The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

After 2 & half yrs of ttc & 2 failed attempts at clomid, my positive thinking is very much waning.

Why am I on clomid: Diagnosed with PCOS (Nurse originally told me I definitely didn't show any cysts on external scan. Told her my symptoms & said I wanted internal scan to prove either way. She then saw cysts loud & clear...just shows you have to push to get the right diagnosis).

How much am I on: 50mg for 3 months (due to start 3rd time soon).

When do you take it: Day 2-6.

Any side effects: Awful headache on 1st day of 1st round, otherwise hot flushes at night & insomnia.

Did it help OV: felt ovulation in 1st month but not 2nd.

If you had long cycles, did it help to reduce them: Yes to 32 days (previously ranged from 19-100+ day cycle). Spotted for 8 days before my 2nd true cycle started.

My age is going against me, currently 36. Plus my husband's got slow mobility (lol) but that may have been due to getting his little men to the hospital after the "golden" hour. Hopefully the results of his new test will be more positive but this will be given to us in our consultation after our 3rd attempt. If we still have no +'ve news on either of our issues, I think we'll investigate IVF, & maybe increasing to 100mg whilst waiting for our appointment.

Does anyone know how many attempts at IVF you can get on the NHS?

Wishing everyone luck in their baby quest xxx
Hiya Beach Delight,

The IVF attempts can vary from 0 to 3 on the NHS I think, depending on which NHS trust you live within. I am entitled to 0 as I have a child already, but in this area I think you get one fresh and two frozen.

Don't lose hope with the Clomid, Nicky got her BFP on her third round and she just had a baby girl a few months ago.

I have PCOS but Clomid does make me ovulate successfully (though I have to be on 150mg for that to happen!) but hubby now has issues too. His numbers are very low and he also has poor motility, hence we did ICSI (unsuccessful). so whilst the Clomid works, it may be a bit pointless. I find it very frustrating not knowing whether hubby had issues when we conceived our son as we were only trying two months and now it has been over two years this time :( We have given it our absolute all this month and have DTD on days 7,8,9,10, 12 (twice!), 13 and 14. CD15 today so we will probably go again and maybe even tomorrow and Friday too! Last month was the first 28 day cycle I have had in years so the combination of Clomid and Metformin together seems to be working (I did not take Metformin last year when I was on Clomid). We are also using Balance Activ fertility gel this cycle just for extra help for hubby's swimmers. Not cheap but I need to feel like I am doing everything in my power before we think about saving for ICSI again.

I also get night sweats with Clomid but not too much else luckily, despite being on such a high dose! Two nurses at the IVF clinic and two consultants gave me the raised eyebrows look when I told them how much Clomid I had been on! But I had the 21 day blood tests on 100mg and it showed it did not work for me then.

Anyway, keep your chin up and be positive. I keep telling myself it only takes one little sperm!

Hi jacq23,

Thanks for your reply.

Not heard of the Balance Activ fertility gel but will look into it. I'm willing to try anything in the hope we'll get some positive news, especially as my brother's just announced he's expecting his 2nd baby (we coincidentally started trying at the same time).

In getting to the stage of taking 150mg, did you try 3 months at 50mg then 3 months at 100mg?

I need to learn to just role with the process & it's up/downs, rather than focussing on it having to have a positive outcome each month & being let down when I get a negative result. I guess this doesn't help in the long run. After 30 months of negative tests, it's hard not to feel deflated when it comes out negative again.

As you say, it only takes little sperm.

Hope you get a positive result soon xxx
Thanks Beach Delight.

No, I didn't start on 50mg, I was put on 100mg, not sure why but I guess it would have been an even longer road had they started me on 50mg.

We are using Balance Activ as I couldn't find 'Pre-seed' which is another thing very similar. Either would be fine, not sure of how much extra 'help' it gives but I am willing to try anything.

I totally understand about the feeling deflated at the end of another unsuccessful cycle, especially when you are on Clomid. I thought when I started on it that it would be the magic drug to fix everything, but sadly not. At the end of the day it can only make you ovulate so the egg is more likely to be there, but then you have to catch it at the right time (I don't use ovulation tests as I have had false positives which has put me off) and hubby's swimmers also have to find it. If we are not successful after all the damn effort we are putting in then I think I will just have to resign myself to the fact that it is ICSI or just give up trying altogether.

Sorry - you don;'t want to hear my negativity! it's just I totally understand where you are coming from, having been on the Clomid 'coaster for so long, hoping each month this will be it.

Fingers crossed for us both eh? Sounds like we both deserve A for effort!

Hiya :) you ladies might be able to help me. I'm on my second cycle on clomid and I am 8dpo. I've had cramps for 2 days now and creamy cm since about 4dpo, today cm has gone watery. I don't normally have any cm so I'm wondering if its the clomid or wether its a good sign. Cramps are not bad just a dull ache and a bit heavy xx
Thanks :) gonna try hold out testing and try my best not to get my hopes up! :) xx
Not long to wait, Charlie, if you are 9DPO today :) i don't even think about testing really anymore, as I never really know how long my cycle is going to be and, after so many hopeful ones, I just assume we have not been successful. I think I will know if I am though as I would expect the same symptoms as with my son (I was 4 days late and didn't even think I was pg, but my boobs were really sore and I was very tired). However having said that, working full-time and having a 4 year old, I am tired all the time anyway!!

I always come on 14 days after ov so I know when af is due because I do opks and I actually felt myself ov this month! Sonoma due on Wednesday :)

I just don't know what's going on with my body this month! It's playing games with my head! Just wish i was 13dpo and I'd test haha xx
Hi ladies sorry to gatecrash, I just wanted to say how helpful this thread is with all the information on clomid. I have a gynae appt at the end of the month for my PCOS and ridiculously long cycles without ovulating much and it's so useful to know why other people have been prescribed it.

Thank you and lots of baby dust to you all xxxx
Hi Marcel,

Welcome to the thread! You are not gate-crashing at all, the more the merrier as it tends to get a bit quiet round here! It sounds like Clomid may be the first step for you, and as you will see from the thread title it has has some success for us ladies. If you need any help or info, we'll do our best.

Jacq xx
Thanks jacq I hope my gynae does prescribe it, I initially thought you only got clomid if you didn't ovulate at all but now I realise its for lengthy cycles too. I have only ovulated twice in the 10 months we've been ttc xx
I was ovulating on my own but I have mild pco. I had irregular cycles, they used to be between 35-40 days and sometimes I would miss one completely. My first clomid cycle was 29 days and my second was a perfect 28 day cycle! I'm on the lowest dosage but bloods are coming back that it's working fine. I started my 3rd cycle today so fingers crossed!

I can't have my dosage upped as I have got unicornuate uterus (half a womb) so I'm glad it's working at this level!

Hi Charlie, silly question but I'm just curious does having half a womb affect your cycle length at all or was that the mild pcos?x
Hi Ladies, im after some advice on clomid if anyone can spare a few minutes xxx
I'm a bit worried writing this as im scared i'll get shouted at ha!

As some of you know, me and dh have been trying for way over 18 months now, got a bfp in October but miscarried.

They found a polyp on my cervix which was removed, got told I possibly have pcos, have had bloods done for day 21 and day 3, having the same done again this month, hubby handed in his sa sample in this month also. Got told I didn't ovulate last month.

Anyways last week through bawling my eyes out to the doctor I asked if I could be put on clomid, the doctor said that 18months is not that long trying and that I might eventually be allowed clomid, gggrrrrrr!!!

a close friend of mine, got given clomid by her doctor but fell regnant before taking it, she told me she kept it so she can give it to someone who has been struggling, well as you've probably guessed im the struggling person!! she has offered me her clomid, I've read up so much about it but im in two minds, would you ladies take it if you got offered it??? obviously I know it's her prescribed drug and all that is dangerous, but i'm at the stage where i'll do anything! xxx
I was given one last round on clomid (luckily fell pg before that round) and told that after that round I wasn't entitled to anything else on the NHS so I should start saving for ivf! One of my sisters friends had been given clomid and fell pg before having to start it. She offered hers to me if i needed it - yes I would of taken it but I was already on clomid. I would say is you really are set on taking it then make sure you do your research first. Also when you have your booing appointment with the midwife you have to tell her if you had any treatment as it can alter the course of your pregnancy.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do x
Thank u hun. I've read so much up on it. just feel like the doctor is not helping me at all!! I am really tempted just to take it! when did you take yours? and what was the dosage? xx

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