The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

No I'm not, I do have some OPK's left however I wasn't sure whether to use them or not as I'd kind of like to see what happens. I think when I've used them before I got really frustrated that they were always negative and might feel worse if they still are, if that makes sense?

I'm also not sure if I should get my 21 and 28day bloods done at my GP's or the hospital. The GP seems to take longer to get results and make a mess of my arm however they open at 08.30 so I won't be too late for work whereas the hospital get my results quickly (as they're tested there obv) and if they show no ovulation then I'll be able to ask them directly what to do for the next cycle however they don't open until 9am and are a bit tricker to get to work...Oh the dilema!!

Can't believe I'm on CD7 already - what day are you testing if you don't know how long your cycle will be?

I do know what you mean about opks - I have poas god knows how many times what with hpts and opks, and I hate seeing nothing but negatives. But on the other hand, maybe it's better to try to get an understanding of what's going on? Would you consider temping?

I asked my hospital if I could go to gp to get bloods done and they said it was better to do them at the hospital as it ensures all the records are together in the same place. But I'm in the same boat as you - doing them at the hospital means being late for work. I swear my new boss must think I'm dying as I keep saying I have all these "medical appointments" in a vague way. It was easier with my old boss who was a woman and I'd told about the fertility treatment but I don't really want to tell the new one. I think I will just go to the hospital for them and have to deal with the inconvenience!

When I can test depends on when I get positive opk and what happens with bloods I guess. I am going to stay with a friend and her baby next weekend - I don't know whether it's better to test before I go as a bfp would put me in a much better frame of mind for the whole thing or whether the risk of a bfn (esp if its still really early to test potentially) will just ruin the whole weekend!

Good luck for this cycle hon - got my fx for you! Xxx
I tried temping before but again fell out with it as it was never any different lol. I think I will go back to the opk's - I have 4 or 5 left I think and if my poas addiction comes back I'll buy more ;).

I bought a 2014 diary yesterday to keep a track of everything so I'm looking forward to writing in that.
I gave up temping as well because it was never any different. But now I'm on clomid and ovulating properly maybe I'd see a difference in my temperature?!
Good luck with your OPKs! Which ones do you use?
Yeh I think the same, maybe my opinion would change if I saw a difference. I use the one-step opk's, think I got them on amazon? They seem ok but I did get an evap with their pregnancy test (totally forgotten what you call them as I gave up with those tests a while ago lol!) so I'm probably best to stick to one frer test!

I guess if I don't use opk's then I won't be sure of when I can test. Oh the dilemas!!

What about you, do you have consistent cycles?
I've been using the clear blue digital ov tests as you can pee on them directly so easier to use at work rather than the cheapy ones you have to dip in a pot. Not had a positive yet. I swear I can feel the follicle getting ready to pop though - not sure if it is in my head??!!
Even if it is in your head (and I don't think it is) it wouldn't matter as your scans confirmed ones on its way anyway :)

I have got a really sore right ovary tonight which is surely a bit early to be feeling anything at cd 8?!
True :)

Not necessarily too early - could be th clomid is working its magic already. Get some bd'ing in just in case!
Lol :oooo: well I'm very embarrassed by what happened when DH came home tonight....I haven't been like that in nearly a decade of being together, he said he felt used (jokingly, of course:shock:) . I recon even if this isn't my month it's been interesting to see the changes in my nature :lol:
Still not had positive opk. I guess if the follicle was 16mm on Monday morning, in theory I could have had my surge on Sunday and ov'ed on Monday? We're covered in terms of bd'ing, it's more a matter of knowing when the right time to do bloods is. If tomorrow's isn't positive I will have to go back for another scan fri morning to double check which is a bit of a pain as it means being late for work again.

I have a suspicion I haven't ov'ed yet as I can still feel it I think!
Well 12dpo for me and my last clomid cycle! Looking like I'm gonna ov soon! Praying this works as it's my last attempt before ivf!!!
Charlie I'm possibley being thick but do you mean you're on CD12 and ovulating soon rather than 12dpo already? I get easily confused!

I hope you both get strong OPK's in the next couple of days. I asked DH if we should get the clearblue ovulation thingy (can't remember it's name) and he said we should, what he didn't understand was that I needed him to pay for it :lol:
I got a smilie on a Clearblue OPK this morning, hooray! We BDd last night (it was quite a boring one!) and I feel a bit achy today. I hope there's more than one egg this time!
Yay!! Fingers crossed! Is that the digital ones or the monitor you're using?

*waiting til 5.30 so I can go to boots*
I got a smilie on a Clearblue OPK this morning, hooray! We BDd last night (it was quite a boring one!) and I feel a bit achy today. I hope there's more than one egg this time!

Are you using the clear blue ones with fmu out of interest?
Charlie I'm possibley being thick but do you mean you're on CD12 and ovulating soon rather than 12dpo already? I get easily confused!

I hope you both get strong OPK's in the next couple of days. I asked DH if we should get the clearblue ovulation thingy (can't remember it's name) and he said we should, what he didn't understand was that I needed him to pay for it :lol:

Ha do u know what it's me that's confused! I've not been sleeping so tiredness is clearly getting to me! Cd12 is what I meant! Thanks haha xx
Got to go back to the hospital tomorrow for another scan as not had positive opk so unclear if follicle has popped or not. I think not given how sore it is now :(
Got my smiley face this morning so don't need to go in for scan after all. I said to my dh that we'd need to bd tonight and tomorrow night (and ideally the day after I guess but didn't want to scare him too much) - you should have seen his face! I think he's flagging a bit lol!
Yay! What CD are you on? My dh is the same, he's being very dramatic about it all and I've told him it's karma for the years he gave me flack for not being bothered!

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