The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

is that line slightly darker than yesterdays i think ull ov cd 17 :) mystic meg here lmao :p
Lol I'm not might get darker later though so I'll do another at my usual time if I can. Ha maybe we should have a sweepstake, 10 points to the person who guesses my ov day lol! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
So Minxie says cd17 and Nicky has cd16. I reckon it could be cd18 again, not feeling much at the mo!! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
sorry to hear that kay :(

MissJuly have you done any more opks today yet?

Hey girls sorry yes I did an ov test earlier and it was still quite faint so not sure really. Hoping a stonking positive will hit me soon lol! Just BDed though so least we have tonight covered! No pics of the ov test as I dunked it then got caught up with dyeing my hair so I forgot it! :dohh:


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Had sharp pains earlier on my left, going to do an ov test when I get home, will update ASAP! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Sharp pains continuing, smiley face on digi ! Luckily we BDed last night! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Waheyyyy!!!!!! I told you CD16!!!!! How exciting!!! Bet you are chuffed to bits now! X
Defo cd16! Eek! I wonder if tomorrows test will be darker, today's didn't seem as dark as last cycle's. When to count 1dpo?! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I'll see what tomorrow's is like, got a feeling it could be darker yet. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Mine were darker the day after!

Ooooo Miss J i'm so excited for you :) We may still be bump buddies!!

Yay I want to be bump buddies!! :love: x feeling more positive! X

Thanks Bella and Maybe! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Wooohoooo!!!! SO glad your feeling positive!!! I have sucha good feeling about this for you. Just keep relaxing xxx

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