The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Hey eclaire still spotting for me do I'm out. Gutted. I can't see any light at the end of tunnel as am sure spotting as early as 10dpo will affect any implantation.

Good luck with yours - I didn't get any side effects from clomid. Will be starting again soon xx

That's a shame, do you normally spot for a few days before? What DPO are you now? Are you temping to see when you ovulate or opk's? I have got the BBT thermometer but I don't fully understand what I'm looking for to be happening with temperatures so might just stick with opk! xx
Morning MissJ, I'm just catching up over the last day. Sorry you've been in pain, I hope that your DH manages to speak with the consultant and get you seen.

LD, how are things with you today?

Bella, things are sounding good for you, how are you doing?

All going ok with me, no side effects so far on clomid but I've only taken 2 so far, no 3 tonight. Scan booked for next Friday and AF still hanging around. What day do most of you ladies start with the opk? x

Hi hun im ok...had quite bad cramping last nite and bobs still 5dpo today. Hope ur round of clomid works for u hun xxx

missj hope u are feelung better today...cramps are the worst arent tey and urs seem really bad bless u xxx
Hey am 11 today and have temped too. I never got a positive opk so this and my bloods were the only way I knew I ovulated. Try fertility friend for charting as they pin point Ov. I've found it really useful and especially knowing when to go for bloods. Xx
Nicky that's fab news about your wedding - yay! Me and hubby got married just the two of us cos I don't like fuss and being the centre of attention, and it was just the best, I wouldn't change it for the world. It's about you two at the end of the day and nothing else matters xx

Nicky I was exactly the same and at the time was soooo glad we were living in the USA when we had our little boy. But then I have to say the 9 day wait for my parents to come over was agonising, I had never been so excited to see them as I was that day! It was so nice being able to feel minging though and know nobody was going to come and bother you!

CD 14 and a few twinges yesterday and maybe just had a few mild cramps. Come on, Clomid! I was expecting a lot more side effects for 150mg. Hmmmm. We have BDd on CD 9,11,13 so far and planning to on CD 15, 17, 19 and then i think I may give up for this cycle!
Hey am 11 today and have temped too. I never got a positive opk so this and my bloods were the only way I knew I ovulated. Try fertility friend for charting as they pin point Ov. I've found it really useful and especially knowing when to go for bloods. Xx

I agree...i temped aswell and it pinpointed my ov day as had cramping and cm for luke 2 weeks so wouldnt hav been able to pinpoint it myself as had tge ov symptoms for also meant we kept bding.every other day until fertility friend confirmed it for me xxx
Thanks ladies, I think I might give the temping a go. Does it have to be at the same time every day and should I be starting this ASAP? Sorry for all the questions! :whistle:
CD 14 and a few twinges yesterday and maybe just had a few mild cramps. Come on, Clomid! I was expecting a lot more side effects for 150mg. Hmmmm. We have BDd on CD 9,11,13 so far and planning to on CD 15, 17, 19 and then i think I may give up for this cycle!

Have you had any other side effects Jacq? Sounds like you're covering it well :)
Going to jump DH tonight and BD although I'm worried we've missed the eggs. :( x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
CD 14 and a few twinges yesterday and maybe just had a few mild cramps. Come on, Clomid! I was expecting a lot more side effects for 150mg. Hmmmm. We have BDd on CD 9,11,13 so far and planning to on CD 15, 17, 19 and then i think I may give up for this cycle!

Have you had any other side effects Jacq? Sounds like you're covering it well :)

Hi Claire,

No...nothing! Seriously I expected hot flushes, nausea, headaches, irritability, just something especially as 150mg is a pretty high dose but I have really not had a thing. And this month was a right balls-up as I had not had a period for 4 months and wasn't prescribed Provera to bring on a bleed so decided to just crack on with the Clomid. But then on day 12 of that 'cycle' my period decided to show up, meaning I then had to restart the Clomid. So, given I've had two rounds of 150mg less than 2 weeks apart I'm quite shocked I'm not an emotional basket case! On the flip side, I do worry that maybe I am just somehow immune to the stuff as it seems to be having no effect. I did a couple months on 100mg and had very little to report on that either. Oh well i will see what score I get on my 21 day bloods as so far it's been <1 :(
Have you heard anything back from the consultant MissJ? x

No not that I know of as DH hasn't texted about it yet so assuming he's not been able to call yet. Hopefully will hear back soon though! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
grrrr fertility friend has just changed my ov day!!!! reckons now rather than cd 30 that i ov'd cd 32....we bd'd cd 28, 29 and 31...but not after ov day :( dammit!

Why am I on Clomid? - (why I was on clomid) - because I have psco, but a very light version, and because oh has low sperm-count, which made it harder to get pregnant.

How much am I on? - 50 mg

When do you take it?
- I took mine on CD2 til CD6.

Any side effects? - Not that I noticed, but I'm always very emotional:D

Did it help OV? - Definantly - got loads of EWCM.

Was Clomid a success for you?
YES! I now have a beautifull little girl who's three months old and absolutely adorable!!

Go ladies, go! I'm cheering for you all! :pompom:

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Ahh thanks esperanza I remember you when I joined. How many cycles before you got your bfp?? Xx

Miss j any news yet? Xx

Bellarina don't worry swimmers can live for days ;) xx
DH said he had to leave a message but someone has just called our house phone and left a very long answer phone message! I'm hoping it's my consultants pa! Argh I wish I could hear properly. :( x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Ugh, today 12dpo, had the teeniest light pink spotting after my morning poo, tmi haha but that's when u notice it! So pretty sure af on way. On the bright side progesterone was in the 80s this month so a good result.
If I was feeling positive I could say yes, but its the same evry bloody month so 99.9%sure af is round the corner. Think ill test tomo morning though just for fun!!

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