The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Amazing news jacq congratulations! Hope you gave a healthy 9 months xxx
Hello ladies, first of all... congrats jacq!!

I was given provera to make my AF turn up after it not making an appearance for 10months after comi ng off the pill. When I came in I took clomid (50mg) days 2-6 and Tues I have a scan (internal ultra sound) to see if clomid has made me ovulate. Anyone else had this? What were people's experiences?
Wow jacq massive congrats that's amazing news and even more so after everything with your dad x
I had my scan today and there is one follicle. Looks like I'm gonna ovulate this weekend for the first time since coming of the pill 10 months ago. Hopefully I'll get pregnant in the next 6 months. Don't know what they'll do after that if I don't. Hopefully, I won't find out. xx
After 8 rounds of clomid, we got our BFP yesterday. Off to see the Dr this morning. What should I be asking? Is it common to use progesterone after clomid? We lost 2 pregnancies at 5 and 6 weeks last year, so I want to be sure I help this one along!
Congratualtions!! I'm afraid we haven't had BFP yet so don't know what to ask but fingers crossed for a healthy 9 months!
I have my early scan on Monday. Hubby and I are wondering how many are in there as I am so tired and have been feeling nauseous through the night, which I don't remember with my son :/
Oooooo! That's exciting! Twins!

Can I ask, did you request your early scan or did they offer it?
I requested it as been on Metformin, Clomid (round 9), recently failed ICSI and some major emotional trauma in last few weeks. My GP is really good and had no problems, though one hospital refused, but another said yes.
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Just an extra bit of info... when I had my 'are you gonna ovulate' scan the nurse said that if/when I get pregnant to call them to let them know cos they would want to do an early scan cos of the clomid.
That's great to know!

Well. Fingers crossed they offer me one.

Is an early scan done at 7 weeks?
Hello ladies i havnt bin on here for a while i took clomid for 4 months nohing happened so i stopped my brother decided he wantd to geet married so we stopped trying we bedded once this month i forgot when my period was due so i tested ysterday on a digi it says 3plus pregnantim shockd cuz i tried for 2 nearly 3 years im shockd cant beleive it i know its a cliche when people say relax and dont stress it reali works hope all u ladies get a positive
Same here! We only did the deed once this month, so I'd written it off!

Congratulations. Splendid news :)
I know i actually fort i dint ovulate this month and bang im shocked seeing the doc monday soo excited
Congratulations, Nazia! Monday can't come soon enough (for a change!) as you have your doc appt and I have my early scan :)
Good luck with the scan! Do report back!

Anyone clued up on prog and hcg levels?

EPAU did my blood. 117 prog and 122 hcg. They said that's good. Got another test on Monday to check levels are increasing as they should. Not feeling any symptoms. Which worries me. Although it shouldn't so early.
How did you both get on today? I'm still waiting for the hospital to call with my blood results! Can't stand the wait.

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