The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Hi Hun, had my appointment on Friday. Went well, got my chat and plan booked for 3 weeks time which feels so far away! We are going to start with iui but stimulated as I don't ovulate. I don't know much more really as we were told to save our questions for the chat and plan which I thought was a bit odd but oh well lol. Just so excited to have a plan in motion. I feel positive about it all. :)

How are you?
Hi ladies, well just found out my first cycle of 50mg clomid didn't work, blood results were really low so I've to increase to 100mg next cycle xx
Hi ladies, well just found out my first cycle of 50mg clomid didn't work, blood results were really low so I've to increase to 100mg next cycle xx

Sorry to hear 50mg didn't work - hope 100 is the magic number! Xx
Thanks Anna, was a bit gutted to say the least but picked myself up
and onto the next. Hopefully af comes soon so I can start! How's things with you?xx
Ok - am not sure when I'm going to be starting on clomid. Waiting on the referral to the new hospital where they won't charge for the scans. If that takes months to come through then we'll just have to pay but if it's only a matter of a few weeks we might as well wait.

I don't really mind waiting - at least we now know what the treatment plan will be and I'm just trying to eat really healthily and get into good exercise routine in the meantime. Started doing yoga every week and also doing reflexology xx
It's good to have another focus, I'm doing the same joined the gym so it can hopefully help me feel mentally strong with the disappointments. When is your next appt with the hospital that charges?x
Well they've already given me the provera and the clomid so I could start any time with them. But £450 a cycle is so much money, it seems silly to pay it if we'd only have to wait a few weeks.

I know it must be really hard not to feel disappointed but I think it is quite common to move on to 100mg after 50mg. I'm sure it will work for you xxx
That's true, hopefully your referral comes through quickly then.

Yeah hopefully try number 2 is lucky xx
Hey LondonGirl,

How come (if you don't mind me asking) you were paying for scans? I suffered from amenorrhea for 10 months after coming off the pill. Diagnosed with mild PCOS - but losing half a stone seems to have possibly got that into check.

I was prescribed provera and clomid. Took provera, AF showed up (never been so relieved) then started clomid, first scan on clomid showed 1x follicle - yey, then 2nd cycle of clomid scan showed 2x follicles, so they've reduced my dose. They think my losing weight my have reduced my need for it.

So this AF I'm on 3x 50mg pills and then I'll get scanned again. Clinic suggested we use condoms until we get the dose right (I do not want quads). So in just over a week I'm having scan number 3 and hopefully we will have got it right so we can stop using horrible condoms and start trying to make a baby!

Sorry for the massive essay!

Hope everyone is feeling positive! :)

PS. Good luck Marcel!! I feel your pain on the waiting front.
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The hospital I went to doesn't fund follicle tracking scans on the nhs. They didn't tell me this until they were at the point where they prescribed me the clomid - ie after several months of tests and a lot of emotional upheaval. So now my gp is referring me again to a different hospital. Very frustrating! Am thinking of writing to my mp as I don't see how they can treat people like this - it's hard enough as it is without all this going on!

Thanks for sharing your experience - glad to hear from someone else with amenhorrhea. It's great that provera worked to bring on AF and that you are responding to the clomid - sure they will get the dose right soon. Let us know how you get on xx
Wow thats ridiculous! I thought you must have chosen to go private or something!?

I was soooo happy to get AF after the provera - I just felt like 'thank god something is happening'.

Now I'm just really worried about my scan - next Thurs - to see if its just a one follicle situation. Feels very strange to have the first 2/3 months of getting 'fertility treatment' to be using condoms.

I am really lucky with the hospital I've been referred to. Fingers crossed your second referral will be to somewhere brilliant!
No actual update but I have my scan on Thursday and I'm starting to get excited and scared! The best scenario is that reducing my dose has resulted in one follicle so we can start trying again on thurs without the risk of twins. However, my husband came out with a shocker y'day and said 'even if there are 2 follicles we should still start trying thurs'. I reminded him that there would be a much bigger chance of having twins and he said that would be fine by him. So fingers crossed for just one follicle cos he might be ok with twins but triplets or quads I'm sure are a no no!
Well I went for the follicle tracking and I've produced 2x follicles again. Ive spoken to my husband and we have agreed to try anyway even though there's a risk of twins (or maybe more). Can I ask you ladies what you would do?
I would try personally but then I would love twins - I know it's much higher risk but I'd rather take the gamble myself. But it's a very personal decision.

Have the doctors advised you not to try? I guess there must be women not on fertility meds who produce 2x follicles without even knowing?

Let us know how you get on xx
PS I've got my appt with the consultant at the new hospital in 6 weeks time so I will soon be joining you ladies on this thread!
Ohh, Londongirl that's so exciting! 6 weeks will fly by!

I think we are gonna go for it. Hubby says he'd be happy to have twins. The thing is, as the lady at the fertitlity place said this morning 'they could both take, one could take or neither could take'. If I don't get pregnant this cycle then I'm gonna reduce my does down to 25mg of clomid on just 3 days. The lady said I must be very sensitive to it to be producing 2x follicles on 3x 50mgs. Again, I guess this is a good thing it is just weird being given such detailed information. As you say, there must be women producing 2x follicles and not knowing it but cos I know I feel like I have to be fully prepared for more than one baby! Eek! I just hope I can get pregnant!
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I know what you mean - the whole prices of having the scans etc does make it seem quite clinical somehow. I think it's taken me a long time to come to terms with the idea of not doing it "naturally" if that makes sense. But whatever it takes!

I know it's a ridiculous thing to say but it's probably best to not think about it too much. And if you figure out how to take your mind off it then please do tell me!

Can I join you? I start clomid today! I’m going to take it in the evening because I read that side effects can include dizziness and I have to drive to work! Did anyone else experience dizziness? What about any other side effects? I’m quite nervous really! I’ve got a scan booked for the end of next week.

I’m taking it because my progesterone level was less than 30 and I’m not sure that I ovulate properly every month.
I’m hoping it will give me more of a chance. I’m also hoping that it will make my endometrium thicker for longer.

Just read the latest thread and I’d like twins too! :-) :-)
I've been taking it for a few months now and I've had 2 side effects: 1 day I was in a horrible snappy p*ssy mood for no reason and I never get that and the 2nd one is that I have been boiling! Mainly at night but sometimes randomly during the day. Not even necessarily on the days that I've taken the tablet just whenever throughout the month. If it gets me pregnant though its a small price to pay!

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