The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Hello ladies,
Soooo glad I found this thread thanks to LondonGirl!
Following my Fertility Clinic appointment on Thursday, I've been put on Clomid which I'll start next cycle. So I'm gonna be hanging round this thread for the near future I think!! :)

I'll just answer a few of the Qs on the lil bio from the first page -

Why am I on Clomid? - After numerous tests, scans & a lap & dye, Ive been diagnosed with unexplained secondary infertility, I have really irregular cycles so to help with ovulation I've been put on Clomid.

How much am I on? - Starting with 50mg.

When do you take it? - As from next cycle, I will be taking it on CD2-6

Lianne xx
Woo hoo welcome Lianne! So pleased you are starting your treatment, hope clomid = bfp for you xxx
Hi Lianne :wave:

I'm on CD19 and have been using the clear blue digi ovulation tests since cd9 (I think) with no smiley face with fmu. I've been backing this up at night using a one step opk and they all came up with not a hint of a second line until after work yesterday when it was a strong second line, almost as strong as the control line so I was sure I'd wake up this morning to a smiley face on the digi but got nothing!

Since its the weekend I'll be able to to the opk around lunch and see what it says but I'm. To holding out much hope for this cycle.
Sorry to hear you haven't had a positive yet belfa. Will they increase you to 100mg if you don't ov on 50?
I'm not sure, my next appointment at the clinic isn't until round 4, if I'm not pregnant by then. I decided to get my 21 day bloods done at my GPs rather than the hospital but I think I'll still call the hospital for the results and then if I didn't ovulate I can ask to speak to the gynae?

I'm also a bit confused as to what to do if af doesn't come - at what point should I take provera again?
I'm not sure on that - I would call up for advice? When I was having the scans I was told they would only scan me up to and including day 21 as they don't consider any ov after that date to be good enough apparently. So I guess assuming a 14 day lp, that takes you to day 35?

I realised I'm not quite sure what happens next for me - I will try to ask them when I call for blood test results. Either I get a bfp in which case I hope I might get an early scan or a bfn and AF I suppose. In which case I don't know if I would need to be scanned again next month or not?!
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Hey ladies, how was your weekend??
Are you both on your first cycle of Clomid??
Yep first cycle for me. 10dpo now, only 2 days til testing!!

I had an ok weekend thanks, was staying with some friends who have a 6 month old which let's face it was always going to be difficult at the best of times. The baby was really grizzly because he has a cold so we didn't do much apart from try to keep him entertained. I guess it just underlined yet again how different I feel to most of my friends who already have children :(

Yes I'm also on my first round, im on CD21 and have no idea if / when I ovulated but I don't think I did.

Too make TTC just a bit more complicated my husband and I are back living with my parents whilst our house development starts...!

We weighed ourselves as well for the first time since our wedding in April and I recon we've both gained 1.5st each!! I'm going to have to shift it pronto as it can't be helping!
Blueflower when do you test?

There's something going on down there today, I have very strong pain in my left hip / ovary area, so much so that when I bend over it hurts more and I fell terribley sick. I've eaten like a big today but it's more nausea so I can only assume that my hormones are haywire today so whether that's due to late ovulation or just a clomid side effect who knows!
I could definitely feel it happening - could be ov? Are you still doing the opks? If you don't ov maybe they will put you up to 100mg? I think it's 50-50 whether the 50mg dose works.

I got my bloods back - 65 :dance: bearing in mind last time I got bloods done my progesterone was 2, no wonder I was feeling so crap!!

Sorely tempted to test tomorrow am. Do you think 11dpo is too early with a frer? I texted dh earlier to ask what he thought and he said "lets talk about it later" which means no!!

Oh and I had the tiniest tiniest pinkish spotting earlier - not sure what that's about. No other symptoms apart from a sore throat which is prob not ttc related!
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65 my goodness!! I think I would test, but you are asking the wrong person for advice having never had a 2ww before :lol: If you feel you can wait an extra day until 12dpo then maybe try to hold off, especially encase the pink spotting means something?

I'm not sure, I will call them and ask when I get my blood results - will probably call in Friday as that's when my apps say ill get af (I think that's too soon as that's only cd25 but I'll at least know that if I'm worth testing).
I'm not sure on that - I would call up for advice? When I was having the scans I was told they would only scan me up to and including day 21 as they don't consider any ov after that date to be good enough apparently. So I guess assuming a 14 day lp, that takes you to day 35?

I realised I'm not quite sure what happens next for me - I will try to ask them when I call for blood test results. Either I get a bfp in which case I hope I might get an early scan or a bfn and AF I suppose. In which case I don't know if I would need to be scanned again next month or not?!

If they think your dosage is fine and you got an LH surge then you probably won't need to be scanned next month.
I could definitely feel it happening - could be ov? Are you still doing the opks? If you don't ov maybe they will put you up to 100mg? I think it's 50-50 whether the 50mg dose works.

I got my bloods back - 65 :dance: bearing in mind last time I got bloods done my progesterone was 2, no wonder I was feeling so crap!!

Sorely tempted to test tomorrow am. Do you think 11dpo is too early with a frer? I texted dh earlier to ask what he thought and he said "lets talk about it later" which means no!!

Oh and I had the tiniest tiniest pinkish spotting earlier - not sure what that's about. No other symptoms apart from a sore throat which is prob not ttc related!

65 is brilliant! Spotting might mean implantation! I'd leave testing till the day AF is due to avoid early disappointment, but up to you!
Blueflower when do you test?

There's something going on down there today, I have very strong pain in my left hip / ovary area, so much so that when I bend over it hurts more and I fell terribley sick. I've eaten like a big today but it's more nausea so I can only assume that my hormones are haywire today so whether that's due to late ovulation or just a clomid side effect who knows!

AF is due any time between tomorrow and Sunday but I don't want to test. I'm just so fed up with it always being negative! Usually by this time a tiny part of me thinks I may get a BFP but this time I really don't! I think AF might be on the way cos I have weird pains there. They are different to the usual ones & I feel a bit sick too so it might be a heavy one. :-( My digestion has been a bit weird for the last few days too so it might be something to do with that. No spotting or implantation twinges or anything. I might do a test on Friday because I'm going out in the evening and want to check that its ok to drink.

Hope you get your surge soon!
I know what you mean Blueflower about testing, I think if I was sure that I'd ovulated then i'd be itching to test but as I'm not I don't want to get any hopes up. I didn't read the thread but I saw a title on how being positive leads to a bigger disapointment, it's so tricky to get the right balance.

Well, the plot thickens regarding blood tests etc! I had my 21day test done at my GP's this morning (i'm actually CD22). Anyway, they don't have any appointments next week for my 28day test so I said I would just go the clinic to get them done. Called the clinic to book and they said the 28day is actually for pregnancy not ovulation so if AF doesn't come over the weekend I am to go in on Monday morning (cd28). I just thought that was a late ovulation test rather than a pregnancy test - I don't think I want to get my bloods done on CD28 and then get af a few days later!
Hi girls,

Well I have learnt my lesson about testing early - bfn on a frer this morning so suspect that's me out for this cycle. Still only 11dpo so you never know but it's less likely I think. Trying not to think about it too much - will test again fri morning if the witch hasn't flown in. I hope she doesn't come on Friday as I am going away for the weekend!

Belfa - I have heard that about opks, I think it's because women with pcos can often have high levels of lh all the time? But then the hospital did tell me to use them so maybe it's ok after all when on clomid?

I have to say, I don't really understand why they are saying day 28 is a preg blood test and not for ov?? If you take my cycle, I ov'ed on day 19, so my prog would have even too low on day 21 but no way I could have a positive preg test by day 28. It just doesn't make any sense... Can you ask them will they not do another ov test later in your cycle? Good luck, I really hope you have ov'ed this cycle xxx

Blueflower - you're right I don't need to do the scans next cycle which is a relief. I wish I had heeded your wise words about disappointment from testing too early! Got everything crossed for you xxx

Really hoped there are some clomid BFPs coming soon!!!
Londongirl and Blueflower - are you both testing on Saturday? I am testing on Saturday and if you both are then I'll know I can come here and know you guys went through it too.

LG, I know you know when you ovulated but as this is your first "proper" cycle, who knows how long your lp is so you may well have tested too early. I will have the same problem as I don't know when I ovulated / when af is due.

I have no idea what they're on about either, my only hope is that the nurse I spoke to isn't the one I'm supposed to speak to (think something happened at the switchboard) so she's maybe unfamiliar with how the fertility clinic works?
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