x ! Good luck to all of you girls :) xxx

Thanks hun, I hope we haven't missed it... It's hard to want to BD when my ovary feels like it's going to pop out lol! x
Hey eclaire still spotting for me do I'm out. Gutted. I can't see any light at the end of tunnel as am sure spotting as early as 10dpo will affect any implantation.

Good luck with yours - I didn't get any side effects from clomid. Will be starting again soon xx

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