The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I will Anna, I'll be checking in to see how you get on. Good luck xxx
Took my fifth clomid tablet this morning so that's it for this cycle. Now just waiting for scan on Wednesday.

It's funny that everything I'd read beforehand suggested the clomid would be the one with the bad side effects but actually it was the provera that made me crazy and feel horrible. I have felt absolutely great taking the clomid - in a really good and positive mood, no side effects at all.

I'm hoping this means my body is responding well to the treatment! We'll see - after so much waiting, nearly there!

My first month on clomid was my worst. After I ovulated I was like a psycho and had the worst headaches I've ever had! I'm on cycle 6 of clomid and 12dpo. Extremely exhausted and spotty which I don't normally get! Was woken up a lot through the night of 10dpo with aches and pains in my tummy, not like period pains, more like pressure. Didn't really try this month so who knows, maybe the laid back approach has finally worked.

Good luck in your first cycle London girl! Xx
:afalert: Thought we might have been lucky this time too cos I had no AF symptoms, it just came as a complete surprise on day 30.
Third time lucky maybe?
Unlucky Blueflower :( I've just seen your signature - that's good that its working though!

I'm on day 4 post provera and think af is arriving, it's like I've never had it though as its been so long I can't tell the difference between spotting and af lol!
So that was definately AF arriving, I need to change a pad every 30mins (TMI, sorry).

I landed at Heathrow yesterday morning and burst into tears going through security for no reason - went to the loo to find AF had arrived, how embarrassing - emotional wreck!!

On the upside, I get to take clomid today!
I found day 2 of my cycle was very heavy after the provera too.

Good luck for your first clomid cycle!

I had my first follicle tracking scam this morning - no dominant follicles. Got to go back on Monday to see if there's been any progress x
Does that mean if there's no progress then you take a higher dose next cycle? I guess the first cycle should always be seen as the trial cycle?
I'm not sure - I guess so. I think it can take a couple of cycles to get the dose right. She did also say that given I didn't have a cycle before, day 10 could just be a bit too soon to expect any follicles to be visible x
That sounds right actually as I need to have day 21 and day 28 bloods - the latter is because day 21 may be too early too.
Makes sense. The nurse said they would scan me up to and including day 21 - anything beyond that they would not consider to be good enough quality ov apparently. So at least I won't be waiting indefinitely to find out if this cycle has worked or not x
Great news from my cd15 scan - I have a 16mm follicle on the right that should pop any day now! :dance:
Woohoo that's fabulous news! That must be a massive relief. So what cycle day to you have to BD up until? I'm thinking that if I ov later in my cycle too then I'll probably have to bd from cd 10-20? Jeezo :roll:...:lol:
Londongirl that is amazing!!

Have lots and lots of sex!

Fingers crossed for you! We need another clomid BFP!
Woohoo that's fabulous news! That must be a massive relief. So what cycle day to you have to BD up until? I'm thinking that if I ov later in my cycle too then I'll probably have to bd from cd 10-20? Jeezo :roll:...:lol:

So we BD'ed sat which was cd13 and then going on her advice, cd15-18. I have a suspicion I will feel when ov happens as it's been a bit sore as the follie's been growing, I wasn't surprised at all when she said it was on the right hand side.

My dh looked quite happy when she said 4 days in a row! Men!

Belfa - you're not getting scanned are you? Are you going to do opks or temp?
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Londongirl that is amazing!!

Have lots and lots of sex!

Fingers crossed for you! We need another clomid BFP!

Thanks - am so excited that I might actually ov!! How was your early scan and how are you finding tri 1? Hope all's well xx
No I'm not, I do have some OPK's left however I wasn't sure whether to use them or not as I'd kind of like to see what happens. I think when I've used them before I got really frustrated that they were always negative and might feel worse if they still are, if that makes sense?

I'm also not sure if I should get my 21 and 28day bloods done at my GP's or the hospital. The GP seems to take longer to get results and make a mess of my arm however they open at 08.30 so I won't be too late for work whereas the hospital get my results quickly (as they're tested there obv) and if they show no ovulation then I'll be able to ask them directly what to do for the next cycle however they don't open until 9am and are a bit tricker to get to work...Oh the dilema!!

Can't believe I'm on CD7 already - what day are you testing if you don't know how long your cycle will be?

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