The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Don't feel like that. I have no doubt that you will get there in the end. And it'll mean so much more. Jas is my little angel and I'm so protective of her because of what I had to go through to get her. The same will happen for you soon x
Thanks girls, just feel like such a pleb. :cry: x


Sorry to hear the witch arrived MissJ. Dont feel like a pleb, there is nothing wrong with being hopeful! If we were not hopeful each cycle we would all have given up a long time ago! :hug: hope your ok xx
aww no missj so sorry the witch got you! like nicky said you will get your baby s/hes just being made that little bit extra special and these babies take a long time in the making but are wort every tear and every bit of heartache!! big hugs missj x
Thanks girls. Dh is being amazing as usual, so supportive and he is really looking after me. :love: going to spend the day in my dressing gown!! X

awe sweety im soooo sorry to hear this :( im still keeping everything crossed for you and sending you lots of welshy cwtches xxx
Ok you guys so we are back on clomid after taking a 2 month break. This time my doctor gave metformin 1,000mg a day along with 100mg clomid! She also made my hubby go get a semen analysis which we should have the results tomorrow! Im on CD 4 and on 2nd day of clomid! Lets see how this goes. Im really scared...I kinda want the problem to be my hubby cause if everything comes back ok with him then I have to go get a HSG done which is $700 and then if something is blocking my tubes it will be another $1200 to unblock it and then back to trying. If its him we will jump right to an IUI and I kinda want to start that process!
Everything crossed for you that the met and clomid combo do the trick! :)

Hopefully you won't need those tests, fx fx fx! x
Ov pains today, well I think it is! Never noticed these before! On my good side too so hoping its the clomid giving me a good boost! Opk not quite +Ve but very close! How soon after ov pain should I expect a +Ve opk? Xx
Not sure hun I usually got my ov pains at the same time as a pos opk or ov pains just after pos opk. Keep testing! :-) x

Thanks Miss j :) I'm in work now. Going to test when I get in. Last opk I done was this one ImageUploadedByTapatalk 21367342785.987417.jpg

Doesn't look too far off xx
Ok so we got some what of the results from the semen analysis..the nurse could only tell us so much. On Monday I have to go speak to the doctor for a more detailed explanation. From what I got my husband is pretty much infertile and if one does make it we will miscarry...that explains the 2 miscarriages I have had! This is about the worst news ever! I dont even know what to think right now! I just want to scream!!! We decided not to try anything else...he says he wants to wait for a few years and maybe try adopting. so Im out!
Oh jojo I'm so sorry. :hugs: you just never know though hun, I would wait til seeing the dr though as nurses can only give so much info, the dr will be able to explain better and talk about what course of action you can take. X

Update on me: completed my last tests today with dh and we have phoned my consultant! Which means we are now just waiting for the referral letter for IUI! Eeeeeee!! X

Great news MissJuly, finally getting the ball really rolling! :)

Update on me: completed my last tests today with dh and we have phoned my consultant! Which means we are now just waiting for the referral letter for IUI! Eeeeeee!! X


Great news :) wishing u lots of luck xx
Well after 2 days of positive opks I got a negative today! am officially in my first clomid 2ww. 1dpo today! Xx
Anyone get really bad headaches and act like a psycho after ov? I had a really bad day yesterday :( and the worst headache I've ever had that started Saturday evening! :( I was also an emotional mess all day and wanted to kill oh!! Haha feeling much better today tho! Xx
Hi everyone, can I come back?! After 7 rounds of Clomid and a failed self-funded ICSI cycle, I am back on Clomid. I asked my doc to let me try Metformin and to go back on Clomid so I at least feel like we have some chance. I'm on 1000mg Metformin a day and 150mg Clomid. CD18 today and not much to report.

Btw cycles after ICSI have been 11 weeks then 8 weeks so hopefully this combo will shorten them.
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Oh as if you are back here Hun :-( how are you feeling about everything? X

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