The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Hi Everyone- am new to this site (any forum at all for that matter so excuse my lack of acronym knowledge)....

Why am I on Clomid? - Diagnosed with and treated for endometriosis/ polyps earlier this year. Been TTC for 2 years. Ovulation quite regular so they are just trying to increase chances of conception.

How much am I on? - On my second cycle of 50mg- had mid cycle scan last month which showed it was working (2 follicles big enough) and scan yest showed it was working.

When do you take it? - days 2-6

Any side effects? - Total emotional mess- crying at anyone experiencing misfortune on the telly (more than usual!).

Did it help OV? - no- this has not been a problem

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - n/a

Was Clomid a success for you? - not yet. Huge problem at the moment is that after 2 years my husband is starting to buckle under pressure. Started at first scan last month when we were meant to have PCT- the min he thought of this he lost erection. Same happened with scan this month and it upset him so much it has impacted on other times. Looks like this month I won't have any sperm to fertilise my eggs. So frustrating but trying to be supportive and to not panic him by getting upset. Any advice re this would be really welcome.
I got a smilie on a Clearblue OPK this morning, hooray! We BDd last night (it was quite a boring one!) and I feel a bit achy today. I hope there's more than one egg this time!

Are you using the clear blue ones with fmu out of interest?

Yes I use cheapy Amazon ones until I get a dark line then a Clearblue with 2nd morning urine. Gave up the Persona monitor, it was all too much!
Yay! What CD are you on? My dh is the same, he's being very dramatic about it all and I've told him it's karma for the years he gave me flack for not being bothered!

Cd19 - nurse said she wasn't surprised if I ov'ed a bit later given I didn't have a cycle before clomid.

Just felt a really sharp pain - I wonder if it just popped!!
I got a smilie on a Clearblue OPK this morning, hooray! We BDd last night (it was quite a boring one!) and I feel a bit achy today. I hope there's more than one egg this time!

Are you using the clear blue ones with fmu out of interest?

Yes I use cheapy Amazon ones until I get a dark line then a Clearblue with 2nd morning urine. Gave up the Persona monitor, it was all too much!

It all goes to show these myths about not using opks with fmu are nonsense!

Fx the next 2 weeks fly by and we both have BFPs waiting for us at the end :)
Hi Everyone- am new to this site (any forum at all for that matter so excuse my lack of acronym knowledge)....

Why am I on Clomid? - Diagnosed with and treated for endometriosis/ polyps earlier this year. Been TTC for 2 years. Ovulation quite regular so they are just trying to increase chances of conception.

How much am I on? - On my second cycle of 50mg- had mid cycle scan last month which showed it was working (2 follicles big enough) and scan yest showed it was working.

When do you take it? - days 2-6

Any side effects? - Total emotional mess- crying at anyone experiencing misfortune on the telly (more than usual!).

Did it help OV? - no- this has not been a problem

If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - n/a

Was Clomid a success for you? - not yet. Huge problem at the moment is that after 2 years my husband is starting to buckle under pressure. Started at first scan last month when we were meant to have PCT- the min he thought of this he lost erection. Same happened with scan this month and it upset him so much it has impacted on other times. Looks like this month I won't have any sperm to fertilise my eggs. So frustrating but trying to be supportive and to not panic him by getting upset. Any advice re this would be really welcome.

Hi hon just wanted to say welcome and good luck! I think a few of us are having similar issues with our OHs struggling with pressure to "perform". Not sure I have much good advice - I haven't really figured out the best approach myself. I'm trying not to "demand" sex but let him initiate it - problem starts when he doesn't though...

Fx for you xx
Thanks for your message Londongirl. It does help hearing that other people are having similar issues even if there are no quick fix solutions! x
Yay! What CD are you on? My dh is the same, he's being very dramatic about it all and I've told him it's karma for the years he gave me flack for not being bothered!

Cd19 - nurse said she wasn't surprised if I ov'ed a bit later given I didn't have a cycle before clomid.

Just felt a really sharp pain - I wonder if it just popped!!

Yes that was probably it! Funny feeling isn't it! I didn't get 1 sharp pain this time but several duller ones on both sides and in the middle as well, weird! Going out tonight, planning on having 2 glasses of wine then lemonade! ;)
I got a smilie on a Clearblue OPK this morning, hooray! We BDd last night (it was quite a boring one!) and I feel a bit achy today. I hope there's more than one egg this time!

Are you using the clear blue ones with fmu out of interest?

Yes I use cheapy Amazon ones until I get a dark line then a Clearblue with 2nd morning urine. Gave up the Persona monitor, it was all too much!

It all goes to show these myths about not using opks with fmu are nonsense!

Fx the next 2 weeks fly by and we both have BFPs waiting for us at the end :)

I think FMU is left over from the evening before so not accurate, so I use 2MU because its more concentrated than later on when I've drunk lots of water!
Yay! What CD are you on? My dh is the same, he's being very dramatic about it all and I've told him it's karma for the years he gave me flack for not being bothered!

Cd19 - nurse said she wasn't surprised if I ov'ed a bit later given I didn't have a cycle before clomid.

Just felt a really sharp pain - I wonder if it just popped!!

Yes that was probably it! Funny feeling isn't it! I didn't get 1 sharp pain this time but several duller ones on both sides and in the middle as well, weird! Going out tonight, planning on having 2 glasses of wine then lemonade! ;)

I felt quite a few pains on the left hand side as well - don't think there can have been a follicle there as the nurse couldn't see one on the scan on Monday unless it grew mega quickly?!

Also trying not to drink - doubt it would make much difference at this point but just don't want to take any risks.

When are you due to test hon? Xxx
Yay! What CD are you on? My dh is the same, he's being very dramatic about it all and I've told him it's karma for the years he gave me flack for not being bothered!

Cd19 - nurse said she wasn't surprised if I ov'ed a bit later given I didn't have a cycle before clomid.

Just felt a really sharp pain - I wonder if it just popped!!

Yes that was probably it! Funny feeling isn't it! I didn't get 1 sharp pain this time but several duller ones on both sides and in the middle as well, weird! Going out tonight, planning on having 2 glasses of wine then lemonade! ;)

I felt quite a few pains on the left hand side as well - don't think there can have been a follicle there as the nurse couldn't see one on the scan on Monday unless it grew mega quickly?!

Also trying not to drink - doubt it would make much difference at this point but just don't want to take any risks.

When are you due to test hon? Xxx

Not for a week and a half! I cut right down on alcohol for a whole year and it made no difference and just made me miserable, so now I just try not to drink too much in these 2 weeks. The nurse said that was fine. I would give it up completely if it meant I'd definitely get pregnant and would definitely stop if I was pregnant! Good on you for not drinking at all though!

I'm not allowed to trampoline 2 weeks out of every 4 either now, which gets me down! You're supposed to carry on living your life whilst TTC but its impossible with all these restrictions, and so upsetting when you do everything right but it always turns out to be a BFN!
Hi, I'm CD14 and my stomach is cramping like af cramps. Anyone else get that before ovulation?
I get them just after. It’s weird because I always used to get them the week before AF but now I get them the week after ovulation then no symptoms the following week. Don’t know what’s going on there!
I'm probably just hungry or my tights are sitting across my belly lol.

I've not had a smiley face on my clear blue digi yet but I'm holding on to the fact that I may ov late (unless I ov'd super early that is!).
I had sharp pains and twinges for several days leading up to ov but just on side where follicle was rather than AF style cramps (although I did get a few weird pains on the left ovary too). I've had cramps since ov and generally been feeling a bit out of sorts - I suspect I may just be quite sensitive to rise in progesterone which would make sense given how miserable I felt after taking provera plus I always used to get menstrual migraines linked to drop in progesterone when AF arrives whil I was on the pill. I have also still been feeling a few twinges on the right ovary which I assume is the corpus luteum forming...

I know 3dpo is way too early to be symptom spotting but I feel absolutely exhausted today despite having a really quiet and relaxed weekend. I just can't keep my eyes open! Hope I'm not getting ill!
I'm probably just hungry or my tights are sitting across my belly lol.

Ha ha! I got that recently but it when I was driving for an hour and had cheap underwear on that was cutting in!!

That's interesting Londongirl about the corpus luteum because I had a sharp pain in my right side today that was sharper than when I ovulated. It must be that. Do you know much about the corpus luteum? How big does it get and does it just disintegrate if you're not pregnant?
I told my OH about the pains and he said its just wind! A year and a half ago I had different pains and we thought maybe I was pregnant but it was cystitis! :-( Its more likely to be constipation this time, sorry for TMI!

I might have to leave the clomid thread soon because we're only allowed 3 goes. :-(
I don't know much about it - I feel like I am revising for biology exam or something though!! I watched this video on YouTube, mainly because I was just interested to understand what was going on in my body, which said that the follicle becomes the corpus luteum after ov. I think if you do conceive and bean implants it hangs around for a while to ensure progesterone levels are high enough to sustain pregnancy. I wish I hadn't watched this video though because it explained all the ways spermies can get lost / stuck / killed off before they find the egg!! Makes me wonder how anyone ever gets preggers!

Are you on your 3rd cycle now hon? Fx for third time lucky xxx
I believe the Corpus Luteum remains during pregnancy too because I read a book where the woman died and they did a post mortem and found a 2cm corpus luteum which apparently indicated that she had recently given birth. Although I know that the placenta takes over progesterone production after the early stages of pregnancy, so maybe the corpus luteum just hangs around?!

There must be some reason we have all this knowledge, it must come in useful one day apart from in our own situations!

Have you seen that ‘sperm journey’ game? It’s really tricky, you are a sperm and you have to get to the egg using just the arrow keys on your keyboard! It looks almost impossible, I nearly got there once but hit the side and got dissolved! It really highlights how hard it is! I might find it and put the link on here!

Yes, 3rd and last cycle! I can test at the end of next week but aren’t getting my hopes up. I’m waiting to hear back from the clinic about getting another prescription to use for an IUI cycle but I’m running out of time!

Good luck with yours!
It will become very quiet in this thread! I really hope you get your BFP Blueflower (and you LG)!!.

I would love to understand the science behind it all but tbh, opk's are as advanced as I can manage lol.
Hopefully it becomes silent because all of us are hanging out in tri 1 instead!!!
Yes! That would be fab!

I've finally heard back from the clinic. The consultant says its fine to move on to IUI with just a nurse consultation which will cost less, phew! And I'll get another clomid prescription to take for the IUI cycle. Fingers crossed there are no nasty injections as well! AF due next week so should get the clomid in plenty of time, phew!

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