The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Instead we just went at it like rabbits over what I thought was the two weeks around fertile time!
My personal opinion (and everyone's different) is that it is great to see fellow ltttc'ers get a bfp and it's really motivating to see it can be done. So I would love to hear that ladies on clomid have got their bfp and I don't often go on the bfp board as it does upset me a bit to see people who have only been trying a month or whatever (which is silly as it is clearly great to get a bfp no matter how long you've been trying).

So I would say come share good news when you get it but I know others may feel differently x

Yes that's true. This thread does day '6 BFPs' on it after all!
I had a darker line twice today but it wasn't dark enough for a smilie face! Very frustrating, I thought clomid would boost ovulation, not delay it! I've had to take time off work twice so far in 4 days and if I don't get the surge today I have to go AGAIN tomorrow for an injection to make me ovulate! Gulp! The follicle measured 19mm on Friday, and 24mm on Monday, it looked huge on the screen! Surely it will pop soon?
I had a darker line twice today but it wasn't dark enough for a smilie face! Very frustrating, I thought clomid would boost ovulation, not delay it! I've had to take time off work twice so far in 4 days and if I don't get the surge today I have to go AGAIN tomorrow for an injection to make me ovulate! Gulp! The follicle measured 19mm on Friday, and 24mm on Monday, it looked huge on the screen! Surely it will pop soon?

Fingers crossed for you! What have you said to your work about having to take time off for scans?
Finally got my smilie last night, phew! Just waiting for the pop now! I've cancelled the last scan and will need the progesterone blood test next week.

I told my manager that I was given some medication on Friday, I had to go in on Monday to check it was working and then when I thought I had to go in again today I said that the medication wasn't working properly so I needed another check up and a possible injection. None of that was lies! She is aware that its a gynaecological issue but doesn't want to know details! I suppose you wouldn't really would you?! Unless you were aware it was fertility stuff it could be any number of gross infections or something! Now today I've told her that the check up today has been postponed to next week. She has been great and said I don't need to ask for permission next time, just to let her know, so she knows where I am. Its one less thing to worry about. If I tell her its fertility issues she might be forced to make me take annual leave as I'm not actually 'ill.'
Oh that's a clever way of phrasing it - I might steal that!

And YAY for the smiley!

I think it just popped! Hooray! Do you think we should do it again tonight?! Very tired with all the BDing but I could manage one more if its worth it!
I would personally just to be on the safe side and to know you've done everything possible! Fx!
I don't think announcing a bfp on here is seen as rubbing people's faces in it! One of the 6 bfps on this thread is mine! If it was someone who had been trying a month and got a bfp then yeah but not someone who has struggled to conceive!
Yay for the ovulation Blueflower...go at it like rabbits!
My period has finally started after getting the injection last week, starting 100mg of clomid tomorrow fingers crossed this dosage has an effect xx
Good luck Marcel, it took me 150mg to get going but usually 100mg does it for most people.
Hey guys, AF turned up so no bfp for the first month of trying with clomid. Already looking forward to trying again! Fingers crossed for next month!! Good luck everyone!
Sorry the first round didn't work out starry eyes but fx for the next one x
Had my progesterone test yesterday and the result was 52! So much better than the result of 29.6 I had last year! So the clomid is definitely working! I did some internet research and 52 is apparently high enough to sustain a pregnancy if I was pregnant. The clinic told me to do a pregnancy test next Wednesday! It would be so amazing if it was positive but I'm quite wary and not expecting it!

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