The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Hi hope you don't mind me posting here.

it's 20 days since I took my last clomid pill and I've been fine I've had 2 good positive opk and that's all good. The only thing is for the past 3 days I've been so lightheaded and really dizzy does anyone know if this would be down to the clomid? xxxx
How did you both get on today? I'm still waiting for the hospital to call with my blood results! Can't stand the wait.

We saw the heartbeat :dance: only thing is they put me back 8 days on measurements, so means I am only 6 weeks 4 days though I refuse to believe that as that would put my conception date way after we stopped trying. I wrote all my AF, Clomid and DTD dates in my diary so I'm sticking with that until the dating scan tells me otherwise.

Only a singleton on board, though she said my womb was tricky to photograph so a slight possibility another in there but v unlikely. I'm fine with that though as I only want one more!

Jacq xx
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How fab to see a heartbeat. Congrats.

My bloods came back. My HCG has increased from 122 to 397. I think I'm 5 weeks tomorrow. Worried that's a little low!

My progesterone was 117! Very high! Not sure what that means?

Not getting a great deal of info from nurses. Back for blood on Friday and then potentially a scan next week!
Hi all! I haven't been able to get on here as we moved house and were without internet connection for nearly 3weeks but I'm back and it sounds like some of you have had some lovely news which is so positive and inspiring to hear! Although I haven't got my BFP yet...I finally got my first period since October 2012!!!! Sounds strange but I was so chuffed that my body is seemingly making a move in the right direction thanks to the provera the specialist prescribed! It meant that I could take my clomid on day 2 of my cycle (this is my 4th round now I think). I am however giving the metformin a break as I have been experiencing what I think were side effects of this medicine and it wasn't helping me lose any weight which was really its soul purpose! I'm pretty sure it's been making me feel horrendously sick for the past 6days (as I upped the dose to two tablets a day.) Unfortunately I don't think it's an early pregnancy symptom :( and far more likely to be a result of the metformin. I am however remaining very positive and it's great to have my GP and specialist on my side and being super helpful and supportive!
However still have OH's second sperm sample to get out of the way! His first one was low and he's convinced this is because we had to travel half an hour with the sample as they don't provide anywhere at the hospital to give a sample and our closest hospital that does the testing is half an hour down the motorway!! So frustrating and I don't believe this gives us a true result!
Anyways fingers crossed for the next couple of months and maybe we'll have a lovely wedding present and conceive on our honeymoon as our wedding is in less than 5 weeks! Eeeeek!! Good luck to all the rest of you lovely ladies :) .x.x.
Hey everyone, so I had my first lot of clomid, went for the scan to check if it was working, they found one follicle (which is apparently what they want cos no follicles mean it hasn't worked and multiple could mean multiple babies), they asked me to get a blood test a week and a half later to confirm that I did ovulate like they were expecting me to so I had that done. Called y'day for results and they said that it had been sent for the wrong test (hcg for pregnancy instead of progesterone for ovulation!). So they said to do it all again on the next cycle.

I was really worried that my cycles would be all over the place cos I was put on provera & clomid after coming off the pill and not coming on for 10 months. However, AF turned up y'day which makes my first cycle 29 days! Yey! I'm not upset that I'm not pregnant cos we used condoms this month (hospital didn't want to risk twins/quads first month). So now I feel I am a bit more in control and ready to start trying for a baby properly! So nice to feel like I have some control again! :)

Hope everyone else is getting the news/responses they are hoping for from using clomid! Anyone else on the thread with a similar situation to me?
Starryeyes, 29 days is fantastic for your first Clomid cycle.

Fingers crossed for the next one x
Thanks! (Saying that like I actually had control over it and worked hard) Ha ha. After 10 months of no AF it is nice to feel my body is working again. Fingers crossed it'll all work in the next couple of months and I'll get a BFP before Christmas.
It took me 8 rounds of Clomid to get a 28 day cycle, though I needed the combination of that and Metformin to do that, then round 9 was the lucky one!
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Hi ladies quick question, what time of day did you take your tablet? I'm due to start tomoro but it doesn't give instructions of when to take xxx
I take mine at night because a friend who took it (and conceived her son on it) said if you get side effects then taking it at night minimises what you would notice.
Bumping this up for any newcomers to clomid.

I'm still around, more of a lurker nowadays but I'm joining the iui/ivf thread now - meet my new consultant next Friday and find out the plan, I'm so excited I actually can't wait to get cracking lol.

Hope everyone's doing ok. :)
Ill be joining you on the ivf thread! Got my appointment on Wednesday after 4 months on clomid xx
Ah Charlie, sorry clomid didn't get your BFP but come over to the ivf thread. Do you know the plan now or do you have to wait til you meet the consultant?
He said I'd have 6 months of clomid. As u know I'm on month 4 so now I'm being referred for ivf which is what my appointment is Wednesday. He is planning to keep me on clomid until I start ivf treatment xx
Oh right, that's good - you might not have any gaps in between treatment plans then? My appointment is next Friday so we might be close in treatment then. Haven't had a cycle buddy in ages! :)
Yeah looks like we will :) it will be nice to have someone to talk to who is going through same thing xx
Definitely, and I'm only a couple of steps ahead so will be fairly close. Do you know what clinic you will be referred to for ivf?
No I'm not sure! Will let u know how I get on tomorrow :) I'm sure it will all be a bit clearer after tomorrow xx
Well looks like I'm staying in this section a bit longer! He has given me another 3 months of clomid as he's confident it can work as I'm ovulating. Back in November which will be my last clomid cycle and I will then start the ivf process. So looks like it will be February that I will be starting ivf xx
Wow that's great! Fx the clomid does the job and you don't need the ivf appointment. :) my iui appointment is in 2 days and I'm so nervous!

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