The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Going to see if my ov test today is darker than last cycle's! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Seems like uv got it covered hun! Awesome opks darkest iv ever seen on here! Good luck xxxx
Thanks Bella! Woken up this morning and feel like I've pulled a muscle on my left side. Hoping it's popped eggs! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
We only BD'd 3 times!!! Poor OH has has nothing since either :-( oops!! X
Lol! Well I've no problem BDing but I guess there's more pressure on him to perform and I don't want him to feel he has to bd. He's working today so I reckon he'll be shattered later so even less likely to want to BD! I've read you shouldn't do ov tests after 8pm, does that make last nights one rubbish? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
missJ i dont think thats true ... your hormones dont know what time it is!!!! good luck hun all looking VERY positive!!! me and my fella only BD three times the month i got caught!!! was more focused on the month after when i would have started the clomid lol plus the swimmers lives for up to three days apparently so its all good!!! xxx
No!! Because it coincides with the one you got during the day. What time are you doing one today? I'm off to go in half an hour - will let you know what my day 21 result was! X
AND... my consultant adviced every other night so it wouldnt reduce sperm quality ... xx
Nicky i had bloods done on day 25 of the cycle i got pregnant on because they thought i was ovulating later than day 21 .. (pre-clomid) and my progesterone was only 36!! i think i must have randomly ovulated early!
how are you feeling Nicky .. you got any appointments or anything soon? xx
Think I might let him off tonight...we will see what happens. I'm doing my next test midday then again later in the afternoon. I knew I should have done a digi ov test last night but I was rushing so forgot lol. :dohh: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I had mine done at exactly 7dpo. No no appointments yet gonna hopefully get things sorted this morning.

Miss j honestly don't worry about last nights tests and remember I got an empty circle after my first smilie face! Then later in the day got another smilie ;-)

I have my fingers so tightly crossed for you!! X
Thanks hun, really hoping this is it! I'm excited I may actually get a chance to give DH a BFP for our anniversary! X

P.s. Don't worry, I'm not stressing about it anymore, I just feel positive! :yay: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Eeeeeek :) :)

OH is doing my head in - need to set off in 5 mins and hes still sat in his birthday suit pissing around with his iPad!! Grrrrr!!!!
I don't normally do ov tests at this time but I need to go out and couldnt hold my pee lol! Cd17's ov test.


Still positive but not sure if it's as dark? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
MissJ good luck!!! its looking good!!!
Nicky hope you get everything sorted out :) xxx
wow missj they are super dark, i never got one that dark!!! cd 16 and 17 poss opks at least its earlier than last months missj, things r looking up :) woop woop x x
Looking good miss j :)

Am intrigued to see your day 7 results nicky. I get mine done today so will find out if the clomid worked or not. Am thinking not xx
my day 21 results were only 38.5??? Must have been OH's super sperm!!

ANyway doctors went really well and if i can get next monday off work then i have my first midwife appointment at 11.30 :) And she'll book my early scan :)

Miss J - super line :)


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