The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I'm ok, kind of. Just so disappointed with the ICSI as it couldn't have gone better with 19 eggs collected and loads of fertilized ones, but then it failed at the last hurdle with implantation. I don't know if I can face chucking away that much money again, but with my best friend and sister pregnant and another good friend had a baby last week, I need to feel like I'm doing something. Two years TTC on Monday :/

Congrats on your beautiful little girl x
Thanks Hun.

Do you know what it was that went wrong at implantation? How are you finding the metformin? I don't really know much about it x
Implantation is the only part left to nature so frustratingly nothing you can do at that stage. That's why I am not sure about doing it again - there is no altering of medications or anything which would help. Though some clinics now use 'embryo glue' to stick the embryos in when they transfer them. Sadly those clinics are miles from me :/
Cd1 after first clomid cycle and omg the period pains are horrendous!! Did anyone else get severe cramps? I cant even move and I have work in just over an hour :( xx
My worst period on clomid was the one where I got my bfp! Bleeding was sooo heavy and I felt I'll with the pain! It was also my first ever 28 day cycle!

Fingers crossed for you x
My worst period on clomid was the one where I got my bfp! Bleeding was sooo heavy and I felt I'll with the pain! It was also my first ever 28 day cycle!

Fingers crossed for you x

All this pain would be worth a BFP! This will be my second clomid cycle. My cycle has already shortened to 30 days so maybe this one will be 28 days and get my BFP too :) thanks for ur reply xx
My first cycle was 60 days, second 48 and 3rd bfp with first ever positive ov tests!!

good luck hun!
Sounds like clomid worked perfectly for u!! I really hope it works for me!! What mg were u on? I'm only on 50mg xx
I was on 50.they told me after my failed second cycle to start saving for ivf (not entitled to any free gos here) because they didn't think the clomid would work for me - 23 days later I fell pregnant! that showed them!!
That's fab!! I found out today 50 is working for me fine so I'm praying for a 28 day cycle this time and a BFP at the end!! :)

I unfortunately only have half a womb but 2 ovaries but I think my dominant ovary is the one not connected (lucky me) hoping the clomid will boost my other one a bit! :) I'm feeling so positive this month, even more so after speaking to u! I am being referred for Ivf in July so hoping for a BFP before then! Xx
Just a quick update - AF came today so I just had a textbook 28 day cycle!! Shortest cycle in years. OMG looks like the Clomid and Metformin combo is finally working. So, it's bunny time this cycle, I'll be pulling out all the stops and even tempted to be really naughty and use the Gonal F jab I have left over from IVF!
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It's so quiet on here these days. How is everyone doing? CD11 for me and we have DTD CD7,8,9 and 10. We started using Balance Activ gel (like preseed I think but couldn't find that) last night and will continue with it the next four nights. So tired but I think that is one of the Clomid side effects for me, though it doesn't help with DTD!
It's so quiet on here these days. How is everyone doing? CD11 for me and we have DTD CD7,8,9 and 10. We started using Balance Activ gel (like preseed I think but couldn't find that) last night and will continue with it the next four nights. So tired but I think that is one of the Clomid side effects for me, though it doesn't help with DTD!

Hiya! I'm currently 3dpo on my second clomid cycle. Struggled last month with side effects but I've been ok this time round. Just feeling a bit emotional today but I've worked 14 hour days all week and worked again this morning so think it could be tiredness! Managed to dtd cd8, 10, 13, 15(day of ov) and 16(1dpo). Cycles are getting shorted which is great :) feeling a little bit too relaxed this month! I was ttc obsessed last month xx
All that DTD sounds good and well-timed! Really hope you've caught that little eggy. A relaxed approach is better. We are having a 'going mad at it' month...just feel the need to do that once in awhile! We hit the two year TTC mark a couple weeks ago so really feel like we need to up our efforts a bit :/ I also really want to give it everything as my last cycle was 28 days - my shortest ever even though this is round 9 of Clomid for me! I think the combination with Metformin is really helping. When are you testing?
Just over 2 years ttc for us too :(

I'm saying I'm going to test on the 12th which will be day af is due but I know I'll end up testing before!! Haha!

Gonna try dtd tonight but me and oh are absolutely shattered :( xx
My hubby has just texted to ask if he should do overtime tonight til 1:30am! Can't really refuse the money and I guess one night off won't hurt :/
Yeah it will be fine, don't worry about it. We wanted to dtd every other day this month but we missed a couple of days but it felt nice to not stress about it too much. Last month I was too stressed and obsessed but I think it was because it was my first month on clomid. Now I'm just thinking what will be will be xxx
How many months of Clomid do you have? I did 7 before IVF and just managed to get another 6 out of my doc :)
I have enough for 1 more month. I am being referred for ivf next month and he said he will continue me on clomid until the ivf. Hoping it doesn't get too that. I'm only on 50mg but bloods have shown it is working fine.

How many cycles of ivf did u get? Xx
Ours was self-funded as we already have a son who is four. We are thinking about saving for another try but it is so much money as we have to have ICSI due to hubby's issues :(

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