My personal opinion (and everyone's different) is that it is great to see fellow ltttc'ers get a bfp and it's really motivating to see it can be done. So I would love to hear that ladies on clomid have got their bfp and I don't often go on the bfp board as it does upset me a bit to see people who have only been trying a month or whatever (which is silly as it is clearly great to get a bfp no matter how long you've been trying).
So I would say come share good news when you get it but I know others may feel differently x
I had a darker line twice today but it wasn't dark enough for a smilie face! Very frustrating, I thought clomid would boost ovulation, not delay it! I've had to take time off work twice so far in 4 days and if I don't get the surge today I have to go AGAIN tomorrow for an injection to make me ovulate! Gulp! The follicle measured 19mm on Friday, and 24mm on Monday, it looked huge on the screen! Surely it will pop soon?