The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

My rubella test results came really quick and it turned out even tho id had the vaccination in school I wasn't immune to it. Two days later I had the vaccination again and after another blood test 2 weeks later I was good to start clomid! Such a pain when u just want to start the ball rolling! Xx
I don't want to upset anyone but I just wanted to maybe give a bit of hope - I have had a BFP on my 2nd cycle of clomid (that we weren't using condoms to get the dose right).

Fingers crossed that everything goes well.

Good luck to everyone!!
Woohoo congrats!!! I get very excited by clomid BFP's!! xx
I don't want to upset anyone but I just wanted to maybe give a bit of hope - I have had a BFP on my 2nd cycle of clomid (that we weren't using condoms to get the dose right).

Fingers crossed that everything goes well.

Good luck to everyone!!

Congratulations!! What cycle day did you test xx
The first 3 cycles we were using condoms (as advised by the nurse) to make sure we got the dose right and didn't end up with quads etc. So this was the 2nd cycle where we had stopped using condoms. I still can't believe it! I called the fertility clinic and they have booked me in for an early scan on the 7th November. Eek!
The first 3 cycles we were using condoms (as advised by the nurse) to make sure we got the dose right and didn't end up with quads etc. So this was the 2nd cycle where we had stopped using condoms. I still can't believe it! I called the fertility clinic and they have booked me in for an early scan on the 7th November. Eek!

How exciting for you! We might be due around the same time if I get my official BFP next week xx
I don't want to upset anyone but I just wanted to maybe give a bit of hope - I have had a BFP on my 2nd cycle of clomid (that we weren't using condoms to get the dose right).

Fingers crossed that everything goes well.

Good luck to everyone!!

Congratulations! That gives us all a bit of hope! :yay:
This really pees me off. Anyone without fertility issues conceives without having a clue about rubella immunity. I appreciate wanting to get rid of it but why put more obstacles in the way of ladies who are already having a really hard time?!

I would personally just take it but I'm stubborn like that!

Good luck hon xoxo

Maybe they give it to pregnant women as well?
How exciting for you! We might be due around the same time if I get my official BFP next week xx

Have you had an unofficial BFP then?! :-)

I have had a BFP (posted in Am I Pregnant) but the nurse told me clomid can cause false positives so she won't confirm anything until next Tues which is cycle day 41 :( xx

Oh wow, that's worth knowing! It would be horrible to get excited over a BFP finally and then for it to be false. Hope yours is a real one! :clover:
Wow starryeyes - that's great, so pleased for you! Did you do anything different on the cycle you got your bfp on compared to the first clomid one? Xoxo
Wow starryeyes - that's great, so pleased for you! Did you do anything different on the cycle you got your bfp on compared to the first clomid one? Xoxo

We definitely had sex more and I tried to stay in bed for longer with my bum propped up on a pillow - think the longest I lasted was 10 mins! We had sex 7 days in a row around ov. Prob the 5 days before and day of and then the day after (if I ov-ed when I think).
Wow starryeyes - that's great, so pleased for you! Did you do anything different on the cycle you got your bfp on compared to the first clomid one? Xoxo

We definitely had sex more and I tried to stay in bed for longer with my bum propped up on a pillow - think the longest I lasted was 10 mins! We had sex 7 days in a row around ov. Prob the 5 days before and day of and then the day after (if I ov-ed when I think).

Oh it was the other way round for us, we did it loads last month but no luck, this month we've had a lot of stress and only managed it 4 times so I don't hold out much hope. Although people have said that they only did it a couple of times and got a BFP. You can never tell!
7 nights in a row?! You're making me exhausted just reading that :lol:

Blueflower - pregnant women do get checked for rubella but they have to wait until after they've given birth before the get the injection.

I am going to go ahead and take the provera since I have a few months worth anyway and by the time I get AF I should have my results back (I will call again on Friday) and then if I don't have an immunity I can just hold off taking the clomid until after my injection - does that sound like a plan?
7 nights in a row?! You're making me exhausted just reading that :lol:

Blueflower - pregnant women do get checked for rubella but they have to wait until after they've given birth before the get the injection.

I am going to go ahead and take the provera since I have a few months worth anyway and by the time I get AF I should have my results back (I will call again on Friday) and then if I don't have an immunity I can just hold off taking the clomid until after my injection - does that sound like a plan?

Great plan. Good luck!
Blueflower - pregnant women do get checked for rubella but they have to wait until after they've given birth before the get the injection.

Really? Its too late for the baby by then!!

Yup, the NHS never ceases to confuse me! As Londongirl says, people get pregnant without trouble and haven't been screened before hand and for those with problems we have additional hoops to jump through (though I do appreciate that there's no point going through treatment to find out you had another undetected issue).

What also interested me was that my hospital can't afford to do tracking scans and only offer them after the 4th round of clomid.
What also interested me was that my hospital can't afford to do tracking scans and only offer them after the 4th round of clomid.

What do they do about multiple follicles then?

Just hope there's no multiples :( Even though she gave my DH a hard time for saying he'd like twins due to the risk etc. Don't get me wrong she was nice and professional and from what I read online is the top specialist in my region, however I suppose the restrictions the hospital has are shown here with a process like this.

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