The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

When are you meant to count 1dpo anyway? It's fantastic seeing ltttcers graduate to Tri 1! Fx for you hun! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
as im not charting anymore i can only guess from my last +opk! so what i do is:

16th June +opk
17th June -opk so day of ov
18th June -opk count as1dpo
How are you hun? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

im ok hun, just a bit frustrated today a still getting lots of cm (mostly ewcm) and iv had that for over week now...and today my boobs are reeeeeally sore but according to ferlity friend temping iv not ovulated im cd 31/32 today so gonna give it a few more days then start the meds to bring af on so i can get on the clomid

missj thats a brilliant line!! your ovulation looks great i hope this is the start of you BFP :)
and as for the early scan i think on NHS its only bleeding, pain or because of meds!! but you can pay for one x

good luck girlies im rooting for you all... how are you feeling nicky?
as im not charting anymore i can only guess from my last +opk! so what i do is:

16th June +opk
17th June -opk so day of ov
18th June -opk count as1dpo

Just done an ov test and it's still dark but not as dark as earlier. Still positive really! I hope we BDed enough if we miss tonight and BD tomorrow? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
How are you hun? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

im ok hun, just a bit frustrated today a still getting lots of cm (mostly ewcm) and iv had that for over week now...and today my boobs are reeeeeally sore but according to ferlity friend temping iv not ovulated im cd 31/32 today so gonna give it a few more days then start the meds to bring af on so i can get on the clomid


Ah how frustrating hun. Hopefully something will happen soon! I'd be tempted to just start a new cycle - when I got my prescription through I started it straight away lol! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
missj thats a brilliant line!! your ovulation looks great i hope this is the start of you BFP :)
and as for the early scan i think on NHS its only bleeding, pain or because of meds!! but you can pay for one x

good luck girlies im rooting for you all... how are you feeling nicky?

Thanks hun! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
missj: bloody hell thats still going strong... if u can jump oh tomorrow morning i would, that gives him tonight to rest and sperm is either a little faster or theres a few more thousand in the morning!! (i cant remember ill look it up) i caught my egg the morning after my poss opk missj!! so get up with him for work and jump him huny it will be worth it!!!

Nicky: your bound to be scared its terrifying and will be long into your pregnancy and then again when you have the baby.... but youve done the hard bit now youve just got to look after yourself and your body will do the rest... women are amazing things and were made to carry babies... when WE FINALLY GET PREGNANT that it lol :)
Tip #2 - Do It At The Right Time Of The Day
Believe it or not but some studies have found that sperm levels are actually higher in the morning than later in the day. This could be to do with our body temperature that is generally the lowest in the morning, and the cooler your partner's testicles, the better his sperm!
:( there's no chance at all of morning sex, DH is leaving earlier in the morning to pick up a colleague so there's no chance, plus I know DH and he isn't one for morning sex! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
aww noooooo........ my oh had a hangover and i still made him do it lmao! his punishment for getting a vbit too tipsy the night before but everything happens for a reason!!! :p good luck missj x x
Lol Minxie! I think we will be ok. He's made a hint or two about BDing tonight so we'll see. ;) x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I'm scared because we said we didnt want to tell anyone (other than obviously parents and my sister) However the gp advised me to tell my boss which i didnt have a problem with. She was over the moon cos she knows what ive been through. But then stupid me couldnt keep my mouth shut to two of my best mates so now im petrified its all gonna go wrong!!! stupid i know but urgh!! xx
Telling ppl isn't gonna make something bad happen. How I think of it is - if something bad did happen these are the ppl that u would feel ok about telling ie boss for time of work, mates for supports etc.
:hugs: Nicky, it's understandable that you feel that way hun. When are you doing your next test? Love BFP pics! X

P.s. We just BDed! :lol: DH seduced me lol! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

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